"The World Famous Laugh Factory" Taken From American Family Associations' One News Now Web Site promoted by Bryan Fischer and the Anti-human rights activist Tim Wildmon, 8-21-14.
Robin Williams' suicide, as is every suicide, is a tragically sad thing. My heart hurts to think what Williams' inner life must have been like at the end to drive him to such a terrible decision. My heart aches for those he has left behind – his wife, his children, loved ones and friends. His death has left a hole in their lives that nothing and no one can fill.
In the wake of his suicide, billboards and media pundits alike have been assuming that Robin Williams is now in heaven, making God laugh along with other funny men who left this earth before their time. So is he?
There is one thing we do know and one thing we do not know that can help us think clearly about Robin Williams' eternal destiny....
Image made available for reader viewing by Al Bratton,Tupelo MS. 8-21-14.