Sunday, May 25, 2014

Mormons declare war on masturbation in creepy new video

"A recently released video by Brigham Young University–Idaho compares masturbators to wounded soldiers, and encourages students to identify to religious officials friends they think are masturbating."

Read more from the link below:

Mormons declare war on masturbation in creepy new video

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

GOP Senators Urge Harry Reid To Bring Up Abortion Bill

GOP Senators Urge Harry Reid To Bring Up Abortion Bill

"Apparently, these GOP leaders are slow to learn their lesson. The vast majority of Americans support the reproductive rights and legal abortion. Voters in this country are looking for leaders who expand freedom, opportunity, and respect personal decision making for all Americans, not restrict them. This ban on abortions is not only blatantly unconstitutional, but it has been beaten when put to the test at the ballot box. That's because once people learn that these procedures are exceedingly rare and represent the most complicated cases of severe anomalies and threats to health and life of the pregnant woman, the vast majority agree these decisions are not well suited for blanket legislation and meddling from politicians who cannot know the details of each case."
Read the complete article here>

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

GOP Candidate Says Christians Must Pull Their Kids Out Of 'Godless' Public Schools

"A South Carolina candidate for lieutenant governor thinks Christian parents should pull their children out of the 'godless' and 'pagan' public school system." [I dare say that Christianity could not have ever existed had it not been for the Christianity founders borrowing rather heavily from "Paganism." Christianity is black-marked with hypocrisy from its very inception and continues to wear that crown today.-- ABratt]  

Addressing a crowd at an April 12 rally in Charleston, Republican E. Ray Moore said Christians currently face a culture war caused by the non-religious teachings of public schools.

Mississippi Anti-Abortion Law Has Nothing To Do With Women’s Health

"On April 28th, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will hear a case that could determine the future of legal abortion in Mississippi. At issue is a bill that requires doctors at Jackson Women's Health Organization (JWHO), the state's sole abortion clinic, to have admitting privileges at an area hospital."

My favorite comments: 

(1) "First, let's be honest here. Mississippi will NEVER EVER be an abortion-free state That is a totally phony premise. It may be free of safe and legal abortion, but it surely won't be abortion-free [...]

Second, I think back to the 1980s when Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and the rest of the monied faux religious men were in our faces about this and other issues. My mother, brilliant woman that she is, told me in one sentence all you need to know about the anti-abortion cause. No matter the words coming from their mouths, what they are saying is, "You're a bad bad bad girl!!" That's it. Simple as that. You're a bad girl for having sex. You're a bad girl for thinking it's not the best time/place for you to be a mother, etc, etc. Bottom line is, you're just bad. You're a girl. That's bad."

"Women don't happily trot on down to the abortion clinic on a whim. It's a devastating decision. It's miserable. Then, we somehow have accepted the shaming factor where we keep it a secret. No one can know how bad we were. No one can know how we wrestled with this decision and did what we thought best for the future child and its mother. Once again, we're just bad bad bad girls."

"One only need look at who sponsors these laws to see the true agenda. There are always radical christian fundamentalists [aka, In Mississippi, they go by the Name: "American Family Association" ]      who have a certain view about the role of women. They can't [according to the way Congress is presently structured] go for the big prize, which would be to completely outlaw all abortion, so they nibble around the edges." 

Read more>