Saturday, January 11, 2014

Dark Money Swirls Around The Toughest Senate Races This Year

"Money Is The Root of All Evil," Especially As Republican Politics Goes!--ABratt

"New and re-proposed 'dark money' groups are jumping into key Senate races this year. In five states -- Kentucky, Louisiana, New Hampshire, North Carolina and South Carolina -- the difficult reelection bids of incumbent senators have already been directly targeted or indirectly influenced."

Read the article here: Dark Money Swirls Around The Toughest Senate Races This Year

Congresswomen Pen Stinging Memo To House GOP

Congresswomen Pen Stinging Memo To House GOP

 "It is time once and for all to settle the matter of federal funding for abortion, and move on to a real women’s agenda."--Amen Ladies. House Republicans are the Scourge of America. Let's all vote them OUT this next election cycle!--ABratt Tupelo Mississippi Liberal!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Federal Government Will Recognize Utah Same-Sex Marriages, Eric Holder Announces

ABratt's Favorite Comment from this article:

For a lame duck administration Obama is taking the advantage of not having to run again, to drag the nation kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

He is free of the constraints placed on him by having to cater for the majority and now is reinforcing the rights of minorities that have for far too long been ostracized, marginalized, vilified and treated as lesser beings let alone lesser Americans.Equal rights is freedom from the tyranny of the majority and for millions of people, they can join in and say, free at last, free at last.

The entire opposition to equal rights for the LGBT has been a selfish, magical thinking somehow if they get the same rights as me, I lose something and yes they do, they lose the ability to control other grown adults personal lives.

If marriage is such a moral institution then why can’t those same morals justify same sex marriage, there is love in both and there are broken families by the score that are formerly married heterosexuals, yet those divorce statistics aren’t judged by the same criteria that sort to deprive same sex couples of the same basic rights to marry.

Utah has set a non stoppable force in motion because the government based their entire premise to deprive people of fulfillment and a normal life on anti constitutional nullification of the 14 th amendment that guarantees equal rights under the law throughout the nation and those rights are not subject to interpretation under the 10th amendment of states’ rights, just like interracial marriage, the rights of access for disabled and the rights to an education that is equal as was proven by brown V Board of Education that guaranteed the integration of schools, why the entire civil rights act was premised and passed on the 14th amendment and the same people fighting against the rights to equality for the LGBT community are the same or decedents of the people who fought against the civil rights act .

Antisocial extremists are losing battle after battle and what was seen as extreme in years past is now seen as normal, They lost to the suffragette movement, they lost the civil war and they are losing this fight too.

If you love you love and laws should never interfere nor block love between adults.1 America, 1 set of laws, 1 equality and a common road to acceptance.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thomas Jefferson's Top Ten Quotes On Religious Freedom -

Thomas Jefferson's Top Ten Quotes On Religious Freedom -

The Christian Right's attempts to revise/re-write the historical words and actions of Thomas Jefferson is a travesty of immense proportions. Further proof that they have forefited  any chance of ever lasting life in Heaven Above.--ABratt

Open Letter To Editor Joe Rutherford Tupelo Mississippi Daily Journal: Tupelo's Dark Side

Open Letter To Editor Joe Rutherford Tupelo Misissippi Daily Journal: Tupelo's "Dark Side"
Dear Joe Rutherford:
As a citizen of Tupelo and and a Human Rights Advocate I would like to share the following article with you and the Daily Journal Readers Community: Tupelo Mississippi, an otherwise All American City, has a very distinct "Dark Side" known nationwide as the American Family Association, a SPLC Designated Hate Group. Xeneophobia (an irrational, intense dislike or unfounded fear of people from other countries-Webster Online) is among the various phobias fueling AFA's bigoted Pseudo-christian/political agenda. --ABratt, Jan. 9, 2014.

Right Wing Watch:
Recently,“AFA’S [Tupelo, MS based] Tim Wildmon warned that offering undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship would lead to ‘the end of the Republican Party as we know it,’ while…”
In the same post, “AFA’s Sandy Rios called such a move ‘Republican suicide’ and urged GOP leaders to get out of Washington more and live in places like Mississippi. ‘I think of that phrase in the Old Testament about a ‘strong delusion,’ she said. ‘I would say that the Republican leadership is under a strong delusion. I don’t understand it, I can’t explain it except that they just don’t get out enough, they need to go live in Mississippi, they need to go live in Nebraska, wherever, because the sanity seems to leave them.’” [A 'strong delusion', Amen!] 
Read the complete article from the link below: