Showing posts with label Tupelo Daily Journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tupelo Daily Journal. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tim Wilmon Daily Journal Letter: Political Correctness Undermines Values...

Tim Wildmon Daily Journal Letter: Political Correctness Undermines Values...

Human Rights Violator, Bigot, and  AFA  President Tim Wildmon, representing The “Dark Side” Of Tupelo, MS, decided on July 27, 2014, he had every reason to slam Gay Football Star Michael Sam in his personal column because, for one reason, he Is allowed to do his little “dirty hate work” through the Tupelo Mississippi Daily Journal uncensored and supported by the Editor of course, and others.  
Wildmon’s post is as follows:
“The politically correct or ‘progressive’ crowd found a new target this week.When asked about ‘[Out and Proud]’ football player Michael Sam, former NFL coach Tony Dungy said he would not have drafted Sam had he still been coaching. Said Dungy: “I wouldn’t have [drafted] him. Not because I don’t believe Michael Sam should have a chance to play, but I wouldn’t want to deal with all of it. It’s not going to be totally smooth … things will happen.”
“‘For this comment, ESPN commentator Keith Olbermann named Dungy the ‘Worst Person in the World’ on Monday night. Condemnations of Dungy came from all over.’”
“This is where the ‘progressive’ movement is. If you hold a view that is not in agreement with theirs, you are to be demonized by them, the progressives, who, ironically, don’t believe in demons. Why do they do this? It’s because they, the progressives, consider themselves morally superior to [ “those of us who hold traditional values “Is Bigotry aimed at your fellow man, Wildmon, because he has a different sexual lifestyle than you, against ‘traditional values’ or are your ‘traditional values’  a national scam? ] “even though, again, ironically, progressives don’t believe in moral values unless they define them. They moralize against those who promote morality.” [And of course, you,Tim are a ,promoter, of morality’ and a pure hypocrite to boot].
“The progressive movement is out to destroy our country as it has existed. It is against patriotism. It is against religion in general and is in particular hostile to evangelical Christianity and traditional Catholicism. It is against borders. It is against capitalism. It is for high taxation and government control and regulation of almost everything. It wants people depending on government so they can be controlled. It believes government debt is good. It is against our Bill of Rights, in particular the First and Second Amendments. It is for abortion on demand even through nine months of pregnancy. It wants to downgrade the American military. It rejects the idea that Western Civilization is superior to other civilizations. And it most certainly is for promoting the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender movement and punishing people who dare speak against it. Basically, what I have just described is the platform of the modern day Democratic Party and the philosophy/agenda of much of the New York/Washington, D.C., liberal media, Hollywood and most university campuses. When Barack Obama said he wanted to ‘fundamentally transform’ America, what he was saying to his fellow hardcore progressives was: ‘I’ve got the wrecking-ball ready.’”
“Sexually, God made man for woman and woman for man. It’s obvious. It’s natural. Progressives can’t stand this. So they are always trying to equate homosexuality with heterosexuality or elevate homosexuality over [above] heterosexuality. When someone like Dungy makes a comment that can in any way been seen as challenging this narrative then that person must be immediately discredited or publicly shamed no matter the truth of what he is saying.”
[ Wildmon forgot to mention the fact that God also made lesbian/gay women for lesbian/ gay women. If he doesn’t believe that, how can he  possibly believe God made him to be the only true straight man on earth--the other Adam yet to be mentioned in the Biblical Scriptures. As for Tony Dungy, Wildmon has no idea what he was really trying to say about Michael Sams, he decided he would offer-up his opinion, regardless, and in the Tupelo Mississipppi Daily Journal where fact checking is unknown when it comes to their Pious & Good Community Columnist, Tim Wildmon!]  
Wildmon: “By the way, having been a sports reporter for a few years I’ve been in many football locker rooms where the players walk around naked or half-naked, changing clothes and going in and out of the showers. Putting a man like Sam, who says he is sexually attracted to men, in with all that “beefcake” [a common gay term used to describe sexually attractive macho men and boys]  seems unfair to the straight players and a distraction to Sam. Would you put a heterosexual man in the locker room/showers with all the female cheerleaders? Would you tell the girl cheerleaders who objected to this man being in the locker room that they needed to end their bigoted and sexist attitude and treat the man with respect?
[You would need to ask the female cheerleaders that question, don’t you think, Pious Tim.]
“Tony Dungy will probably survive being the ‘worst person in the world.’ But the fact that he is in the crosshairs of the PC Gestapo over this comment is chilling to free speech and free thinking. It’s ironic that the people who now scream the loudest about tolerance have become the least tolerant among us.”--Tim Wildmon. 7-27-14. (885 +- words)
Ref. Link:

Saturday, July 13, 2013

So This Is Christianity?

So, This Is Christianity?

Only In The Fundie South Where Ignorance Is Bliss, Intelligence Amiss.

Point-Counterpoint Tupelo MS .Daily Journal Discussion Team– Ed Holliday, James Hull.

Ed Holliday, July 13, 2013: 

James, first let me say that the Shannon board has spoken and if anyone feels that their rights have been violated, then courts are available. [The Town Board of the Town of Shannon MS has, in the last couple of weeks, denied a prospective business owner a permit to manage a Gay Bar inside the Town Limits.]--ABratt
James, now as to your point that traditional marriage in not threatened by same sex marriage I must say that you are dead wrong.  The entire debate about gay marriage should be about the children – children now and in the future.  Why would we give our children a different definition of marriage? In a country based on Judeo-Christian values, how is gay marriage affecting our children?
First, we know longstanding institutions such as Catholic adoption services have been shut down in states where gay marriage is now legal because they refuse to place children into homes that contradict their beliefs. 

 Second, in states where gay marriage is legal, children are being taught in kindergarten that they can grow up to marry either a man or a woman. How will this affect the next generation? Preliminary statistics show that over 30 percent of children raised in a home with gay parents end up adopting the gay lifestyle, and, yet, in the general population only 2-3 percent of the population  practice the gay lifestyle.

 Are we experimenting with our children in a “Brave New World?” Will a continuing change in the definition of marriage lead to an imploding civilization such as ancient Greece and Rome?
If our society says it is right to change the definition of marriage to include gay people, then how can we legally discriminate against the bisexuals? Shouldn’t they be given the right to marry a man and a woman? [LOL] And if it’s about marrying who you love why can’t people marry two or three or four or more different men and women? [LOL AGAIN]  Using these standards, how can we legally stop incestuous marriages? How about transgendered marriage rights?[LOL AGAIN & AGAIN].
God is not mocked.  America is dying. Judgment comes on both the just and the unjust. The Bible tells us about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They refused to bow down and worship a false god in ancient Babylon. We need such men and women with a backbone today. [False Gods and Satan are both a part of the Fundie lifestyle!]--AB

Read the complete post here...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Obama Record On Deficit Reduction Solid, Contrary To GOP, [Fundies] Squawking

By Jason Easley, Jan. 12, 2013, Link re-posted by ABratt's Perspectives Jan. 16, 2013.

Rachel Maddow:

"You would never know it from the way the deficit peacocks are crowing against this administration, but the deficit is now more that two hundred billion dollars smaller than it was when President Obama first took office. We are currently witnessing the fastest deficit reduction in this country since the end of World War II...." 

Read the complete article here...


"Armed with facts, Rachel Maddow completely obliterated the great Republican lie that President Obama has blown up the deficit."

Problem is, some Conservative American Talibanists, aka American Family Association's Tim Wildmon, in particular representing the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS, continue to lie incessantly about President Obama's handling of the deficit, including other talking points he conjures up in his anti-Obama obsession.

Here is a recent article Wildmon submitted to the Tupelo, MS Daily Journal where he writes a Sunday editorial page column:   

I am not so sure that President Obama is not intentionally trying to bankrupt the United States of America. I know I am not supposed to say that out loud, but I am just looking at how the man behaves.

When a problem like our country’s debt is spiraling out of control – and economists and serious thinkers on both sides of the political spectrum warn against the coming calamity due to the debt – and Obama shows absolutely no interest in trying to cut or even slow down the borrowing and spending, it does make one wonder what his motives are....
Read the complete post here...