Showing posts with label Womens Rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Womens Rights. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2014

Fischer: Contraception Has Left Women Abused And Misused | Right Wing Watch

Fischer, AFA's news anchor headquartered and broadcasting from his facility located on the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS makes the most bizarre announcements regarding AFA's pseudo-Christian right-wing agenda supporting the GOP/TP'S "War On Women." I am inclined to believe that Jesus, the all knowing, all powerful leader of the world renown Christian Faith has cancelled his plan to return to Earth and establish his kingdom simply because he is so repulsed by the extremist right-wing agenda of the American Christian Right Holy Rollers that he wants nothing whatsoever to do with them.--ABratt
Right Wing Watch:
"On his broadcast on Friday, Bryan Fischer took calls from female listeners in an effort to get their perspective on Mike Huckabee's comment that Democrats are insulting women by requiring contraception coverage because they think women 'can't control their libido.'"

Read the complete article from the link below:

Fischer: Contraception Has Left Women Abused And Misused | Right Wing Watch

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Open Letter To Joe Rutherford Editor Tupelo MS Daily Journal

Open Letter To Joe Rutherford, 1- 21-14

Dear Joe:

I would like to share the article linked below with you and the Tupelo, MS Daily Journal Community:
"41 Years of Fighting Over Roe"
by Martha Burk

"...And abortion and the doctors who provide them aren't the only targets in the opposition's gun sights. Birth control, which surely reduces the number of abortions, is also under attack from ongoing lawsuits against insurance coverage for it in Obamacare."

Read more here:

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Congresswomen Pen Stinging Memo To House GOP

Congresswomen Pen Stinging Memo To House GOP

 "It is time once and for all to settle the matter of federal funding for abortion, and move on to a real women’s agenda."--Amen Ladies. House Republicans are the Scourge of America. Let's all vote them OUT this next election cycle!--ABratt Tupelo Mississippi Liberal!