Monday, July 14, 2014

How Conservative Evangelicals Went From Not Caring About Abortion......

Slate: Contraception: How conservative evangelicals went from not caring about abortion and birth control to being obsessed with them.

What does the Bible say about abortion?

Exodus 21: 22-24 ERV : 22 “Two men might be fighting and hurt a pregnant woman. This might make the woman give birth to her baby before its time. If the woman was not hurt badly,[e] the man who hurt her must pay a fine. The woman’s husband will decide how much the man must pay. The judges will help the man decide how much the fine will be. 23 But if the woman was hurt badly, then the man who hurt her must be punished. The punishment must fit the crime. You must trade one life for another life. 24 You must trade an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot, 25 a burn for a burn, a bruise for a bruise, a cut for a cut.

In its challenge to the “contraception mandate” of the Affordable Care Act, Hobby Lobby claims that certain forms of birth control—Plan B, “ella,” and IUDs—induce abortion and therefore go against the owners’ religious beliefs. The government’s response is that none of these contraceptives ends a pregnancy. Rather, they prevent implantation in the uterine lining.



Monday, July 7, 2014

Barefoot and Pregnant: The Supreme Court and the War on Women | Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite

Barefoot and Pregnant: The Supreme Court and the War on Women | Rev. Dr. Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite

  "There really is a war on women, and recently the U.S. Supreme Court has made the conduct of that war even easier. Due to majority decisions by this court, women are now more vulnerable in their physical persons and in their ability to plan their economic lives.

This is a war because war involves both physical injury as well as economic deprivation."--Dr. Thistlethwaite

Monday, June 2, 2014

TIM WILDMON: One schools graduation behavior was out of line at ceremony | Daily Journal

ABratt's  Open Letter Spotlighting AFA's Tim Wildmon /"Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS An Otherwise "All American City."

AFA's Self Anointed Family Values Man has nothing but sarcasm to offer Daily Journal Readers in his article describing his opinions of the activities of a Mississippi School Graduation Program. Of course, you have to remember that Wildmon is a devout Christian Fundamentalist who, no doubt, would prefer students to be home-schooled any day rather than be enrolled in public schools where secularism is the guiding light to an enlightened mind--one that thus far, has eluded him through the years of forced fundie ignorance of the world (climate change denial, evolution) two perfect examples of scientific denial by American (Christian-Right) Fundie Extremists. Climate Change is man-made, God certainly never caused it  no more than He brought on the Great Deluge  that is similarly, historically described as happening in a multitude of areas across the world.Myths of the Ages.  

Wildmon:'My lovely and talented wife Alison and I went to a high school graduation recently here in north Mississippi. We went to see a friend’s daughter get her diploma. And if this particular graduation exercise was any indication of how things are at other high schools, the rules of etiquette regarding behavior at graduations have changed radically since my year, 1981. Now, there are no rules...."

Read complete DJ link bottom page below>


Wildmon Article Excerpt:..."Maybe in a few years another community columnist in the Journal will write something like this: “I went to a high school graduation ceremony the other day and one student did a backflip across the stage to receive his diploma. Another did a Michael Jackson tribute with a "Moonwalk" One family all rang cowbells for their graduate and yet another family ran through a banner like cheerleaders before a football game to honor their graduate. It was quite a change from my day. Back in 2014[?]all you could do is scream, holler and shake your [groove thing.] Now artificial noisemakers are the norm.”

ABratt: "Shake your Groove thing" why, I'm shocked nearly out of my skin on this Sabbath Day to see a depiction of a human's rear-end spelled out for all to see in a column written by the most sanctimonious Christian Fundie on the whole earth--Tim Wildmon! Beyond comprehension, I might add. And that's not all, people. A few weeks back Joe Rutherford, DJ Editor,  edited out my "Rat's Patootee" line from a Letter to the Editor I had mailed him for publication to the DJ. And, now, today I could have sworn "Shake Your Groove Thing" was by far the worst comment that could be printed for the eyes of Joe's readers, but not so,"Rat's Patootee" according to Joe's assessment is worse. It just goes to show the Journal Community that I'm not one of Joe's favorite letter submitters. And that, well-----I'm lost for words... until the next time I submit a public letter to the WWW.

Main Story Link: Read the complete story below: