Friday, February 28, 2014

Americans Really Hate Uganda's New Anti-Gay Law -- A Lot

An Open Letter To Joe Rutherford, Editor Of  The Tupelo, MS Daily Journal:

Joe, I want to share with you and the Daily Journal readers my thoughts on the recent human rights crisis coming out of Uganda:
It's really disturbing to me knowing that a "Dark Side" Tupelo, MS based homophobic christian hate group (AFA) has attained a reputation for supporting international bigotry in the third-world country of Uganda. (Google the former AFA anti-gay activist Scott Lively for an in-depth account of his personal involvement in spreading a gospel of hate/human rights violations throughout America and the World with his latest claim-to-fame being fulfilled in Putin's Russia.)      

Americans Really Hate Uganda's New Anti-Gay Law -- A Lot

To begin with, I am in total agreement with the following excerpted comment from the subject article:

"The bigoted preachers and organized h8 groups from America that are the inspiration for these 'christian inspired' laws in Uganda and Nigeria should be charged with h8 crimes and genocide because of the resulting pogroms and violence they have caused.
The recent round of bug-eyed crazy 'religious freedom' laws in the US was probably a trial balloon for these bigots and their false piety, but stems from the same mentality.
These American Teavangelicals are no different than the anti-semites of the 20th century with their bigotry, propagganda, lies and h8. And for what? Because two men or two women love one another?"
Al Bratton, Tupelo

Friday, February 7, 2014

Exposing The Dark Side Of Tupelo MS: Don Wildmon's American Family Association

Exposing The Dark Side Of Tupelo, MS:....
Uganda Passes Anti-Gay Bill Cheered By Conservatives, Including The Dark Side Of Tupelo MS'S AFA ************************************  
 American Family Association hatemonger Bryan Fischer connected the law’s passage to the controversy in America over Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson. Fischer tweeted:
So much for “live and let live.” 
Read more here: 

Tupelo MS, my presnt home, is an otherwise All American City--ABratt

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Nunnelee: DOD's Bible Decision is 'Another Example of Government Assault on Religion' | Right Wing Watch

Alan "Goofus" Nonelee, Republican Representative from Tupelo, MS. Another textbook case of Ignorance Is Bliss in Mississippi/National Politics.--ABratt, 2-06-14.

Read more:

Nunnelee: DOD's Bible Decision is 'Another Example of Government Assault on Religion' | Right Wing Watch

CBO Director: Actually, Obamacare Will Reduce Unemployment

"There's been something wrong with the system for years, nothing new there. Conservatives would rather have all medical needs attended to at the local hospital emergency rooms. Like Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi suggested. His follow-up in the governor's office has that same thought line or worse as he denies thousands of Mississippi uninsured's access to medicaid. Call it 'Good Ole Conservative Tradition' if you like, but I call it 'Good Ole Conservative DILLY-DALLY IGNORANCE!""--ABratt  

CBO Director: Actually, Obamacare Will Reduce Unemployment

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Obamacare Opponents Freak Out At The Idea The Law Could Mean More Freedom

Obamacare Opponents Freak Out At The Idea The Law Could Mean More Freedom

"I can't figure out why anyone with any intelligence would want to be associated with Republicans. Surely most of them are ignorant asses!"

5 FEB 3:36 PM

Wow! The HP moderators would have deleted this comment if I had posted it!

Utah State Attorneys Argue Gay Marriage Puts Children At Risk

"Joseph Smith the one truly, truly false messiah/godly one/prophet!" ABratt's Comment deleted by HP NUTCASE moderator!

Utah State Attorneys Argue Gay Marriage Puts Children At Risk

Monday, February 3, 2014

For The Clowns Hating The Coke Ad With A Gay Family: Guess Who Wrote The Song?

For The Clowns Hating The Coke Ad With A Gay Family: Guess Who Wrote The Song?

When will the Homophobes/Haters begin their campaigns to rid the world of all those perverted BI-SEXUALS? Swarms and swarms of them through hangings, burning at the stake, or other methods.
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Martin O'Malley 2016? Democrat Preparing For Possible Presidential Run

Martin O'Malley 2016? Democrat Preparing For Possible Presidential Run

Martin O'Malley 2016? Democrat Preparing For Possible Presidential Run

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley says he's preparing for a possible run for president. The Democrat tells The Washington Post ( that he can't waste time waiting for former Secretary of State Hillary

When In Public, Tim Wildmon Can Tell Who Is Gay Because 'They Walk Like A Girl' | Right Wing Watch

I'm inclined to believe Tim is personally very attracted to Gay men. He sure seems to enjoy watching them walk by. Turns him on, Big Time!!

When In Public, Tim Wildmon Can Tell Who Is Gay Because 'They Walk Like A Girl' | Right Wing Watch

HP Moderation: A 9/11 Truther Crashed Super Bowl MVP Malcolm Smith's Press Conference (VIDEO)

Another American Weirdo exposing his intelligence to the World!
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Due to the potentially sensitive nature of this article, your comment may take longer to appear publicly.

A 9/11 Truther Crashed Super Bowl MVP Malcolm Smith's Press Conference (VIDEO)