Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Friday, April 11, 2014

Democrats Relish The Chance To Attack Republicans Over Austere Budget

"Austerity Will Never Lead To Prosperity"--Chi Man Sam April, 11, 2014.
WASHINGTON, April 10 (Reuters) - Democrats in the U.S. Congress can hardly contain their glee over the latest Republican budget plan, even though they loathe the details of the blueprint that would cut programs for the poor and funding of medical research.
Democrats view the document as a potent weapon in the November congressional elections and are betting that its emphasis on austerity and cuts to popular programs such as Medicare will provoke a backlash against Republicans.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

House Passes GOP Budget

House Passes GOP Budget

"WASHINGTON (AP) — The House has passed a GOP budget blueprint that promises a balanced federal ledger in 10 years through sweeping cuts across the federal budget and eliminating health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act."

My favorite reader comment from the above article:

"Republicans once again take from the poor and give it to the rich in Ryan's budget.  I think that is a Reverse Robin Hood philosophy.
In America today, 6 in 10 Adults go to bed hungry at night and 4 in 10 Children go to bed hungry.  Yet Republicans want to cut food stamps which would only make these numbers increase, not decrease.
Ryan's budget will cut taxes for the very rich in this country and raise taxes on the poor in this country.  Republicans are against raising the minimum wage in this country that could help people who work 40 hours a week and still live in poverty feed their family.
Republicans want to repeal the ACA, but they want to keep the tax cuts that are in the ACA,  just take away the health coverage that 10 million Americans are now enrolled in.
Jesus tells us to feed the hungry and care for the sick.  He tells us what we do to the least among us, we do to Him.  But Republicans have undoubtedly skipped Matthew 25 while they were thumping their Bibles.
Our church has a backpack program where we fill backpacks with food for children that are on reduced or free lunches at school so that they can have food on the weekends.  But we're just one church in one city in one state.  
It breaks my heart to think that Magnolia eats better than some children in this country and that Republicans pass a bill like this."

Friday, October 18, 2013

Dedicated To AFA Dark Side Tupelo MS: Rick Scarborough, TParty Leader, Suggests Class Action Lawsuit Against Homosexuality

My favorite quote from the Web I dedicate to the American Family Association's "Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS.:--ABratt
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Speak all you want Sir and use whatever tactics you feel are necessary, however, you will never stop the progress of freedom for all in this country. Slowly, little by little we are achieving that grand goal set forth by the Founding Fathers. Bit by bit we are becoming a nation of equality and equal opportunity for all Americans.  
Read the complete story from the link below:

Rick Scarborough, Tea Party Leader, Suggests Class Action Lawsuit Against Homosexuality

Monday, March 18, 2013

RNC Growth And Opportunity Project Report: Voters See GOP As 'Scary,' 'Narrow Minded'

RNC Growth And Opportunity Project Report: Voters See GOP As 'Scary,' 'Narrow Minded'

"Being the Party of The Religious-Right is not mentioned as a problem area but it is a most severe problem Rethugs have, followed by its embrace of the TeaParty extremists, two real problems they can't shake, nor do they deserve to shake,  so long, good bye, Repubs, and take  Sen. Cruz and Santorum with you!"--ABratt

Sunday, March 10, 2013

New Family Structures Study Intended To Sway Supreme Court On Gay Marriage, Documents Show

New Family Structures Study Intended To Sway Supreme Court On Gay Marriage, Documents Show

This Biblically defined marriage between one man, one woman is based on an errant book of basically ancient myths from ancient civilizations--a thorn in the side of progress toward a better life for all in the now modern day world. No God would condone what is happening to people today based on religious dogma. Only man is to blame for creating such a monster. --ABratt

Thursday, February 21, 2013

NRA President Speaks Out On Gun Control Measures

NRA President Speaks Out On Gun Control Measures

"There's a show-down coming between the American Public and the NRA! Win, lose, or draw, the NRA will no longer be the powerful organization that it is today. The NRA president has reminded us all of how powerful they intend to be politically. That comment, folks, was their Waterloo, the Straw that broke their backs! Let it be their final boast, their final breath of political power, and let it be final matching the finality of those 26 victims of the Sandy Hook massacre!"--ABratt  

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mike Huckabee Warns Christians: Obama Vote Will Crumple In Hell's Fire (VIDEO)

Mike Huckabee Warns Christians: Obama Vote Will Crumple In Hell's Fire (VIDEO)

In my estimation, the Mormon Cult Leader Mitt Romney & His Christian Fundie Partner Mike Huckabee are more likely to slide down to Hell than Obama or any of his supporters. Hell's full of Huckabees and Romneys at this moment! --AB