REP. ALAN NUNNELEE: Obamacare concerns are coming true | Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal
It's evident to me from your post, Rep. Nonnelee, that the only ideas for Health Care For All Americans that you can come up with are combined into your three favorite words: "REPEAL OBAMA CARE." You and your ilk Don Wildmon, Tim Wildmon, Fundie Phil Bryant, your fellow-Republicans scattered around the Mississippi country side, etc. know those words because you are all part of Fundie Christian Politics headquartered on the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS an otherwise All American City.
What, specifically, is your Health Care Plan, Mr. Nonnelee? Make it public to all your constituents in great detail. Explain how every feature of it will increase jobs, save money, reduce the deficit, well, just tell us how you will eliminate ever feature you are critical of in Obama Care. By the way,Alan, try to take time off from your personal War On Women's Reproductive Rights and get to work on your proposal to repeal and replace Obama Care.--ABratt
Only In The Fundie South Where Ignorance Is Bliss, Intelligence Amiss.
Point-Counterpoint Tupelo MS .Daily Journal Discussion Team– Ed Holliday, James Hull.
Ed Holliday, July 13, 2013:
James, first let me say that the Shannon board has spoken and if anyone feels that their rights have been violated, then courts are available. [The Town Board of the Town of Shannon MS has, in the last couple of weeks, denied a prospective business owner a permit to manage a Gay Bar inside the Town Limits.]--ABratt
James, now as to your point that traditional marriage in not threatened by same sex marriage I must say that you are dead wrong. The entire debate about gay marriage should be about the children – children now and in the future. Why would we give our children a different definition of marriage? In a country based on Judeo-Christian values, how is gay marriage affecting our children?
First, we know longstanding institutions such as Catholic adoption services have been shut down in states where gay marriage is now legal because they refuse to place children into homes that contradict their beliefs.
Second, in states where gay marriage is legal, children are being taught in kindergarten that they can grow up to marry either a man or a woman. How will this affect the next generation? Preliminary statistics show that over 30 percent of children raised in a home with gay parents end up adopting the gay lifestyle, and, yet, in the general population only 2-3 percent of the population practice the gay lifestyle.
Are we experimenting with our children in a “Brave New World?” Will a continuing change in the definition of marriage lead to an imploding civilization such as ancient Greece and Rome?
If our society says it is right to change the definition of marriage to include gay people, then how can we legally discriminate against the bisexuals? Shouldn’t they be given the right to marry a man and a woman? [LOL] And if it’s about marrying who you love why can’t people marry two or three or four or more different men and women? [LOL AGAIN] Using these standards, how can we legally stop incestuous marriages? How about transgendered marriage rights?[LOL AGAIN & AGAIN].
God is not mocked. America is dying. Judgment comes on both the just and the unjust. The Bible tells us about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They refused to bow down and worship a false god in ancient Babylon. We need such men and women with a backbone today. [False Gods and Satan are both a part of the Fundie lifestyle!]--AB
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