Friday, November 9, 2012

Ohio 'Heartbeat Bill' Is Revived In State Legislature

Ohio 'Heartbeat Bill' Is Revived In State Legislature

The Gopers are obsessed with controlling women's rights to their own body. The 2012 presidential election hasn't taught the morons one single thing about where they are ultimately headed.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Robert Creamer: 6 Reasons Why the 2012 Election Will Be Considered Historic

Robert Creamer: 6 Reasons Why the 2012 Election Will Be Considered Historic

"Tuesday's election was important for many reasons. Its outcome will certainly benefit millions and millions of people -- both in the United States and around the world. And President Obama's campaign will be remembered as one of the best-run political efforts in the history of American politics."--Robert Creamer

ABratts Perspectives: Obama Wins Four More Years: How Sweeeeeeeet It Is!!!

ABratts Perspectives: Obama Wins Four More Years: How Sweeeeeeeet It Is!!!: Obama Took Gov. Walker's Wisconsin. That tells Americans a lot.  That in itself speaks loud and clear to Karl Rove and the KOOCH Brothers! And I don't want to leave Journal Communi...

Sarah Palin On Obama Victory: 'It's A Perplexing Time For Many Of Us Right Now' (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin On Obama Victory: 'It's A Perplexing Time For Many Of Us Right Now' (VIDEO)

Palin is very much like the chaff that wind bloweth away. NOW, BLOW, WIND, BLOW I SAY AWAY WITH THIS PITIFUL WOMAN!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Climate Change Poll Finds Most Americans Unwilling To Pay Higher Energy Costs

Climate Change Poll Finds Most Americans Unwilling To Pay Higher Energy Costs

My Vision: I hate to be a pessimist but as long as we continue to have political gridlock, christian fanatacism, climate change deniers, and anti-green activists among other things as the norm in America, climate change will never be resolved. It could already be too late. We may just have to accept our ultimate demise as it creeps over us creating all kinds of horrific death and destruction,from widespread famine, civil unrest, immobility, theft, murder, cannibalism, looting and much, much more will be the order of the day for those still hanging on to life by a thin thread.

In the aftermath of our destruction, sometime in later years, alien scientist will, no doubt, visit Earth to study why our civilization collapsed in such a horrible way. They will likely conclude from their investigation that the Earth was bombarded by a meteorite in the earlier pre-historic era when the dinos all seemed to perish mysteriously but in the second, later phase, around the year 2070 +/- Earth was destoyed by pollution of the environment due to human activity resulting in increased carbon dioxide emmissions into the atmosphere from the uncontrolled, continued burning of fossil fuels which was the result of greed, ignorance and power in the hands of the wrong people.

Let's change my vision. Start by re-electing President Obama and a majority Democratic Congress! You'll be glad you did and so will your children!

Mitt Romney Robocall Warns Christians Obama A 'Threat To Our Religious Freedom'

Mitt Romney Robocall Warns Christians Obama A 'Threat To Our Religious Freedom'

Mormon-Christian-Republican-Mittso HOOEY! It all makes me proud to be an American , Liberal Non-Theist, Democrat. OBAMA 2012!--ABratt's Perspectives

Friday, November 2, 2012

Kevin Swanson Blames Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina on Homosexuality, Warns San Francisco is Next | Right Wing Watch

As long as the pseudo-Christian Right broadcasts their views over the Internet there will never be any question as to why the Christian Religion is shedding members like leaves on an old  Maple Tree at Halloween.

Kevin Swanson Blames Hurricanes Sandy and Katrina on Homosexuality, Warns San Francisco is Next | Right Wing Watch