Sunday, October 21, 2012 - entry My Comment On Obama Romney Presidential Election

ABratt's Comment: - entry My Comment On Obama Romney Presidential Election - Mississippi says no thanks to Medicaid expansion dollars - Mississippi says no thanks to Medicaid expansion dollars

Mississippi's Right-wing Christian Fundie Gov. Phil Bryant Says No To Medicaid Expansion despite the fact that he cuts his own nose off to spite his face and in turn does  basically the same thing to his fellow-Mississippians. --AB - Nunnelee outraises outspends Morris in 1st District race

Very sad that Mississippians vote against their own best interests for a Republican (Allan Nonelee) who does not have a clue as to how to bring Mississippi up from its status as being among the poorest of states. The federal government gives Mississippi back $2 for every $1 it pays in.. The state has a high rate of people without health insurance, but Nonelee wants to repeal Obama Care. Morris has said he supports Obama Care. On that issue alone Mississippians should vote "Morris" 2012 to work toward making the state progressive and self-supporting. --AB - Nunnelee outraises outspends Morris in 1st District race

Todd Akin Likens Claire McCaskill To 'One Of Those Dogs,' Fetching Taxes, Bureaucracy (AUDIO)

T. Akin representing the American Taliban!

Todd Akin Likens Claire McCaskill To 'One Of Those Dogs,' Fetching Taxes, Bureaucracy (AUDIO)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Man accused of luring Southaven mayor from wife

Man accused of luring Southaven mayor from wife:

The former wife of Southaven Mayor Greg Davis is seeking $1 million in an alienation of affection lawsuit against a 26-year-old Starkville, Miss., man.

Mayor Davis was a Repubican candidate for Representative of Mississippi's northern district in 2009-2010. He came out as  Gay about 2 yrs ago and has a number of personal problems plague ever since. His story is further proof that homosexual men have a very strong attraction to each other. And, I believe they are born Gay, not straight like the Radical Christian-righters claim. -- AB   

Spotlighting The Dark Side Of Tupelo MS: AFA's Bryan Fischer

What Would Fischer Do For A Living If He Did Not Have Gays and Muslims to Lie About?--AB

Fischer: CNN is 'What the Gay Gestapo Looks Like in Action' | Right Wing Watch

John Kerry: Darrell Issa's Release Of Raw Libya Cables 'Irresponsible And Inexcusable'

From all I have read and heard, Rep. Issa belongs in the Slammer, not Congress!! --AB

John Kerry: Darrell Issa's Release Of Raw Libya Cables 'Irresponsible And Inexcusable'