Thursday, July 3, 2014
Freedom, Power, and the Conservative Mind | Robert Reich
"Conservatives who claim to be on the side of freedom while ignoring the growing imbalance of economic and political power in America are not in fact on the side of freedom. They are on the side of those with the power." --Reich
Freedom, Power, and the Conservative Mind | Robert Reich
Freedom, Power, and the Conservative Mind | Robert Reich
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
AFA: Obama Gay Rights Speech 'Made A Mockery Of God's Word' | Right Wing Watch
AFA: Obama Gay Rights Speech 'Made A Mockery Of God's Word' | Right Wing Watch
And what my readers did Tim Wildmon's Speech do but make a really serious mockery of God's Word?--ABratt
And what my readers did Tim Wildmon's Speech do but make a really serious mockery of God's Word?--ABratt
Gay Rights,
God's Word,
Tim Wildmon
Monday, June 2, 2014
TIM WILDMON: One schools graduation behavior was out of line at ceremony | Daily Journal
ABratt's Open Letter Spotlighting AFA's Tim Wildmon /"Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS An Otherwise "All American City."
AFA's Self Anointed Family Values Man has nothing but sarcasm to offer Daily Journal Readers in his article describing his opinions of the activities of a Mississippi School Graduation Program. Of course, you have to remember that Wildmon is a devout Christian Fundamentalist who, no doubt, would prefer students to be home-schooled any day rather than be enrolled in public schools where secularism is the guiding light to an enlightened mind--one that thus far, has eluded him through the years of forced fundie ignorance of the world (climate change denial, evolution) two perfect examples of scientific denial by American (Christian-Right) Fundie Extremists. Climate Change is man-made, God certainly never caused it no more than He brought on the Great Deluge that is similarly, historically described as happening in a multitude of areas across the world.Myths of the Ages.***************************
Wildmon:'My lovely and talented wife Alison and I went to a high school graduation recently here in north Mississippi. We went to see a friend’s daughter get her diploma. And if this particular graduation exercise was any indication of how things are at other high schools, the rules of etiquette regarding behavior at graduations have changed radically since my year, 1981. Now, there are no rules...."
Read complete DJ link bottom page below>
Wildmon Article Excerpt:..."Maybe in a few years another community columnist in the Journal will write something like this: “I went to a high school graduation ceremony the other day and one student did a backflip across the stage to receive his diploma. Another did a Michael Jackson tribute with a "Moonwalk" One family all rang cowbells for their graduate and yet another family ran through a banner like cheerleaders before a football game to honor their graduate. It was quite a change from my day. Back in 2014[?]all you could do is scream, holler and shake your [groove thing.] Now artificial noisemakers are the norm.”
ABratt: "Shake your Groove thing" why, I'm shocked nearly out of my skin on this Sabbath Day to see a depiction of a human's rear-end spelled out for all to see in a column written by the most sanctimonious Christian Fundie on the whole earth--Tim Wildmon! Beyond comprehension, I might add. And that's not all, people. A few weeks back Joe Rutherford, DJ Editor, edited out my "Rat's Patootee" line from a Letter to the Editor I had mailed him for publication to the DJ. And, now, today I could have sworn "Shake Your Groove Thing" was by far the worst comment that could be printed for the eyes of Joe's readers, but not so,"Rat's Patootee" according to Joe's assessment is worse. It just goes to show the Journal Community that I'm not one of Joe's favorite letter submitters. And that, well-----I'm lost for words... until the next time I submit a public letter to the WWW.
Main Story Link: Read the complete story below:
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Raymond Settle VA Crisis --Who Tried To Prevent The Crisis, Who Stood in Their Way! | Anthony W. Orlando
Raymond Settle Daily Journal Letter To Editor,Veterans Admin. Scandal 5-27-14:
"Monday was Memorial Day. We can only remember and appreciate those who have passed on but there is another group that we can show our appreciation for – living veterans. They especially need our support as we learn more about the Veterans Administration scandal."
"These veterans were promised medical care and they have earned it with their sacrifices for us. However, that has turned out to be a broken promise for many of them. Candidate Obama promised in August 2007, 'Caring for those who serve and for their families is a fundamental responsibility of the commander-in-chief. … It’s time for comprehensive reform. When I am President, building a 21st century VA to serve our veterans will be an equal priority to building a 21st century military to fight our wars.'”--Raymond Settle
"Six years later President Obama reported, 'And today I can report, we are not where we need to be, but we are making progress. After years when the backlog kept growing, finally the backlog is shrinking.'”--Obama
Raymond Settle: Now we know how that backlog was shrinking. Those who could not be seen within the required 14 days for new patients or 30 days for returning patients had their names moved from the main list to hidden lists to give the appearance the hospital was meeting the goals. Some of those veterans o n the hidden lists have been waiting over a year to see a doctor. Some names were removed from the lists without receiving care after a year. Even worse we know some veterans died waiting on the medical care they were entitled to. We provide much better care for the terrorists at Guantanamo Bay than we do for our veterans. The ratio of terrorists to healthcare providers is 1.5 – 1 with no waiting while the ratio for veterans hospitals is 35 – 1. This situation is beyond inexcusable, it is [criminal.]Raymond Settle, Emphasis ABratt's
I suggest the best tribute we can pay to our dead veterans is demand our promise be kept to our living veterans. No more excuses. It is a matter of honor for each of us. The veterans have done their part and it is our responsibility to fulfill our commitments to them.
Raymond Settle
Blue Mountain, MS
Back in 2008, the eminent researchers -- one a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, the other a Nobel laureate in economics -- published a book called The Three Trillion Dollar War, where they argued that most Americans were drastically underestimating the cost of the Iraq War. They didn't specifically describe the events that have unfolded in recent weeks, but they did point out the enormous burden that would be placed on the VA system as veterans returned from Iraq -- a burden that we were not preparing for.
And that was before the surge in Afghanistan.
Upon taking the oath of office, Barack Obama tripled U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan, sending over 60,000 troops into combat. Only now, five years later, have troop levels reverted to the level they were at when he took office. So you can add 60,000 troops for five years on top of the costs projected by Bilmes and Stiglitz -- projections that were verified and replicated by the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, as well as Nobel laureate Lawrence Klein, the father of modern economic forecasting.
And yet, Congress refused to boost the VA budget.
For years, discretionary funding for the VA health care system had been growing at approximately 6 percent per year, slightly less than health care costs for the average American family, making it the most cost-efficient system in the country. Meanwhile, it ranked at the top of quality rankings, better than all its private competitors, year after year. It was the best medical care system in America.
That is, until the troops came home.
"Republicans beat back a Democratic attempt to provide almost $2 billion in additional health care funding for veterans," reported the Washington Post in 2005, "rejecting claims that Department of Veterans Affairs hospitals are in crisis."
The following year, Bilmes told ABC News, "In 2004, the VA had a backlog of 400,000 cases. Last year it was 500,000 cases. Now the backlog is 600,000 cases. That's just in two years. And the big wave of returning Iraqi veterans has not even hit yet."
And yet, the VA budget kept growing by 6 percent per year, as if the war didn't exist at all.
As if that wasn't a big enough problem... "Proposed cuts in Department of Veterans Affairs spending on major construction and non-recurring maintenance threaten to derail efforts to update the department's aging infrastructure," reported theWashington Post in 2012. And so, Democratic Senator Patty Murray led the charge to boost the VA's construction funding, only to have it beat down by Republicans.
Later that year, Paul Ryan, the Republican chair of the House Budget Committee, released the party's annual budget proposal. Had it become law, the VA would've sustained billions of dollars in budget cuts, forcing smaller facilities to shut down in rural areas.
So it wasn't surprising to Senator Murray when allegations surfaced of VA hospitals lying about the number of veterans on their waiting lists because they didn't want the world to know that they were unable to give their patients lifesaving treatments. "In an environment where everybody is told, 'Keep the cost down. Don't tell me anything costs more.' -- it creates a culture out there for people to cook the books,"she said in a recent interview.
Who would've ever thought, after years of relentless cost-cutting in the halls of Washington, that the federal government actually spends our money on important stuff? Who would've thought that wars cost money, and tax cuts cost money, and maintaining our infrastructure costs money? Not the Republicans, that's for sure. While the Bush administration plunged us into two wars and cut taxes on the rich, who were already taking a bigger piece of the pie than they had since the Roaring Twenties, Republicans in Congress were blocking every Democratic attempt to give the VA the funding they needed to give our veterans the medical care they were promised. And then, when the Obama administration tried to correct this funding crisis, Republicans responded by proposing deeper spending cuts.
Let this be a warning to every politician and every voter who thinks we can cut our way to prosperity: Those dollar figures represent real services that the government provides to real people. Every cut has a cost, and not just in money. In lives.
This op-ed was published in today's South Florida Sun-Sentinel.
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Friday, May 30, 2014
An Unpublished Letter To Editor J. Rutherford, Daily Journal: AFA Warns 'Homosexual Aggression' Has Banned Christians From '7 Common Careers'
Original Post By Miranda Blue, RWW, 4-23-14
Re-posted to ABratt's Liberal Tupelo, MS Blog by ABratt, Fri. May 30, 2014.
In a fund raising email today, American Family Association president Tim Wildmon warns that the list of careers that Christians can hold in America “is quickly shrinking as homosexuals pro-actively seek opportunities to wreck the personal business and career of any Christian who declines to support the gay lifestyle.”
The email lists “7 common careers Christians may no longer hold in America,” which it says includes photography, broadcasting and teaching. Wildmon cites a few cases in which business owners have been sued for refusing to provide services to gay people and have sought broad exemptions from anti-discrimination laws that apply to businesses operating in the public square. He also cites the case of Craig James, who was hired by a regional Fox Sports network before being fired by the national network, which he claimed was because of his “personal religious beliefs.” Wildmon claims that James, who has since been hired by the Family Research Council , is a martyr who has been banned from broadcasting thanks to “homosexual aggression.”
[As usual, the Daily Journal Columnist, Tim Liar, Liar Pants On Fire Wildmon, deliberately refuses to print the whole, staring-in-your-face truth when he submits his Community Column To Editor Joe Rutherford for publication every other Sunday in the year:]
Tim Wildmon:
Tim Wildmon:
"7common careers Christians may no longer hold in America" [this statement by Wildmon comes without any reference to the fact that at least 4 of these "faith-based" businesses operated in states where anti-discrimination laws against GLBT people were in effect at the time these Christian business people were busy refusing services to members of the GLBT Community. aka, another case of ignoring the law to further harass a minority group of American Citizens. Wildmon fibs on a regular basis in his Tupelo Daily Journal Column. Editor Rutherford is his long- time friend and colludes with him to hide the true facts in Journal posts he has control over.]April 23, 2014 Wildmon:"Many Christians choose self-employed careers because they want to be able to run their business according to the dictates of their faith and conscience.That list is quickly shrinking as homosexuals pro-actively seek opportunities to wreck the personal business and career of any Christian who declines to support the gay lifestyle.Don't be fooled. This is a focused effort to ostracize and humiliate faith-based businesses and their owners. Here are a few recent examples:"
- Photography - A Christian photographer in New Mexico was fined $6700 for politely declining to photograph a lesbian commitment ceremony. The Supreme Court allowed this fine to stand.
- Baker - A Christian baker in Oregon is facing both civil and criminal penalties, including jail time, for politely declining to bake a cake for a gay wedding ceremony. Her business has closed.
- Florist - Baronelle Stutzman, a Christian florist in Washington, is being sued by the state attorney general for politely declining to prepare an arrangement for a gay wedding ceremony.
- Broadcasting - Craig James was fired by Fox Sports Southwest after only one day on the job for expressing his support for natural marriage while he was a candidate for the United States Senate.
- Counseling - Jennifer Keeton was dismissed from the counseling program at Augusta State University for her religious reservations about the homosexual lifestyle.
- Innkeeping - The Wildflower Inn in Vermont was fined $30,000 and forced to shut down its wedding reception business after politely declining to host a lesbian ceremony.
- Teaching - Ms. Gillian John-Charles was kicked out of a doctoral program in education at Roosevelt University for expressing in class her belief that homosexuals aren't born gay."
AFA Warns 'Homosexual Aggression' Has Banned Christians From '7 Common Careers' | Right Wing Watch
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