Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tim Wilmon Daily Journal Letter: Political Correctness Undermines Values...

Tim Wildmon Daily Journal Letter: Political Correctness Undermines Values...

Human Rights Violator, Bigot, and  AFA  President Tim Wildmon, representing The “Dark Side” Of Tupelo, MS, decided on July 27, 2014, he had every reason to slam Gay Football Star Michael Sam in his personal column because, for one reason, he Is allowed to do his little “dirty hate work” through the Tupelo Mississippi Daily Journal uncensored and supported by the Editor of course, and others.  
Wildmon’s post is as follows:
“The politically correct or ‘progressive’ crowd found a new target this week.When asked about ‘[Out and Proud]’ football player Michael Sam, former NFL coach Tony Dungy said he would not have drafted Sam had he still been coaching. Said Dungy: “I wouldn’t have [drafted] him. Not because I don’t believe Michael Sam should have a chance to play, but I wouldn’t want to deal with all of it. It’s not going to be totally smooth … things will happen.”
“‘For this comment, ESPN commentator Keith Olbermann named Dungy the ‘Worst Person in the World’ on Monday night. Condemnations of Dungy came from all over.’”
“This is where the ‘progressive’ movement is. If you hold a view that is not in agreement with theirs, you are to be demonized by them, the progressives, who, ironically, don’t believe in demons. Why do they do this? It’s because they, the progressives, consider themselves morally superior to [ “those of us who hold traditional values “Is Bigotry aimed at your fellow man, Wildmon, because he has a different sexual lifestyle than you, against ‘traditional values’ or are your ‘traditional values’  a national scam? ] “even though, again, ironically, progressives don’t believe in moral values unless they define them. They moralize against those who promote morality.” [And of course, you,Tim are a ,promoter, of morality’ and a pure hypocrite to boot].
“The progressive movement is out to destroy our country as it has existed. It is against patriotism. It is against religion in general and is in particular hostile to evangelical Christianity and traditional Catholicism. It is against borders. It is against capitalism. It is for high taxation and government control and regulation of almost everything. It wants people depending on government so they can be controlled. It believes government debt is good. It is against our Bill of Rights, in particular the First and Second Amendments. It is for abortion on demand even through nine months of pregnancy. It wants to downgrade the American military. It rejects the idea that Western Civilization is superior to other civilizations. And it most certainly is for promoting the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender movement and punishing people who dare speak against it. Basically, what I have just described is the platform of the modern day Democratic Party and the philosophy/agenda of much of the New York/Washington, D.C., liberal media, Hollywood and most university campuses. When Barack Obama said he wanted to ‘fundamentally transform’ America, what he was saying to his fellow hardcore progressives was: ‘I’ve got the wrecking-ball ready.’”
“Sexually, God made man for woman and woman for man. It’s obvious. It’s natural. Progressives can’t stand this. So they are always trying to equate homosexuality with heterosexuality or elevate homosexuality over [above] heterosexuality. When someone like Dungy makes a comment that can in any way been seen as challenging this narrative then that person must be immediately discredited or publicly shamed no matter the truth of what he is saying.”
[ Wildmon forgot to mention the fact that God also made lesbian/gay women for lesbian/ gay women. If he doesn’t believe that, how can he  possibly believe God made him to be the only true straight man on earth--the other Adam yet to be mentioned in the Biblical Scriptures. As for Tony Dungy, Wildmon has no idea what he was really trying to say about Michael Sams, he decided he would offer-up his opinion, regardless, and in the Tupelo Mississipppi Daily Journal where fact checking is unknown when it comes to their Pious & Good Community Columnist, Tim Wildmon!]  
Wildmon: “By the way, having been a sports reporter for a few years I’ve been in many football locker rooms where the players walk around naked or half-naked, changing clothes and going in and out of the showers. Putting a man like Sam, who says he is sexually attracted to men, in with all that “beefcake” [a common gay term used to describe sexually attractive macho men and boys]  seems unfair to the straight players and a distraction to Sam. Would you put a heterosexual man in the locker room/showers with all the female cheerleaders? Would you tell the girl cheerleaders who objected to this man being in the locker room that they needed to end their bigoted and sexist attitude and treat the man with respect?
[You would need to ask the female cheerleaders that question, don’t you think, Pious Tim.]
“Tony Dungy will probably survive being the ‘worst person in the world.’ But the fact that he is in the crosshairs of the PC Gestapo over this comment is chilling to free speech and free thinking. It’s ironic that the people who now scream the loudest about tolerance have become the least tolerant among us.”--Tim Wildmon. 7-27-14. (885 +- words)
Ref. Link:

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Return Of The Back-Alley Abortion

The Return Of The Back-Alley Abortion

The issue here is women reverting back to back-alley abortions that were common before Roe-Wade. Roe-wade is the LAW, abortion is Legal. And, religious fanatics and GOPER Politicians in America should leave well-enough alone.The Founding Fathers knew ahead of time that America should be under a Secular Government, not a Christian government. They had already seen the historical effects of (Christian Inquisitions). They wanted a "Secular" American Government to be the guiding-light of a Great Nation! Keep Church & State "separate" no matter what the cost for the continuation of this "secular" society! Jehovah did not create America. Man created it!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Osteen's Lakewood Church Suffers Theft Of Over $600,000, Shocking Texas Megachurch

The safe of Lakewood [Mega] Church in Houston, Tex., was burgled on Sunday, to the tune of over $600,000 in cash, checks, and credit card information, reports The Chronicle.

Osteen's Lakewood Church Suffers Theft Of Over $600,000, Shocking Texas Megachurch

Faved comment on the article:
"Ladron que roba ladron tiene 100 aƱos de perdon".................(It's no crime to steal from a thief)" [LOL! ABratt]

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Irony Alert: The AFA Is The Epitome Of The 'Ugliness Of Christian Activism' | Right Wing Watch

Furthermore, the AFA has succeeded in obliterating the once outstanding reputation of a once- upon- a-time All American City: Tupelo, MS, my hometown. The organization was finally listed as a Hate Group by the SPLC, and still holds that title today.--ABratt

Read more here...
Irony Alert: The AFA Is The Epitome Of The 'Ugliness Of Christian Activism'

Irony Alert: The AFA Is The Epitome Of The 'Ugliness Of Christian Activism'

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

GOP insider: Religion destroyed my party -

Original Salon Post 8-15-12, Recent Blog Post 9-26-13

The author of this article appears to  equate the words "religious right" and "Tea Party" as synonymous or very nearly so, which, in fact, they are: The "Tupelo MS Tea Party" and the "American Family Association" are very close kin, so much so that I, a resident of Tupelo myself, have decided to include the two together as  being  a part of Tupelo MS's "Dark Side."--ABratt  
The Tea Party, which initially described itself as wholly concerned with debt, deficit, and federal overreach, gradually unmasked itself as being almost as theocratic as the activists from the religious right that Armey had denounced only a few years before. If anything, they were even slightly more disposed than the rest of the Republican Party to inject religious issues into the political realm. According to an academic study of the Tea Party, “[T]hey seek ‘deeply religious’ elected officials, approve of religious leaders’ engaging in politics and want religion brought into political debates.” The Tea Party faithful are not so much libertarian as authoritarian, the furthest thing from a “live free or die”Constitutionalist.

Read More:

GOP insider: Religion destroyed my party -

Monday, July 15, 2013

Rep. John Fleming: Obama Administration and Gay Rights Advocates Pushing Atheism, Socialism | Right Wing Watch

To hear these Christian-Right Blowhards blow, you would think that Socialism in America was introduced the day President Obama was sworn into his first presidential term. Consequently, it's not at all difficult to understand why Jesus has apparently backed out on his return to rule the Earth. He just does not like what He sees when He looks down on it. Jesus Christ was also a Liberal. You know, He does not want to see the motions and hear the anti-Liberal rant of pseudo-Christian extremists.--ABratt    

Rep. John Fleming: Obama Administration and Gay Rights Advocates Pushing Atheism, Socialism | Right Wing Watch

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Robertson Cites Levitical Death Penalty for Gays, Warns the Land Will 'Vomit You Out'

My message to all the normal people in the world: Pat Robertson is just an old Christian Fundie "blowhard" who lost his other "hard" years ago and has, until now, not found it He has to keep his following to manage his Christian 700 Club  Show and remain in the Evangelical Spotlight. His occasional rant also helps him to keep his Tax-Subsidized/Exempt status. Now, what is he good for you may ask? My answer is: Absolutely Nothing! 

And, I say to Pat, "watch out with that Viagra. Some have reported that God increases its potency for his faithful men followers. Then, it's so effective that a hard(erection) may come on and then decide to stay with you a few extended days at a time. This could be extremely embarrassing for you, Pat.  If this happens pray to God in earnest and to your followers for the Viagra effects to diminish , pronto!"--ABratt   

Read the complete post here...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tupelo MS Has A Very Distinct "Dark Side"

ABratt's Perspectives: Spotlighting The "Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS An Otherwise All American City

Beisner: Hurricane Sandy Was Sent By God As A Matter Of Grace...--RWW 10-30-12, Reposted by ABratt 10-30-12

"Today on 'Focal Point,' Bryan Fischer brought on Dr. Cal Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance to discuss the impact of Hurricane Sandy. Beisner, who received his doctorate in Scottish History, is the Religious Right's favorite climate change 'expert' primarily because his entire agenda is rooted in the belief that environmentalism is a religion that is out to destroy Christianity."--RWW

Read the complete article link here>>>>
Beisner: Hurricane Sandy was Sent By God as 'a Matter of Grace' | Right Wing Watch