ABratt Perspective:ObamaWins Overwhelming Reelection Despite WildmonAFA Predictions
Part One: “Tim Wildmon: History Doesn’t Favor Obama”
Wildmon Part One: “If history is any indicator, Mitt Romney will defeat Barack Obama on Nov. 6. The American people will give a president four years to “get the job done” and if that president is not able to do that – whatever excuses they may give for not accomplishing what they promised when they were elected – they vote to give the next guy a shot. See Jimmy Carter and...”
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Part Two: “Tim Wildmon: How Can Obama Win?”
Wildmon Part Two: “I was discussing with an informed friend the other day the daily polling we hear about regarding the presidential race between President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney that have shown Obama trending ahead in some of the key battleground states like Virginia, [Romney won] Ohio and even Florida.[Obama won] He said the polls are not worth very much until about two weeks out from the election which is Nov. 6. His point was that the polling services are very competitive and do not want egg on their face election night if, in fact, their numbers turn out to be wrong. So take that into consideration when you hear poll numbers you don't necessarily believe to be true. They may be accurate, but we will not know for certain until late in the evening of Nov. 6.” [And now we know,Timmothy.]
“This brings me to another observation. I find it remarkable that President Obama is in the lead in any poll...”
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“Florida Gov.Rick Scott On Decision Not To Extend Early Voting Hours”[Republican Plot To Suppress Voting Foiled]
AFA President Tim Wildmon must have been shocked that Obama won Florida, a state that Repubs had geared-up for a Romney win.-- AB.
“Former Gov. Charlie Crist, a Republican-turned-independent, accused Scott of ‘voter suppression’ for refusing to extend early voting hours, and said Scott should have extended hours like he did in 2008 when he was governor.”
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