Showing posts with label American Family Association. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Family Association. Show all posts

Friday, December 19, 2014


11 Shocking Facts About the Anti-LGBT American Family Association | Human Rights Campaign

FACT ADDED: After the AFA Headquartered its operation in Tupelo, MS an All American City it was soon being called the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS in line with it's bigoted activities against the LGBT Community in America.

Earlier this week the Supreme Court declined to hear cases from five states challenging the constitutionality of state bans on marriage equality.  This paved the way for those states – and maybe more in the near future – to begin allowing same-sex couples to legally marry.  In response, Bryan Fischer, the Director of Issues Analysis at the American Family Association (AFA), compared the justices’ actions to those of a previous Supreme Court decision - Dred Scott v. Sandford.  This statement is on par with many other shocking and deplorable positions taken by the organization over the years.   
AFA bills itself as being “on the front lines of America’s culture war” and “one of the largest and most effective pro-family organizations in the country.”  Take a look at 10 “pro-family” statements and stances out of AFA: 
1.     AFA’s Bryan Fischer blames the Holocaust on LGBT people, stating, “Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews.”
2.     AFA’s Fischer has called for an “Underground Railroad” to take children from gay and lesbian parents.
3.     Fischer has compared making criminalizing LGBT people with bans on murder, stealing, child molestation, delicious trans fats and prostitution.
4.     AFA says God is going to use ISIS to punish America for being tolerant of LGBT people.
5.     AFA supported the passage of Uganda’s deplorable anti-gay law, which calls for LGBT Ugandans or anyone “promoting” homosexuality to be jailed – potentially for life.
6.     AFA thinks the Boy Scouts of America would be better off drowning in the sea than allowing LGBT Scouts.
7.     AFA compares LGBT people to pedophiles and people who have sex with animals: "We should discriminate against unnatural and aberrant sexual behavior, whether pedophilia, bestiality, or homosexuality."
8.     AFA thinks fewer students will commit suicide if adults tell young people it is wrong to be LGBT and help them to “choose” to be straight – a practice that has been condemned by every major medical and mental health organization in the country.
9.     AFA thinks the NFL celebrating Michael Sam coming out as gay is the same as the NFL celebrating “a brain concussion.”
10.  AFA supports criminalizing LGBT people and, when talking about punishment, asks, "Do you put them to death, do you lock 'em up...what do you do?"
For more information on the American Family Association and their anti-LGBT advocacy, click here

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Spotlighting: Christian Right Homophobes Tim Wildmon, Bryan Fischer, Scott Lively...

AFA's Tim Wildmon, Scott Lively, Peter LA Barbera [...] Launch Global anti-Gay 'Coalition for Family Values.'  Yes, Friends, That's What They Named It!

'USA: Anti-Gay Religious Activists Hope to Boost Homophobia Exports'
"Anti-gay activists Scott Lively and Peter LaBarbera launched a new global anti-gay network they call the Coalition for Family Values.  At a Washington, D.C. press conference, Lively said governments have an affirmative duty to uphold a biblical view of sexuality, which he called the “one flesh paradigm.” That means discouraging and suppressing homosexuality.
Lively’s new effort has  drawn quick support from other religious right leaders like Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber and The American Family Association’s Tim Wildmon and Bryan Fischer.
Like the World Congress of Families at its recent press conference, Lively and his partners praised Russia’s anti-gay laws and encouraged the rest of the world to follow suit. From my report on the event at Right Wing Watch:"
Lively, who played an active role in fomenting homophobia in Uganda, now claims he thinks the new law there is too harsh. His goal is not to put people in jail, he says, as long as they keep their sex behind closed doors and don’t try to change society. He says government has “an affirmative duty” to discourage all sex outside marriage and to encourage the biblical “one flesh paradigm” regarind sexuality.
 The coalition’s statement says:
 “…the vast majority of the people of the world do not accept the notion that sexual deviance should be normalized. It is time that these voices are heard on the world stage before the so-called elites of the Western powers impose their inverted morality on everyone through the manipulation of international law, which they clearly intend to do.” 
Lively said his new group is needed because too many religious conservatives are afraid to really speak their minds on homosexuality.
“We believe that the pro-family movement is not being well represented at the moment. Because most of the people that are in the leadership positions are afraid to speak the plain truth because of the media….We’re not against gay marriage and gay adoption because they’re just bad public policy.

'We’re against them because homosexuality itself is harmful to the people who practice it and to society. ['same old song & dance from America's own Taliban Community'!]--ABratt  
All of this from men so Pious & Good that not even butter will melt in their mouths.--ABratt

    Thursday, August 21, 2014

    "Robin Williams Rest IN Peace Make God Laugh" Sarcasm, AFA/Fischer Image From One News Now

    "The World Famous Laugh Factory" Taken From American Family Associations' One News Now Web Site  promoted by Bryan Fischer and the Anti-human rights activist Tim Wildmon, 8-21-14. 

    Robin Williams' suicide, as is every suicide, is a tragically sad thing. My heart hurts to think what Williams' inner life must have been like at the end to drive him to such a terrible decision. My heart aches for those he has left behind – his wife, his children, loved ones and friends. His death has left a hole in their lives that nothing and no one can fill.
    RIP Robin WilliamsIn the wake of his suicide, billboards and media pundits alike have been assuming that Robin Williams is now in heaven, making God laugh along with other funny men who left this earth before their time. So is he?
    There is one thing we do know and one thing we do not know that can help us think clearly about Robin Williams' eternal destiny.... 
    Image made available for reader viewing by Al Bratton,Tupelo MS. 8-21-14.  

    Monday, June 2, 2014

    TIM WILDMON: One schools graduation behavior was out of line at ceremony | Daily Journal

    ABratt's  Open Letter Spotlighting AFA's Tim Wildmon /"Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS An Otherwise "All American City."

    AFA's Self Anointed Family Values Man has nothing but sarcasm to offer Daily Journal Readers in his article describing his opinions of the activities of a Mississippi School Graduation Program. Of course, you have to remember that Wildmon is a devout Christian Fundamentalist who, no doubt, would prefer students to be home-schooled any day rather than be enrolled in public schools where secularism is the guiding light to an enlightened mind--one that thus far, has eluded him through the years of forced fundie ignorance of the world (climate change denial, evolution) two perfect examples of scientific denial by American (Christian-Right) Fundie Extremists. Climate Change is man-made, God certainly never caused it  no more than He brought on the Great Deluge  that is similarly, historically described as happening in a multitude of areas across the world.Myths of the Ages.  

    Wildmon:'My lovely and talented wife Alison and I went to a high school graduation recently here in north Mississippi. We went to see a friend’s daughter get her diploma. And if this particular graduation exercise was any indication of how things are at other high schools, the rules of etiquette regarding behavior at graduations have changed radically since my year, 1981. Now, there are no rules...."

    Read complete DJ link bottom page below>


    Wildmon Article Excerpt:..."Maybe in a few years another community columnist in the Journal will write something like this: “I went to a high school graduation ceremony the other day and one student did a backflip across the stage to receive his diploma. Another did a Michael Jackson tribute with a "Moonwalk" One family all rang cowbells for their graduate and yet another family ran through a banner like cheerleaders before a football game to honor their graduate. It was quite a change from my day. Back in 2014[?]all you could do is scream, holler and shake your [groove thing.] Now artificial noisemakers are the norm.”

    ABratt: "Shake your Groove thing" why, I'm shocked nearly out of my skin on this Sabbath Day to see a depiction of a human's rear-end spelled out for all to see in a column written by the most sanctimonious Christian Fundie on the whole earth--Tim Wildmon! Beyond comprehension, I might add. And that's not all, people. A few weeks back Joe Rutherford, DJ Editor,  edited out my "Rat's Patootee" line from a Letter to the Editor I had mailed him for publication to the DJ. And, now, today I could have sworn "Shake Your Groove Thing" was by far the worst comment that could be printed for the eyes of Joe's readers, but not so,"Rat's Patootee" according to Joe's assessment is worse. It just goes to show the Journal Community that I'm not one of Joe's favorite letter submitters. And that, well-----I'm lost for words... until the next time I submit a public letter to the WWW.

    Main Story Link: Read the complete story below:

    Friday, May 30, 2014

    An Unpublished Letter To Editor J. Rutherford, Daily Journal: AFA Warns 'Homosexual Aggression' Has Banned Christians From '7 Common Careers'

    Original Post By Miranda Blue, RWW, 4-23-14

    Re-posted to ABratt's Liberal Tupelo, MS Blog by ABratt, Fri. May 30, 2014.

    In a fund raising email today, American Family Association president Tim Wildmon warns that the list of careers that Christians can hold in America “is quickly shrinking as homosexuals pro-actively seek opportunities to wreck the personal business and career of any Christian who declines to support the gay lifestyle.”
    The email lists “7 common careers Christians may no longer hold in America,” which it says includes photography, broadcasting and teaching. Wildmon cites a few cases in which business owners have been sued for refusing to provide services to gay people and have sought broad exemptions from anti-discrimination laws that apply to businesses operating in the public square. He also cites the case of Craig James, who was hired by a regional Fox Sports network before being fired by the national network, which he claimed was because of his “personal religious beliefs.” Wildmon claims that James, who has since been hired by the Family Research Council , is a martyr who has been banned from broadcasting thanks to “homosexual aggression.”
    [As usual, the Daily Journal Columnist, Tim Liar, Liar Pants On Fire Wildmon, deliberately refuses to print the whole, staring-in-your-face truth when he submits his Community Column To Editor Joe Rutherford for publication every other Sunday in the year:]
     Tim Wildmon:
    "7common careers Christians may no longer hold in America" [this statement by Wildmon comes without any reference to the fact that at least 4 of these "faith-based" businesses operated in states where anti-discrimination laws against GLBT people were in effect at the time these Christian business people were busy refusing services to members of the GLBT Community. aka, another case of ignoring the law to further harass a minority group of American Citizens. Wildmon fibs on a regular basis in his Tupelo Daily Journal Column. Editor Rutherford is his long- time friend and colludes with him to hide the true facts in Journal posts he has control over.] 
    April 23, 2014 Wildmon:
    "Many Christians choose self-employed careers because they want to be able to run their business according to the dictates of their faith and conscience.
    That list is quickly shrinking as homosexuals pro-actively seek opportunities to wreck the personal business and career of any Christian who declines to support the gay lifestyle.
    Don't be fooled. This is a focused effort to ostracize and humiliate faith-based businesses and their owners. Here are a few recent examples:"
    • Photography - A Christian photographer in New Mexico was fined $6700 for politely declining to photograph a lesbian commitment ceremony. The Supreme Court allowed this fine to stand.
    • Baker - A Christian baker in Oregon is facing both civil and criminal penalties, including jail time, for politely declining to bake a cake for a gay wedding ceremony. Her business has closed.
    • Florist - Baronelle Stutzman, a Christian florist in Washington, is being sued by the state attorney general for politely declining to prepare an arrangement for a gay wedding ceremony.
    • Broadcasting - Craig James was fired by Fox Sports Southwest after only one day on the job for expressing his support for natural marriage while he was a candidate for the United States Senate.
    • Counseling - Jennifer Keeton was dismissed from the counseling program at Augusta State University for her religious reservations about the homosexual lifestyle.
    • Innkeeping - The Wildflower Inn in Vermont was fined $30,000 and forced to shut down its wedding reception business after politely declining to host a lesbian ceremony.
    • Teaching - Ms. Gillian John-Charles was kicked out of a doctoral program in education at Roosevelt University for expressing in class her belief that homosexuals aren't born gay."


    AFA Warns 'Homosexual Aggression' Has Banned Christians From '7 Common Careers' | Right Wing Watch

    Wednesday, May 28, 2014

    Miller: Mississippi's Non-Discrimination Sticker Campaign Is Anti-Christian | Right Wing Watch

    There is absolutely nothing that the American Family Association (AFA) Homoboogers on the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS Won't Dream Up in their continual efforts to bash the LGBT community, all in the "Name Of God" and "Tax-Exempt" to boot! However, I predict this one will backfire on them bigtime as they are slowly but surely losing their war against tax-paying American Citizens.--ABratt, Tupelo, MS citizen.

    Read the complete article from the link below:

    Miller: Mississippi's Non-Discrimination Sticker Campaign Is Anti-Christian | Right Wing Watch

    Friday, February 7, 2014

    Exposing The Dark Side Of Tupelo MS: Don Wildmon's American Family Association

    Exposing The Dark Side Of Tupelo, MS:....
    Uganda Passes Anti-Gay Bill Cheered By Conservatives, Including The Dark Side Of Tupelo MS'S AFA ************************************  
     American Family Association hatemonger Bryan Fischer connected the law’s passage to the controversy in America over Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson. Fischer tweeted:
    So much for “live and let live.” 
    Read more here: 

    Tupelo MS, my presnt home, is an otherwise All American City--ABratt

    Monday, January 27, 2014

    Fischer: Contraception Has Left Women Abused And Misused | Right Wing Watch

    Fischer, AFA's news anchor headquartered and broadcasting from his facility located on the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS makes the most bizarre announcements regarding AFA's pseudo-Christian right-wing agenda supporting the GOP/TP'S "War On Women." I am inclined to believe that Jesus, the all knowing, all powerful leader of the world renown Christian Faith has cancelled his plan to return to Earth and establish his kingdom simply because he is so repulsed by the extremist right-wing agenda of the American Christian Right Holy Rollers that he wants nothing whatsoever to do with them.--ABratt
    Right Wing Watch:
    "On his broadcast on Friday, Bryan Fischer took calls from female listeners in an effort to get their perspective on Mike Huckabee's comment that Democrats are insulting women by requiring contraception coverage because they think women 'can't control their libido.'"

    Read the complete article from the link below:

    Fischer: Contraception Has Left Women Abused And Misused | Right Wing Watch

    Sunday, January 26, 2014

    AFA Radio Host: It’s the Fault of African Americans That White People Are Racist | Hatewatch

    "It’s sometimes hard to know just exactly what the American Family Association, the rabidly anti-gay group based in Tupelo, Miss., believes. It’s obviously against the advancement of any rights for the LGBT community, and it clearly harbors substantial fears about a secular government. But when it comes to matters of race? That’s when things get murky."--Right Wing Watch

    Read more:

    AFA Radio Host: It’s the Fault of African Americans That White People Are Racist | Hatewatch

    Saturday, January 18, 2014

    Certain activists from the so-called American Christian-Right proudly take credit for the latest Russian anti-gay laws. Scott Lively, formerly associated with the Tupelo MS based American Family Association is one activist proudly hailing his presence in Russia promoting anti-gay hate legislation. Others of his ilk have announced publicly their support of Putin's Law. All in the name of Christianity! Homophobia has been defeated in America. American Homophobes merely moved some of  their bigoted operations to Russia. And Africa! 
    Homopobes have always used the  "Children Are Abused By Homosexual Pedophiles " mantra in their phony anti-gay activism. -ABratt ,1-18-14.
    Putin: Gays Must 'Leave Children In Peace'

    Thursday, January 9, 2014

    Open Letter To Editor Joe Rutherford Tupelo Mississippi Daily Journal: Tupelo's Dark Side

    Open Letter To Editor Joe Rutherford Tupelo Misissippi Daily Journal: Tupelo's "Dark Side"
    Dear Joe Rutherford:
    As a citizen of Tupelo and and a Human Rights Advocate I would like to share the following article with you and the Daily Journal Readers Community: Tupelo Mississippi, an otherwise All American City, has a very distinct "Dark Side" known nationwide as the American Family Association, a SPLC Designated Hate Group. Xeneophobia (an irrational, intense dislike or unfounded fear of people from other countries-Webster Online) is among the various phobias fueling AFA's bigoted Pseudo-christian/political agenda. --ABratt, Jan. 9, 2014.

    Right Wing Watch:
    Recently,“AFA’S [Tupelo, MS based] Tim Wildmon warned that offering undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship would lead to ‘the end of the Republican Party as we know it,’ while…”
    In the same post, “AFA’s Sandy Rios called such a move ‘Republican suicide’ and urged GOP leaders to get out of Washington more and live in places like Mississippi. ‘I think of that phrase in the Old Testament about a ‘strong delusion,’ she said. ‘I would say that the Republican leadership is under a strong delusion. I don’t understand it, I can’t explain it except that they just don’t get out enough, they need to go live in Mississippi, they need to go live in Nebraska, wherever, because the sanity seems to leave them.’” [A 'strong delusion', Amen!] 
    Read the complete article from the link below:

    Friday, November 1, 2013

    Spotlighting The AFA "Dark Side" Of Tupelo MS An Otherwise All American City

    Spotlighting A Revised Edition of The 'Dark Side' Of Tupelo, MS.....--Al Bratton, Tupelo, 11-28-13

    Open letter to Tupelo Daily Journal Editor, Joe Rutherford:

    Citizens of Tupelo and North Mississippi should be made aware of activities of  their Tupelo-based, Tim Wildmon managed, American Family Association.--Al Bratton

    "The AFA is a notorious anti-gay hate group.": A link to SPLC outlining AFA's "Hate Group" designation.
    "The problem with the claim [from the American Family Association] is that it just isn't true. Charisma News just took the AFA as a legitimate source, which it isn't. Religious fundamentalists believe AFA legitima[cy] simply because it tells them what they want to hear. Truth and accuracy has nothing to do with it."
     "The Religious Right assumes certain things true. Anything substantiating these beliefs is assumed accurate and reported as such -- no matter how flimsy or implausible."...--James Peron
    Read the complete link below:
    Anatomy of a Smear: The Religious Right vs. the American Psychiatric Association | James Peron

    Friday, October 18, 2013

    Dedicated To AFA Dark Side Tupelo MS: Rick Scarborough, TParty Leader, Suggests Class Action Lawsuit Against Homosexuality

    My favorite quote from the Web I dedicate to the American Family Association's "Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS.:--ABratt
    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
    Speak all you want Sir and use whatever tactics you feel are necessary, however, you will never stop the progress of freedom for all in this country. Slowly, little by little we are achieving that grand goal set forth by the Founding Fathers. Bit by bit we are becoming a nation of equality and equal opportunity for all Americans.  
    Read the complete story from the link below:

    Rick Scarborough, Tea Party Leader, Suggests Class Action Lawsuit Against Homosexuality

    Thursday, October 3, 2013

    Globalizing Homophobia, Part 1: How The American Right Came to Embrace Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown | Right Wing Watch

    ABratts Liberal Tupelo MS Blog:

    AFA spokesman Bryan Fischer declared that Russian gay "propaganda ban"was exactly the public policy we (the American Family Association Family Values Association) had been advocating"...--aka against the constitutional/human rights of the GLBT American Community. And the Wildmon-Fischer operated AFA decries the fact that SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) has placed them on their list of American hate organizations.-- Right Where They Belong --ABratt

    Read the complete post here...  

    Saturday, September 28, 2013

    Irony Alert: The AFA Is The Epitome Of The 'Ugliness Of Christian Activism' | Right Wing Watch

    Furthermore, the AFA has succeeded in obliterating the once outstanding reputation of a once- upon- a-time All American City: Tupelo, MS, my hometown. The organization was finally listed as a Hate Group by the SPLC, and still holds that title today.--ABratt

    Read more here...
    Irony Alert: The AFA Is The Epitome Of The 'Ugliness Of Christian Activism'

    Irony Alert: The AFA Is The Epitome Of The 'Ugliness Of Christian Activism'