Sunday, July 14, 2013

Apes Created Men, Men Created Gods

Apes Created Men, Men created Gods--ABratt

"When you picture Neanderthals, you might imagine subhuman brutes grunting -- but new research suggests these ancient hominids might have been more articulatethan previously thought."

Read more from HP link:

Neanderthal Language & Speech Shared With Modern Humans A Million Years Ago, Researchers Say

Saturday, July 13, 2013

So This Is Christianity?

So, This Is Christianity?

Only In The Fundie South Where Ignorance Is Bliss, Intelligence Amiss.

Point-Counterpoint Tupelo MS .Daily Journal Discussion Team– Ed Holliday, James Hull.

Ed Holliday, July 13, 2013: 

James, first let me say that the Shannon board has spoken and if anyone feels that their rights have been violated, then courts are available. [The Town Board of the Town of Shannon MS has, in the last couple of weeks, denied a prospective business owner a permit to manage a Gay Bar inside the Town Limits.]--ABratt
James, now as to your point that traditional marriage in not threatened by same sex marriage I must say that you are dead wrong.  The entire debate about gay marriage should be about the children – children now and in the future.  Why would we give our children a different definition of marriage? In a country based on Judeo-Christian values, how is gay marriage affecting our children?
First, we know longstanding institutions such as Catholic adoption services have been shut down in states where gay marriage is now legal because they refuse to place children into homes that contradict their beliefs. 

 Second, in states where gay marriage is legal, children are being taught in kindergarten that they can grow up to marry either a man or a woman. How will this affect the next generation? Preliminary statistics show that over 30 percent of children raised in a home with gay parents end up adopting the gay lifestyle, and, yet, in the general population only 2-3 percent of the population  practice the gay lifestyle.

 Are we experimenting with our children in a “Brave New World?” Will a continuing change in the definition of marriage lead to an imploding civilization such as ancient Greece and Rome?
If our society says it is right to change the definition of marriage to include gay people, then how can we legally discriminate against the bisexuals? Shouldn’t they be given the right to marry a man and a woman? [LOL] And if it’s about marrying who you love why can’t people marry two or three or four or more different men and women? [LOL AGAIN]  Using these standards, how can we legally stop incestuous marriages? How about transgendered marriage rights?[LOL AGAIN & AGAIN].
God is not mocked.  America is dying. Judgment comes on both the just and the unjust. The Bible tells us about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They refused to bow down and worship a false god in ancient Babylon. We need such men and women with a backbone today. [False Gods and Satan are both a part of the Fundie lifestyle!]--AB

Read the complete post here...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Robertson Cites Levitical Death Penalty for Gays, Warns the Land Will 'Vomit You Out'

My message to all the normal people in the world: Pat Robertson is just an old Christian Fundie "blowhard" who lost his other "hard" years ago and has, until now, not found it He has to keep his following to manage his Christian 700 Club  Show and remain in the Evangelical Spotlight. His occasional rant also helps him to keep his Tax-Subsidized/Exempt status. Now, what is he good for you may ask? My answer is: Absolutely Nothing! 

And, I say to Pat, "watch out with that Viagra. Some have reported that God increases its potency for his faithful men followers. Then, it's so effective that a hard(erection) may come on and then decide to stay with you a few extended days at a time. This could be extremely embarrassing for you, Pat.  If this happens pray to God in earnest and to your followers for the Viagra effects to diminish , pronto!"--ABratt   

Read the complete post here...

So This Is The Party Of Family Values And GOD'S Only People aka The GOP!

North Carolina Becomes Ground Zero For GOP Cowardice And Contempt...

Jonathan Weiler:
For a clear sense of what the Republican Party has in store for the entire country, were it able to get its clutches on all the levers of power, North Carolina is becoming an increasingly illuminating place to look. With the election of the allegedly "moderate" Pat McCrory as governor last November, the Republican takeover of state government was complete. And in six short months, motivated by willful ignorance, spite and contempt, the party has cut a category-five hurricane swathe of destruction through the state, the damage from which could take years to undo. Tar Heel Republicans have, among other things, rejected Medicaid expansion,...

Read the complete article from HP here...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Christian Fundamentalists to SCOTUS: We're the Real Victims

Christian Fundamentalists to SCOTUS: We're the Real Victims | Fred Rich

Beware fellow-Americans! Several of the Christian Fundamentalist's favorite talking points is that the US was created as a "Christian Nation" by the Founding Fathers. But it could be argued successfully that the opposite of that is true. If that's any consolation to those of us who are watchful of the Fundie Right in any case.  --AB  

Andy Sanborn, New Hampshire State Senator, Compares Obamacare With San Francisco Plane Crash

Andy Sanborn, New Hampshire State Senator, Compares Obamacare With San Francisco Plane Crash

The Republican Party Is Well On Its Way To Extinction.--ABratt