Showing posts with label Obama Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama Care. Show all posts

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Republican [Joni Ernst] Admits Why Republicans Hate Obama Care

Republican Admits Why Republicans Hate Obamacare -- NYMag

Jonathan Chait:
"Conservatives have made a series of specific predictions about the effects of Obama Care — overall costs would rise, insurers would flee the exchanges, premiums would go up, the ranks of the uninsured would not even fall. All these predictions have failed. And yet conservative opposition to the law has not diminished. If you want to know why this is, listen to these secretly recorded comments from Iowa Republican Senate candidate Joni Ernst, via Radio Iowa and Greg Sargent. Here Ernst, speaking candidly to supporters, gets to the root of conservative opposition":
We’re looking at Obama care right now. Once we start with those benefits in January, how are we going to get people off of those? It’s exponentially harder to remove people once they have already been on those programs…we rely on government for absolutely everything.  And in the years since I was a small girl up until now into my adulthood with children of my own, we have lost a reliance on not only our own families, but so much of what our churches and private organizations used to do. They used to have wonderful food pantries. They used to provide clothing for those that really needed it. But we have gotten away from that. Now we’re at a point where the government will just give away anything.”

That’s the fundamental belief that motivates most, if not all, the conservative opposition: Health care should be a privilege rather than a right. If you can’t afford health insurance on your own, that is not the government’s problem.
I happen to find this belief morally bizarre. People who cannot afford their own insurance either don’t earn much money, or have health risks, or family members with health risks, too expensive to bear.
All of us non-socialists would agree that there ought to be some things rich people get to enjoy that poor people are deprived of. Access to health care is a strange choice of things to deprive the losers of — not least because one of the things you do to “earn” the ability to afford it is not just the normal market value of earning or inheriting a good income, but the usually random value of avoiding serious illness or accident.
Indeed, very few Republicans have the confidence to make the case openly that the inability of some people to afford the cost of their own medical care is their own problem. But that is the belief that sets them apart from major conservative parties across the world, and it is the belief that explains why they have opposed national health insurance every time Democrats have held power, and why they have neglected to create national health insurance every time they have." 
Because of this published revelation from newly elected (Nov. 2014) Republican) Joni Ernst, I'm so proud to be a Liberal Democrat! Let's Take Our Country, America's Country, back starting in 2016.  --A.B. Tupelo MS Liberal.

(490 w)

Monday, April 14, 2014

Cottonmouth: Mississippians Have Health Insurance; Republicans Upset

Republicans Claim They Want To Repeal Obama Care!

"...Thousands of Mississippians now have private health insurance plans - including yours truly - and our state's Republican leaders still think this is a bad idea. Take, for instance, career-long government employee and Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Tupelo Miss): 

“This is yet another desperate attempt by the administration to persuade young people to enroll in the president’s unaffordable, unworkable, and unpopular policy,” Wicker said in a statement. “Rather than spending an inordinate amount of time and taxpayer dollars to roll out celebrity endorsements and slick advertisements, the president should work with Republicans to find real market-driven solutions to America’s health care crisis.”-- Cotton Mouth Blog.Mississippi

If you like, read the complete article here:
Cottonmouth: Mississippians Have Health Insurance: Republicans Upset

Submitted by: Al Bratton, ABratts Liberal Tupelo MS Blog 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

CBO Director: Actually, Obamacare Will Reduce Unemployment

"There's been something wrong with the system for years, nothing new there. Conservatives would rather have all medical needs attended to at the local hospital emergency rooms. Like Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi suggested. His follow-up in the governor's office has that same thought line or worse as he denies thousands of Mississippi uninsured's access to medicaid. Call it 'Good Ole Conservative Tradition' if you like, but I call it 'Good Ole Conservative DILLY-DALLY IGNORANCE!""--ABratt  

CBO Director: Actually, Obamacare Will Reduce Unemployment

Sunday, October 6, 2013

House Republicans and the Betrayal of Democracy | Geoffrey R. Stone

... the House Republicans have every right to try to get their preferred policies enacted into law through the democratic process. They have tried to do this politically, electorally and judicially. They have failed at every turn. The have lost every time they have tried to repeal Obamacare through the legislative process. They have lost in the Supreme Court when they challenged the constitutionality of the law. They have failed politically with the electorate when they were soundly defeated in the 2012 election. Indeed, the only reason House Republicans can play this cruel and criminal game at all is because they gerrymandered congressional districts to enable them to control the House even though they were defeated by the Democrats in the national popular vote for Congress.--Geoffrey R. Stone 
Read the complete article below:

House Republicans and the Betrayal of Democracy | Geoffrey R. Stone

Monday, July 15, 2013

Rep. John Fleming: Obama Administration and Gay Rights Advocates Pushing Atheism, Socialism | Right Wing Watch

To hear these Christian-Right Blowhards blow, you would think that Socialism in America was introduced the day President Obama was sworn into his first presidential term. Consequently, it's not at all difficult to understand why Jesus has apparently backed out on his return to rule the Earth. He just does not like what He sees when He looks down on it. Jesus Christ was also a Liberal. You know, He does not want to see the motions and hear the anti-Liberal rant of pseudo-Christian extremists.--ABratt    

Rep. John Fleming: Obama Administration and Gay Rights Advocates Pushing Atheism, Socialism | Right Wing Watch