Bobby Jindal Is Predictably Partnering With Anti-Gay Radicals For His Prayer Rally | Right Wing Watch
Note: The AFA (Radical Anti-Gay American Family Association aka The "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS is now promoting Gov. Jindal's Response Event.)
Last July, Religious Right leaders gathered in Texas to push Perry into the presidential race, hoping the Texas Governor would be the more conservative alternative to Mitt Romney. One month later Perry hosted a prayer rally, The Response, which featured Religious Right leaders like James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Jim Garlow, [Don Wildmon,creator of the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS], Penny Nance, David Barton, and John Hagee, along with New Apostolic Reformation figures such as Mike Bickle, Alice Patterson, Doug Stringer, Cindy Jacobs, and John Benefiel.--excerpt posted by Al Bratton, Liberal Tupelo MS Blog, 12-17-2014.
Showing posts with label Dark Side Tupelo MS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dark Side Tupelo MS. Show all posts
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Tupelo's AFA (Dark Side) Clueless Or Dishonest About Net-Neutrality
"Religious Right Activists Either Clueless Or Dishonest About Net Neutrality"
Brian Tashman, Right Wing Watch,11-12-14.
RWW: "This week, spokesmen for the American Family Association and National Religious Broadcasters, two of the country’s top Religious Right groups, came out strongly against net neutrality, while simultaneously demonstrating that they have no idea what net neutrality actually is. Yesterday, both groups weighed in again, as NRB’s Craig Parshall spoke with Dan Celia of the AFA, both of them completely misrepresenting net neutrality as a threat to freedom."--Article from Right Wing Watch re-posted by Al Bratton to ABratts Liberal Tupelo MS Blog
Link to ABratts Liberal Blog
Read Complete article here: Link:RWW
Monday, June 2, 2014
TIM WILDMON: One schools graduation behavior was out of line at ceremony | Daily Journal
ABratt's Open Letter Spotlighting AFA's Tim Wildmon /"Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS An Otherwise "All American City."
AFA's Self Anointed Family Values Man has nothing but sarcasm to offer Daily Journal Readers in his article describing his opinions of the activities of a Mississippi School Graduation Program. Of course, you have to remember that Wildmon is a devout Christian Fundamentalist who, no doubt, would prefer students to be home-schooled any day rather than be enrolled in public schools where secularism is the guiding light to an enlightened mind--one that thus far, has eluded him through the years of forced fundie ignorance of the world (climate change denial, evolution) two perfect examples of scientific denial by American (Christian-Right) Fundie Extremists. Climate Change is man-made, God certainly never caused it no more than He brought on the Great Deluge that is similarly, historically described as happening in a multitude of areas across the world.Myths of the Ages.***************************
Wildmon:'My lovely and talented wife Alison and I went to a high school graduation recently here in north Mississippi. We went to see a friend’s daughter get her diploma. And if this particular graduation exercise was any indication of how things are at other high schools, the rules of etiquette regarding behavior at graduations have changed radically since my year, 1981. Now, there are no rules...."
Read complete DJ link bottom page below>
Wildmon Article Excerpt:..."Maybe in a few years another community columnist in the Journal will write something like this: “I went to a high school graduation ceremony the other day and one student did a backflip across the stage to receive his diploma. Another did a Michael Jackson tribute with a "Moonwalk" One family all rang cowbells for their graduate and yet another family ran through a banner like cheerleaders before a football game to honor their graduate. It was quite a change from my day. Back in 2014[?]all you could do is scream, holler and shake your [groove thing.] Now artificial noisemakers are the norm.”
ABratt: "Shake your Groove thing" why, I'm shocked nearly out of my skin on this Sabbath Day to see a depiction of a human's rear-end spelled out for all to see in a column written by the most sanctimonious Christian Fundie on the whole earth--Tim Wildmon! Beyond comprehension, I might add. And that's not all, people. A few weeks back Joe Rutherford, DJ Editor, edited out my "Rat's Patootee" line from a Letter to the Editor I had mailed him for publication to the DJ. And, now, today I could have sworn "Shake Your Groove Thing" was by far the worst comment that could be printed for the eyes of Joe's readers, but not so,"Rat's Patootee" according to Joe's assessment is worse. It just goes to show the Journal Community that I'm not one of Joe's favorite letter submitters. And that, well-----I'm lost for words... until the next time I submit a public letter to the WWW.
Main Story Link: Read the complete story below:
Friday, February 7, 2014
Exposing The Dark Side Of Tupelo MS: Don Wildmon's American Family Association
Exposing The Dark Side Of Tupelo, MS:....
Uganda Passes Anti-Gay Bill Cheered By Conservatives, Including The Dark Side Of Tupelo MS'S AFA ************************************
American Family Association hatemonger Bryan Fischer connected the law’s passage to the controversy in America over Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson. Fischer tweeted:
Uganda stands with Phil. Makes homosexuality contrary to public policy. It can be done.
— Bryan Fischer (@BryanJFischer) December 20, 2013
So much for “live and let live.”
Read more here:
Tupelo MS, my presnt home, is an otherwise All American City--ABratt
Read more here:
Tupelo MS, my presnt home, is an otherwise All American City--ABratt
Monday, February 3, 2014
When In Public, Tim Wildmon Can Tell Who Is Gay Because 'They Walk Like A Girl' | Right Wing Watch
I'm inclined to believe Tim is personally very attracted to Gay men. He sure seems to enjoy watching them walk by. Turns him on, Big Time!!
When In Public, Tim Wildmon Can Tell Who Is Gay Because 'They Walk Like A Girl' | Right Wing Watch
When In Public, Tim Wildmon Can Tell Who Is Gay Because 'They Walk Like A Girl' | Right Wing Watch
Sunday, January 26, 2014
AFA Radio Host: It’s the Fault of African Americans That White People Are Racist | Hatewatch
"It’s sometimes hard to know just exactly what the American Family Association, the rabidly anti-gay group based in Tupelo, Miss., believes. It’s obviously against the advancement of any rights for the LGBT community, and it clearly harbors substantial fears about a secular government. But when it comes to matters of race? That’s when things get murky."--Right Wing Watch
Read more:
AFA Radio Host: It’s the Fault of African Americans That White People Are Racist | Hatewatch
Read more:
AFA Radio Host: It’s the Fault of African Americans That White People Are Racist | Hatewatch
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Fischer Scientifically Proves That Transgender People Can Cure Themselves Through Prayer | Right Wing Watch
[Spotlighting Dr. Bryan Fischer From The "Dark Side Of Tupelo MS" An Otherwise All American City]--ABratt
Read more:
Fischer Scientifically Proves That Transgender People Can Cure Themselves Through Prayer | Right Wing Watch
Read more:
Fischer Scientifically Proves That Transgender People Can Cure Themselves Through Prayer | Right Wing Watch
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Open Letter To Editor Joe Rutherford Tupelo Mississippi Daily Journal: Tupelo's Dark Side
Open Letter To Editor Joe Rutherford Tupelo Misissippi Daily Journal: Tupelo's "Dark Side"
Dear Joe Rutherford:
As a citizen of Tupelo and and a Human Rights Advocate I would like to share the following article with you and the Daily Journal Readers Community: Tupelo Mississippi, an otherwise All American City, has a very distinct "Dark Side" known nationwide as the American Family Association, a SPLC Designated Hate Group. Xeneophobia (an irrational, intense dislike or unfounded fear of people from other countries-Webster Online) is among the various phobias fueling AFA's bigoted Pseudo-christian/political agenda. --ABratt, Jan. 9, 2014.
Right Wing Watch:
Recently,“AFA’S [Tupelo, MS based] Tim Wildmon warned that offering undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship would lead to ‘the end of the Republican Party as we know it,’ while…”
Right Wing Watch:
Recently,“AFA’S [Tupelo, MS based] Tim Wildmon warned that offering undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship would lead to ‘the end of the Republican Party as we know it,’ while…”
In the same post, “AFA’s Sandy Rios called such a move ‘Republican suicide’ and urged GOP leaders to get out of Washington more and live in places like Mississippi. ‘I think of that phrase in the Old Testament about a ‘strong delusion,’ she said. ‘I would say that the Republican leadership is under a strong delusion. I don’t understand it, I can’t explain it except that they just don’t get out enough, they need to go live in Mississippi, they need to go live in Nebraska, wherever, because the sanity seems to leave them.’” [A 'strong delusion', Amen!]
Read the complete article from the link below:
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Bryan Fischer Wants To Set The Record Straight | Right Wing Watch
It is easy to see that Bryan Fischer is obsessed with Hitler, Gays, Muslims and Liberals, etc.. His activities are broadcast from the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS, an otherwise All American City.
Read more from the link below:
Bryan Fischer Wants To Set The Record Straight | Right Wing Watch
Read more from the link below:
Bryan Fischer Wants To Set The Record Straight | Right Wing Watch
Friday, November 1, 2013
Spotlighting The AFA "Dark Side" Of Tupelo MS An Otherwise All American City
Spotlighting A Revised Edition of The 'Dark Side' Of Tupelo, MS.....--Al Bratton, Tupelo, 11-28-13
Open letter to Tupelo Daily Journal Editor, Joe Rutherford:
Citizens of Tupelo and North Mississippi should be made aware of activities of their Tupelo-based, Tim Wildmon managed, American Family Association.--Al Bratton
"The AFA is a notorious anti-gay hate group.": A link to SPLC outlining AFA's "Hate Group" designation.
Anatomy of a Smear: The Religious Right vs. the American Psychiatric Association | James Peron
Open letter to Tupelo Daily Journal Editor, Joe Rutherford:
Citizens of Tupelo and North Mississippi should be made aware of activities of their Tupelo-based, Tim Wildmon managed, American Family Association.--Al Bratton
"The AFA is a notorious anti-gay hate group.": A link to SPLC outlining AFA's "Hate Group" designation.
"The problem with the claim [from the American Family Association] is that it just isn't true. Charisma News just took the AFA as a legitimate source, which it isn't. Religious fundamentalists believe AFA legitima[cy] simply because it tells them what they want to hear. Truth and accuracy has nothing to do with it."Read the complete link below:
"The Religious Right assumes certain things true. Anything substantiating these beliefs is assumed accurate and reported as such -- no matter how flimsy or implausible."...--James Peron
Anatomy of a Smear: The Religious Right vs. the American Psychiatric Association | James Peron
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Sandy Rios At Values Voter Summit: Matthew Shepard's Murder Was 'A Total Fraud'
Don & Tim Wildmon's American Family Association (and their Darling, Sandy Rios) Maintain A Very "Dark Side" In Tupelo, MS, An Otherwise Decent, All American City.
Sandy Rios At Values Voter Summit: Matthew Shepard's Murder Was 'A Total Fraud'
A few of my favorite comments from the aricle:
"This woman calling herself a Christian is a fraud."
"I'm kind of glad that they openly say these sort of things at their conferences. By openly discussing their hatred and bigotry there is no mistaking by the rest of us what they are and what they represent. Anyone who attends this type of conference is tarred by the same brush."
"These speakers at this value summit are Frauds, these good loving Christians are showing what they really are HATERS"
Sandy Rios At Values Voter Summit: Matthew Shepard's Murder Was 'A Total Fraud'
A few of my favorite comments from the aricle:
"This woman calling herself a Christian is a fraud."
"I'm kind of glad that they openly say these sort of things at their conferences. By openly discussing their hatred and bigotry there is no mistaking by the rest of us what they are and what they represent. Anyone who attends this type of conference is tarred by the same brush."
"These speakers at this value summit are Frauds, these good loving Christians are showing what they really are HATERS"
2013 Values Voter Summitt,
Bryan Fischer,
christian right,
Dark Side Tupelo MS,
Don Wildmon,
GLBT Rights,
Matthew Shepard,
Politics News,
Sandy Rios,
Tim Wildmon,
Tupelo MS
Saturday, October 5, 2013
A Straight, Southern, Christian Redneck on Homophobia | Neal Wooten
A Straight, Southern, Christian Redneck On Homophobia
by Neal Wooten
I wish to dedicate the link below to the Anti-gay American Family Association Comprising The "Dark Side" of Tupelo MS, An Otherwise All American City.--ABratt
Read the complete article below:
A Straight, Southern, Christian Redneck on Homophobia | Neal Wooten
by Neal Wooten
I wish to dedicate the link below to the Anti-gay American Family Association Comprising The "Dark Side" of Tupelo MS, An Otherwise All American City.--ABratt
Read the complete article below:
A Straight, Southern, Christian Redneck on Homophobia | Neal Wooten
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Globalizing Homophobia, Part 1: How The American Right Came to Embrace Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown | Right Wing Watch
ABratts Liberal Tupelo MS Blog:
AFA spokesman Bryan Fischer declared that Russian gay "propaganda ban"was exactly the public policy we (the American Family Association Family Values Association) had been advocating"...--aka against the constitutional/human rights of the GLBT American Community. And the Wildmon-Fischer operated AFA decries the fact that SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) has placed them on their list of American hate organizations.-- Right Where They Belong --ABratt
Read the complete post here...
AFA spokesman Bryan Fischer declared that Russian gay "propaganda ban"was exactly the public policy we (the American Family Association Family Values Association) had been advocating"...--aka against the constitutional/human rights of the GLBT American Community. And the Wildmon-Fischer operated AFA decries the fact that SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) has placed them on their list of American hate organizations.-- Right Where They Belong --ABratt
Read the complete post here...
Friday, September 6, 2013
Spotlighting The Dark Side Of Tupelo MS An Otherwise All American City
"Mr. Mancno's comment seems to be right out the AFA's own playbook! It just sounds so like it, I'm inclined to believe the AFA wrote it themselves or had someone write it!"--ABratt
AFA suspends boycott of The Home Depot
Friday, March 1, 2013
Spotlighting Dark Side Tupelo MS: AFAs Project 2026: Gays, Muslims, Atheists, Humanists Destroying America
…’the four groups that are actively working to secularize and destroy America: humanists, atheists, militant homosexuals, and Muslims.’–Fischer, McFarland..
It would have been more accurate if Fischer and McFarland had said the current (4) secular organizations are fighting the christian right-wing extremists to continue to maintain America’s Existing Secular Government against the current wave of Christian Fundamentalist Theology destruction. –ABratt
“American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer spoke yesterday with fellow AFA radio host Alex McFarland about Project 2026, which McFarland explained is a long-term initiative to save America from annihilation at the hands of ‘the four groups that are actively working to secularize and destroy America: humanists; atheists; militant homosexuals; and Muslims.”’
- See more at:
Friday, February 8, 2013
Spotlighting The AFA "Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS, An Otherwise All American City
Spotlighting The AFA "Dark Side" Of Tupelo MS...
Fischer: Obama Is 'Filled With Arrogance,' Believes That He Knows Better Than God | Right Wing Watch
Fischer: Obama Is 'Filled With Arrogance,' Believes That He Knows Better Than God | Right Wing Watch
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Obama Record On Deficit Reduction Solid, Contrary To GOP, [Fundies] Squawking
By Jason Easley, Jan. 12, 2013, Link re-posted by ABratt's Perspectives Jan. 16, 2013.
Rachel Maddow:
"You would never know it from the way the deficit peacocks are crowing against this administration, but the deficit is now more that two hundred billion dollars smaller than it was when President Obama first took office. We are currently witnessing the fastest deficit reduction in this country since the end of World War II...."
Read the complete article here...
Rachel Maddow:
"You would never know it from the way the deficit peacocks are crowing against this administration, but the deficit is now more that two hundred billion dollars smaller than it was when President Obama first took office. We are currently witnessing the fastest deficit reduction in this country since the end of World War II...."
Read the complete article here...
"Armed with facts, Rachel Maddow completely obliterated the great Republican lie that President Obama has blown up the deficit."
Problem is, some Conservative American Talibanists, aka American Family Association's Tim Wildmon, in particular representing the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS, continue to lie incessantly about President Obama's handling of the deficit, including other talking points he conjures up in his anti-Obama obsession.
Here is a recent article Wildmon submitted to the Tupelo, MS Daily Journal where he writes a Sunday editorial page column:
I am not so sure that President Obama is not intentionally trying to bankrupt the United States of America. I know I am not supposed to say that out loud, but I am just looking at how the man behaves.
When a problem like our country’s debt is spiraling out of control – and economists and serious thinkers on both sides of the political spectrum warn against the coming calamity due to the debt – and Obama shows absolutely no interest in trying to cut or even slow down the borrowing and spending, it does make one wonder what his motives are....Read the complete post here...
Friday, December 21, 2012
Rev. Emily C. Heath: Dealing With Grief: Five Things NOT To Say And Five Things To Say In A Trauma Involving Children
Rev. Emily C. Heath: Dealing With Grief: Five Things NOT To Say And Five Things To Say In A Trauma Involving Children
Rev. Heath let me just say that you missed an opportunity to expose the vile rhetoric coming from America's Right-Wing Political and Pseudo-religious Fundie Organizations: For example the (AFA and their Tim Wildmon, Bryan Fischer,) Sen. Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, James Dobson and others that represent an extreme form of Christianity that most Americans don't adhere to. Their rhetoric in response to the CT shooting will not be forgotten!!
Rev. Heath let me just say that you missed an opportunity to expose the vile rhetoric coming from America's Right-Wing Political and Pseudo-religious Fundie Organizations: For example the (AFA and their Tim Wildmon, Bryan Fischer,) Sen. Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, James Dobson and others that represent an extreme form of Christianity that most Americans don't adhere to. Their rhetoric in response to the CT shooting will not be forgotten!!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
ABratt's Perspectives: Don Wildmon [Founder Of The "Dark Side" Of Tupelo MS] Says America Chose 'Chaos' By Re-Electing Obama
The Wildmons, Don & Tim , Their AFA And Their American Taliban Associates Set Out To Wreck Obama's First Presidential Term From Day One-- They're Still At It, Even In The Wake of Obama's Re-Election To A Second Term. More than anything else, the Wildmon's have spent their whole life driven by obsessions with Racism, Homo- Phobia, Liberal -Phobia, Islam -Phobia and much more that is connected with the concept of "human rights."
Is it any wonder why Wildmon/AFA find themselves on the SPLC's list of hate groups, or that they are also known as the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS? -- AB
RWW Story by Brian Tashman, 11-13-12, Re-posted by ABratt, 11-13-12
"Last week, American Family Association founder Don Wildmon appeared on AFA Today with Buster Wilson, where the conservative leader was mourning the re-election of President Obama. He said that the election represented the beginning of the end for Western civilization and that the U.S. will 'end up in chaos' as 'ultimately we’re going to change the Constitution or do away with it.'”
Read the complete article from Right Wing Watch from the link below
Is it any wonder why Wildmon/AFA find themselves on the SPLC's list of hate groups, or that they are also known as the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS? -- AB
RWW Story by Brian Tashman, 11-13-12, Re-posted by ABratt, 11-13-12
"Last week, American Family Association founder Don Wildmon appeared on AFA Today with Buster Wilson, where the conservative leader was mourning the re-election of President Obama. He said that the election represented the beginning of the end for Western civilization and that the U.S. will 'end up in chaos' as 'ultimately we’re going to change the Constitution or do away with it.'”
Read the complete article from Right Wing Watch from the link below
American Taliban,
Buster Wilson,
Dark Side Tupelo MS,
Don Wildmon,
Human Rights,
President Obama,
Right Wing Watch,
Tim Wildmon,
Tupelo MS
Monday, November 12, 2012
ABratt's Perspectives: Spotlighting The Tax-Exempt "Dark Side" of Tupelo MS
ABratt's Perspectives Tax-Exempt “Dark Side” Tupelo MS: “AFA Men Explain How George Clooney Swung Election To Obama”
Tim Wildmon’s AFA/Christian Right Wing American Taliban: An Hilarious GOPER Mockery of GOD ALMIGHTY. – AB
"AFA Men Explain How George Clooney Swung Election To Obama"
By Brian Tashman, RWW, 11-10-12, re-posted by ABratt, 11-11-12
"American Family Association president Tim Wildmon and research director Ed Vitagliano today spoke to WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah about how they are all still astonished that Obama won re-election. Vitagliano apparently did his research into the Obama campaigns strategies, and figured out that “they hooked women to Obama through these Hollywood stars” like George Clooney and Sarah Jessica Parker. Vitagliano said that our “devolved” culture has made women voters simply think, ‘I love George Clooney...'"
click to read the complete article below..
Tim Wildmon’s AFA/Christian Right Wing American Taliban: An Hilarious GOPER Mockery of GOD ALMIGHTY. – AB
"AFA Men Explain How George Clooney Swung Election To Obama"
By Brian Tashman, RWW, 11-10-12, re-posted by ABratt, 11-11-12
"American Family Association president Tim Wildmon and research director Ed Vitagliano today spoke to WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah about how they are all still astonished that Obama won re-election. Vitagliano apparently did his research into the Obama campaigns strategies, and figured out that “they hooked women to Obama through these Hollywood stars” like George Clooney and Sarah Jessica Parker. Vitagliano said that our “devolved” culture has made women voters simply think, ‘I love George Clooney...'"
click to read the complete article below..
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