Lawrence Krauss, Physicist, Claims Teaching Creationism Is Child Abuse And 'Like The Taliban' (VIDEO)
"...then it is like the Taliban at some level, which is an extreme form of child abuse,' Krauss said. 'The Taliban doesn’t want girls to be educated or people to be educated because if they do they’ll understand the myths that they are learning are crap.”'--Krauss
Question to commentor:
You say science is just a theory. Believing that, how do you plan to convince the world that Creationism is science when right straight off the bat in the first five pages of the Creation Story in Genesis there are two separate and distinct versions of it?
Do you think that people will want to fly in an a jet airliner crisscrossing the skies at high altitudes and jet-age speeds built on Creationist Science from the two versions of Creation handed down to man by a mythical, personal God?--ABratt