Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2014

Jason Collins, Boston Marathon Bombing Survivors Among State Of The Union Guests

"In America, whomever is not inspirational to thee is,in fact, very inspirational to me!"--ABratt
Due to the potentially sensitive nature of this article, your comment may take longer to appear publicly.  [What could be wrong with my comment Mr. Huffington Post? Are you trying to deny me my free speech rights?] ABratt

Jason Collins, Boston Marathon Bombing Survivors Among State Of The Union Guests

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Irony Alert: The AFA Is The Epitome Of The 'Ugliness Of Christian Activism' | Right Wing Watch

Furthermore, the AFA has succeeded in obliterating the once outstanding reputation of a once- upon- a-time All American City: Tupelo, MS, my hometown. The organization was finally listed as a Hate Group by the SPLC, and still holds that title today.--ABratt

Read more here...
Irony Alert: The AFA Is The Epitome Of The 'Ugliness Of Christian Activism'

Irony Alert: The AFA Is The Epitome Of The 'Ugliness Of Christian Activism'

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Why Obama Can’t Pay a Debt-Ceiling Ransom -- Daily Intelligencer

Will O stand by his word is yet to be determined.
Making a point melodramatically on Sunday, President Obama said, "We will not negotiate over whether or not America should keep its word and meet its obligations."
In reality, Congress and administrations have for decades—under both Republican and Democratic presidents—negotiated over or included spending and budget reforms as a part of debt-ceiling increases.
Read more:
Why Obama Can’t Pay a Debt-Ceiling Ransom -- Daily Intelligencer

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Republican Civil War in the Old Dominion?

A Republican Civil War in the Old Dominion?: Virginia is ground zero in the Republican correction process. Virginia voted Republican in every presidential election from 1968 to 2004. It has now gone twice for Barack Obama.

Any Christian-Right presence in the State of Virginia governance is a bad-news-bear! Period!!--ABratt

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Republican Gov [Phil Bryant] Calls for Unconstitutional Remedy to Obama's Executive Orders

Republican Gov Calls for Unconstitutional Remedy to Obama's Executive Orders

"In a letter dated Jan 16 to his Lt. Governor and State Speaker, the Republican governor [Phil Bryant] requests that they 'immediately pass legislation that would make any 'unconstitutional' order 'infringing on our rights to keep and bear arms' by the President illegal to enforce in Mississippi..."

Read the complete post here...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

ABratt's Perspectives: Don Wildmon [Founder Of The "Dark Side" Of Tupelo MS] Says America Chose 'Chaos' By Re-Electing Obama

The Wildmons, Don & Tim , Their AFA And Their American Taliban Associates  Set Out To Wreck Obama's First Presidential Term From Day One-- They're Still At It, Even In The Wake of Obama's Re-Election To A Second Term. More than anything else, the Wildmon's have spent their whole life driven by obsessions  with Racism, Homo- Phobia, Liberal -Phobia, Islam -Phobia and much more that is connected with the concept of "human rights."

Is it any wonder why Wildmon/AFA find themselves on the SPLC's list of hate groups, or that they   are also known as the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS? -- AB 


RWW Story by Brian Tashman, 11-13-12, Re-posted by ABratt, 11-13-12

"Last week, American Family Association founder Don Wildmon appeared on AFA Today with Buster Wilson, where the conservative leader was mourning the re-election of President Obama. He said that the election represented the beginning of the end for Western civilization and that the U.S. will 'end up in chaos' as 'ultimately we’re going to change the Constitution or do away with it.'”

Read the complete article from Right Wing Watch from the link below

Saturday, November 10, 2012

ABratt Perspective: Obama Wins Overwhelming Re-election Despite Wildmon AFA Predictions

ABratt Perspective:ObamaWins Overwhelming Reelection Despite WildmonAFA Predictions

Part One: “Tim Wildmon: History Doesn’t Favor Obama”

Wildmon Part One: “If history is any indicator, Mitt Romney will defeat Barack Obama on Nov. 6. The American people will give a president four years to “get the job done” and if that president is not able to do that – whatever excuses they may give for not accomplishing what they promised when they were elected – they vote to give the next guy a shot. See Jimmy Carter and...”
Click the link below for complete article...


Part Two: “Tim Wildmon: How Can Obama Win?”

Wildmon Part Two: “I was discussing with an informed friend the other day the daily polling we hear about regarding the presidential race between President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney that have shown Obama trending ahead in some of the key battleground states like Virginia, [Romney won] Ohio and even Florida.[Obama won] He said the polls are not worth very much until about two weeks out from the election which is Nov. 6. His point was that the polling services are very competitive and do not want egg on their face election night if, in fact, their numbers turn out to be wrong. So take that into consideration when you hear poll numbers you don't necessarily believe to be true. They may be accurate, but we will not know for certain until late in the evening of Nov. 6.” [And now we know,Timmothy.]

“This brings me to another observation. I find it remarkable that President Obama is in the lead in any poll...”
Read complete article below

“Florida Gov.Rick Scott On Decision Not To Extend Early Voting Hours”[Republican Plot To Suppress Voting Foiled]

AFA President Tim Wildmon must have been shocked that Obama won Florida, a state that Repubs had geared-up for a Romney win.-- AB.

“Former Gov. Charlie Crist, a Republican-turned-independent, accused Scott of ‘voter suppression’ for refusing to extend early voting hours, and said Scott should have extended hours like he did in 2008 when he was governor.”

Read complete article below...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mike Huckabee Warns Christians: Obama Vote Will Crumple In Hell's Fire (VIDEO)

Mike Huckabee Warns Christians: Obama Vote Will Crumple In Hell's Fire (VIDEO)

In my estimation, the Mormon Cult Leader Mitt Romney & His Christian Fundie Partner Mike Huckabee are more likely to slide down to Hell than Obama or any of his supporters. Hell's full of Huckabees and Romneys at this moment! --AB   

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ira Chernus: The Curious Case of How Libya Became an Election Issue

Ira Chernus: The Curious Case of How Libya Became an Election Issue

A full investigation of the incident is in progress. Who knows who may be implicated in the final analysis? Bush and Rumsfeld and Cheney all claimed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction ready to fire and conquer the world but it was all a big RETHUGLICAN LIE. Benghazi may well be just another string of RETHUGLICAN Malarkey aimed at discrediting our president. OBAMA 2012!!