Sunday, December 23, 2012

TIM WILDMON: Tidings of comfort and joy arrive with the season

TIM WILDMON: Tidings of comfort and joy arrive with the season: Some of the richest lyrics in Christian song are found in the timeless Christmas carols we sing each December.

Here's a man, AFA's Tim Wildmon from the "Dark Side" of Tupelo MS, President of the American Family Association  (AFA) and listed among America's Hate Groups, attempting to present himself as a pious Christian man of God to the readers of the Tupelo MS Daily Journal's Sunday Oped column. --AB 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Franklin Graham on Sandy Hook: 'This is What Happens When a Society Turns Its Back on God' | Right Wing Watch

Franklin Graham on Sandy Hook: 'This is What Happens When a Society Turns Its Back on God' | Right Wing Watch

Yet another comment from the American Taliban's Most High Mullah, Franklin Graham:

Rev. Emily C. Heath: Dealing With Grief: Five Things NOT To Say And Five Things To Say In A Trauma Involving Children

Rev. Emily C. Heath: Dealing With Grief: Five Things NOT To Say And Five Things To Say In A Trauma Involving Children

Rev. Heath let me just say that you missed an opportunity to expose the vile rhetoric coming from America's Right-Wing Political and Pseudo-religious Fundie Organizations: For example the (AFA and their Tim Wildmon, Bryan Fischer,) Sen. Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, James Dobson and others that represent an extreme form of Christianity that most Americans don't adhere to. Their rhetoric in response to the CT shooting will not be forgotten!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

James Dobson: Connecticut Shooting Linked To Gay Marriage

James Dobson: Connecticut Shooting Linked To Gay Marriage

Right-wing christian fundies are speaking out about God's punishments and the to-be- expected deaths of little children and their brave teachers associated with it!!! And, I believe that loud bang I just heard was another group of Real Christians leaving the church in disgust and taking up the Atheist way to a better, more rational life. Now, I can understand why their Holy Bible says Jesus Wept!!--AB

Sunday, November 25, 2012

ABratt's Perspectives:Gov. Phil Bryant On Medicaid Expansion

ABratt's Perspectives:Gov. Phil Bryant On Medicaid Expansion: Mississippi Gov. Phil "Satan Will Win" Bryant is just another in the line of Republican Governor Scott of Florida and other GOPERS who are fighting Obama Care/Medicaid Expansion...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Mississippi's Wicker sees way off 'fiscal cliff'

Mississippi's Wicker sees way off 'fiscal cliff': Sen. Roger Wicker says avoiding the

Sen. Roger "Grocery Tax" Wicker is riding the coat-tails of a majority conservative oriented voting blok which appears to be on the wane in his state. During the Bush Administration, Wicker made a fact-finding trip to Afghanistan as Mississippi's representative in the House to make a report to his conservative constiuency about thestatus of the ongoing U.S military mission there. Wouldn't you know that he came back and reported that the U.S. had been victorious in that war. This was during the BUSH ADMIN years! 

Is it any surprise that Mississippi, my home state, ranks close to, or directly on, the bottom level among all the fifty total states?     

Thursday, November 15, 2012

ABratt's Perspectives: Don Wildmon [Founder Of The "Dark Side" Of Tupelo MS] Says America Chose 'Chaos' By Re-Electing Obama

The Wildmons, Don & Tim , Their AFA And Their American Taliban Associates  Set Out To Wreck Obama's First Presidential Term From Day One-- They're Still At It, Even In The Wake of Obama's Re-Election To A Second Term. More than anything else, the Wildmon's have spent their whole life driven by obsessions  with Racism, Homo- Phobia, Liberal -Phobia, Islam -Phobia and much more that is connected with the concept of "human rights."

Is it any wonder why Wildmon/AFA find themselves on the SPLC's list of hate groups, or that they   are also known as the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS? -- AB 


RWW Story by Brian Tashman, 11-13-12, Re-posted by ABratt, 11-13-12

"Last week, American Family Association founder Don Wildmon appeared on AFA Today with Buster Wilson, where the conservative leader was mourning the re-election of President Obama. He said that the election represented the beginning of the end for Western civilization and that the U.S. will 'end up in chaos' as 'ultimately we’re going to change the Constitution or do away with it.'”

Read the complete article from Right Wing Watch from the link below