Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Obama Record On Deficit Reduction Solid, Contrary To GOP, [Fundies] Squawking

By Jason Easley, Jan. 12, 2013, Link re-posted by ABratt's Perspectives Jan. 16, 2013.

Rachel Maddow:

"You would never know it from the way the deficit peacocks are crowing against this administration, but the deficit is now more that two hundred billion dollars smaller than it was when President Obama first took office. We are currently witnessing the fastest deficit reduction in this country since the end of World War II...." 

Read the complete article here...


"Armed with facts, Rachel Maddow completely obliterated the great Republican lie that President Obama has blown up the deficit."

Problem is, some Conservative American Talibanists, aka American Family Association's Tim Wildmon, in particular representing the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS, continue to lie incessantly about President Obama's handling of the deficit, including other talking points he conjures up in his anti-Obama obsession.

Here is a recent article Wildmon submitted to the Tupelo, MS Daily Journal where he writes a Sunday editorial page column:   

I am not so sure that President Obama is not intentionally trying to bankrupt the United States of America. I know I am not supposed to say that out loud, but I am just looking at how the man behaves.

When a problem like our country’s debt is spiraling out of control – and economists and serious thinkers on both sides of the political spectrum warn against the coming calamity due to the debt – and Obama shows absolutely no interest in trying to cut or even slow down the borrowing and spending, it does make one wonder what his motives are....
Read the complete post here...

Monday, January 14, 2013

Brandon G. Withrow: Why Do Some Theologians Blame The Victim?

Brandon G. Withrow: Why Do Some Theologians Blame The Victim?

Christian Fundies Need A Scapegoat, a Tax-exempt Status and an Ignorant Following to Survive!--ABratt

Income Tax Could Be Eliminated By Many Republican-Controlled States

Income Tax Could Be Eliminated By Many Republican-Controlled States

The Red/Republican/Teapotty staters are primarily the ones that are always threatening secession. So, why not just start (NOW) to plan how to redraw the state boundaries and finalize the Liberal States of America and the Conservative States of America. Each division with its own government, its own laws, its own infrastructure, its own legal system, its own religions or no religion, its own military, tax code etc, etc.. To each his/her own. Do it now, peacefully, before we embark on another War Between the States! --ABratt

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Buster Wilson: 'There is Nobody Out There that is Any More Hateful' than 'Big Gay' Bloggers | Right Wing Watch

Buster Wilson: 'There is Nobody Out There that is Any More Hateful' than 'Big Gay' Bloggers | Right Wing Watch

Wrong Again, Buster. It's most likeky that the modern  word,  "Hate," was coined from the activities of "Big  Homophobia", the American Taliban Right-Wing Activists from the AFA's "Dark Side" of  Tupelo, MS, an otherwise All American Mississippi City.--AB  

Republican Party Path Back From 2012 Election Requires Shift In Culture, Not Just Tactics

As long as the GOPERS continue to cater to the demands of the religious right-wing crowd, they will continue on a  downward spiral. And, that will be very difficult to reverse based on how they are structured at this time in history."--ABratt 

Republican Party Path Back From 2012 Election Requires Shift In Culture, Not Just Tactics