Louie Giglio's Obama Inauguration Withdrawal Slammed By Bryan Fischer
Friday, January 11, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Buster Wilson: 'There is Nobody Out There that is Any More Hateful' than 'Big Gay' Bloggers | Right Wing Watch
Buster Wilson: 'There is Nobody Out There that is Any More Hateful' than 'Big Gay' Bloggers | Right Wing Watch
Wrong Again, Buster. It's most likeky that the modern word, "Hate," was coined from the activities of "Big Homophobia", the American Taliban Right-Wing Activists from the AFA's "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS, an otherwise All American Mississippi City.--AB
Wrong Again, Buster. It's most likeky that the modern word, "Hate," was coined from the activities of "Big Homophobia", the American Taliban Right-Wing Activists from the AFA's "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS, an otherwise All American Mississippi City.--AB
Republican Party Path Back From 2012 Election Requires Shift In Culture, Not Just Tactics
As long as the GOPERS continue to cater to the demands of the religious right-wing crowd, they will continue on a downward spiral. And, that will be very difficult to reverse based on how they are structured at this time in history."--ABratt
Republican Party Path Back From 2012 Election Requires Shift In Culture, Not Just Tactics
Republican Party Path Back From 2012 Election Requires Shift In Culture, Not Just Tactics
Bryan Fischer Defends Scott Lively, Supporter Of 'Kill The Gays' Bill
ABratt's Perspectives: Spotlighting The "Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS.
ABratt's Comment to about this post:
"Yes, the AFA and Wildmon clan should also be in the WEIRD NEWS. Homophobic Weirdos representing the 'Dark Side' of Tupelo, MS, an otherwise All American City."
Read the complete article/comments here...
Bryan Fischer Defends Scott Lively, Supporter Of 'Kill The Gays' Bill (VIDEO)
ABratt's Comment to about this post:
"Yes, the AFA and Wildmon clan should also be in the WEIRD NEWS. Homophobic Weirdos representing the 'Dark Side' of Tupelo, MS, an otherwise All American City."
Read the complete article/comments here...
Bryan Fischer Defends Scott Lively, Supporter Of 'Kill The Gays' Bill (VIDEO)
Saturday, January 5, 2013
American Family Association Warns Christians Of Bigotry, Family Unit Ruin, A Muslim Preasident
Introduction to Main Article:
There are two subjects that Rev. Wildmon included in his warning message to his Wildmonites, his Followers, his Members, that really caught my undivided attention: "Bigotry" and "Muslim President".(see Main Article below)
"Bigotry" is a word that Wildmon knows all too well. It is a word that has come to define his own life-style, his life's-work, his own mind-set, his life's-resume'. And, it's all documented for those who seek to know about the man and his organization, AFA, "American Family Association." Don's Bigotry is manifest in his array of anti-prefixed groups of people across the entire globe: anti-black (President Obama, for example), has been on the Wildmon's well-documented hate-list since the day he announced his first-black, first-term presidential campaign. And, in addition, there is Tim's and Don's and their AFA associates connection with the racist, white-supremacists Council Of Conservative Citizens. Google the subject and see what you can find out about the Wildmon Boys' Agenda and the tax-subsidized AFA they founded to insure that agenda was well established and functioning for eternity if that possibility was in the future.
Then, there is the most prominent 'anti' the anti-GLBT agenda. This is their greatest 'anti' category. It has, no doubt, been a lucrative campaign through the years. Wildmon's AFA gave $500,000 to help in the anti-gay fight known as Proposition 8 in California. Apparently, Donations from their AFA backers knows no bounds. And, then, there is the tax-exempt advantage to religious groups like the AFA who claim to be performing "God's Will, God's Work." Which, in my opinion, is HUMBUG at its finest!-- AB
"American Family Association Warns Christians Of Bigotry, Family Unit Ruin, a Muslim President."
By Cavan Sieczkowski, HP, 1-3-2013, Re-posted By ABratt's Perspectives Blog 1-06-2013.
“What will religion look like in the year 2060?," according to Think Progress. The message was written by Donald Wildmon, the founder and chairman of the AFA.
ABratt's Perspectives: Spotlighting AFA's Don Wildmon, Founder Of The "Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS, An Otherwise "All American City".
There are two subjects that Rev. Wildmon included in his warning message to his Wildmonites, his Followers, his Members, that really caught my undivided attention: "Bigotry" and "Muslim President".(see Main Article below)
"Bigotry" is a word that Wildmon knows all too well. It is a word that has come to define his own life-style, his life's-work, his own mind-set, his life's-resume'. And, it's all documented for those who seek to know about the man and his organization, AFA, "American Family Association." Don's Bigotry is manifest in his array of anti-prefixed groups of people across the entire globe: anti-black (President Obama, for example), has been on the Wildmon's well-documented hate-list since the day he announced his first-black, first-term presidential campaign. And, in addition, there is Tim's and Don's and their AFA associates connection with the racist, white-supremacists Council Of Conservative Citizens. Google the subject and see what you can find out about the Wildmon Boys' Agenda and the tax-subsidized AFA they founded to insure that agenda was well established and functioning for eternity if that possibility was in the future.
Then, there is the most prominent 'anti' the anti-GLBT agenda. This is their greatest 'anti' category. It has, no doubt, been a lucrative campaign through the years. Wildmon's AFA gave $500,000 to help in the anti-gay fight known as Proposition 8 in California. Apparently, Donations from their AFA backers knows no bounds. And, then, there is the tax-exempt advantage to religious groups like the AFA who claim to be performing "God's Will, God's Work." Which, in my opinion, is HUMBUG at its finest!-- AB
Main Article:
"American Family Association Warns Christians Of Bigotry, Family Unit Ruin, a Muslim President."
By Cavan Sieczkowski, HP, 1-3-2013, Re-posted By ABratt's Perspectives Blog 1-06-2013.
“What will religion look like in the year 2060?," according to Think Progress. The message was written by Donald Wildmon, the founder and chairman of the AFA.
ABratt wants to share his favorite Web Comment on Rev. Don Wildmon's E-mail Message:
"Just more hysteria and playing"the persecution card". The
minute someone puts the brakes on their ability to
discriminate, no matter how lightly those brakes are applied,
the Religious Reichers start whining "persecution". They are
afraid of a world, or at least a United States, in which they
no longer rule the roost and can no longer walk all over those
they have been historically been able to. I would welcome an
America in which their influence is greatly diminished. They'll
still be able to go to church, read their bible, pray, and do
everything they do now, except trying to deny others the rights
they so jealously guard for themselves. Jerks like Wildmon are
scared to death at the thought that someone might turn around
and treat them as they have treated others-LGBT, women, black,
latinos, Native Americans, Muslims, etc. It would serve them
right if they did, but I hae more faith in America than they
do. However white dominance is coming to an end in the US and
people like the AFA will just have to learn to live with it."
Ioan Lightoller Commented 1 day ago
Friday, January 4, 2013
Right-wing group warns: Christians ‘will be treated as second-class citizens’ | The Raw Story
Right-wing group warns: Christians ‘will be treated as second-class citizens’ | The Raw Story
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Thanks Rheta G. Johnson For Spotlighting The Pseudo-Religious-Right
Thanks Rheta G. Johnson For Spotlighting The Pseudo-Religious-Right:
"Perhaps those who pretend to get their answers directly from a loving god should be praying for guidance, gun control and their own sick souls." Rheta G. Johnson These pseudo-Christi...
"Perhaps those who pretend to get their answers directly from a loving god should be praying for guidance, gun control and their own sick souls." Rheta G. Johnson These pseudo-Christi...
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