Sunday, September 21, 2014

Spotlighting: Christian Right Homophobes Tim Wildmon, Bryan Fischer, Scott Lively...

AFA's Tim Wildmon, Scott Lively, Peter LA Barbera [...] Launch Global anti-Gay 'Coalition for Family Values.'  Yes, Friends, That's What They Named It!

'USA: Anti-Gay Religious Activists Hope to Boost Homophobia Exports'
"Anti-gay activists Scott Lively and Peter LaBarbera launched a new global anti-gay network they call the Coalition for Family Values.  At a Washington, D.C. press conference, Lively said governments have an affirmative duty to uphold a biblical view of sexuality, which he called the “one flesh paradigm.” That means discouraging and suppressing homosexuality.
Lively’s new effort has  drawn quick support from other religious right leaders like Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber and The American Family Association’s Tim Wildmon and Bryan Fischer.
Like the World Congress of Families at its recent press conference, Lively and his partners praised Russia’s anti-gay laws and encouraged the rest of the world to follow suit. From my report on the event at Right Wing Watch:"
Lively, who played an active role in fomenting homophobia in Uganda, now claims he thinks the new law there is too harsh. His goal is not to put people in jail, he says, as long as they keep their sex behind closed doors and don’t try to change society. He says government has “an affirmative duty” to discourage all sex outside marriage and to encourage the biblical “one flesh paradigm” regarind sexuality.
 The coalition’s statement says:
 “…the vast majority of the people of the world do not accept the notion that sexual deviance should be normalized. It is time that these voices are heard on the world stage before the so-called elites of the Western powers impose their inverted morality on everyone through the manipulation of international law, which they clearly intend to do.” 
Lively said his new group is needed because too many religious conservatives are afraid to really speak their minds on homosexuality.
“We believe that the pro-family movement is not being well represented at the moment. Because most of the people that are in the leadership positions are afraid to speak the plain truth because of the media….We’re not against gay marriage and gay adoption because they’re just bad public policy.

'We’re against them because homosexuality itself is harmful to the people who practice it and to society. ['same old song & dance from America's own Taliban Community'!]--ABratt  
All of this from men so Pious & Good that not even butter will melt in their mouths.--ABratt

    Monday, September 8, 2014

    Thursday, August 21, 2014

    "Robin Williams Rest IN Peace Make God Laugh" Sarcasm, AFA/Fischer Image From One News Now

    "The World Famous Laugh Factory" Taken From American Family Associations' One News Now Web Site  promoted by Bryan Fischer and the Anti-human rights activist Tim Wildmon, 8-21-14. 

    Robin Williams' suicide, as is every suicide, is a tragically sad thing. My heart hurts to think what Williams' inner life must have been like at the end to drive him to such a terrible decision. My heart aches for those he has left behind – his wife, his children, loved ones and friends. His death has left a hole in their lives that nothing and no one can fill.
    RIP Robin WilliamsIn the wake of his suicide, billboards and media pundits alike have been assuming that Robin Williams is now in heaven, making God laugh along with other funny men who left this earth before their time. So is he?
    There is one thing we do know and one thing we do not know that can help us think clearly about Robin Williams' eternal destiny.... 
    Image made available for reader viewing by Al Bratton,Tupelo MS. 8-21-14.  

    Friday, August 15, 2014


    Wednesday, August 13, 2014

    gay marriage


    Monday, August 11, 2014

    KKK Anti-Immigration Rally Drowned Out By Counterprotesters

    KKK Anti-Immigration Rally Drowned Out By Counterprotesters

    A KKK anti-immigration protest in North Carolina was drowned out by several hundred counterprotesters, sending a message that the group's recent foray into the immigration reform battle may not be going as planned.
    Between 400 and 500 community members and immigration reform advocates organized a counterprotest across the street from the approximately 100 KKK members in Troy, North Carolina, on Saturday, as reported by the Asheboro Courier-Tribune. The KKK had expected 200 of its members to show up, according to its protest permit.
    The counterprotesters told local news outlets that they wanted to send the message that the KKK's extremist rhetoric is not welcome. The protest, originally planned as a rally for the Klansmen to publicize their new "shoot-to-kill" border security policy, became a shouting match between the Klansmen and the counterprotesters.
    "Don't come back to Troy, boy!" community members shouted.
    "Young people today will not stand for this. When I was a little boy, the KKK coming to town would have put fear in my heart, but not anymore," local resident Donald Loften told the Courier-Tribune. "This country has come so far since those days. Where I work, we all work together every day. It’s a shame and disgrace for society that this hatred can go on, but I guess there will always be that 10 percent who want to hate somebody. They want to stir up trouble, but they are dealing with a different mentality now. People have no fear of them."
    “I have always wanted to talk trash to a grand dragon. It felt good,” said community member Jack Cagle.
    The protest is part of the hate group's recent efforts to include anti-immigration positions in its mission. Though the group has long advocated for white supremacy and racial intolerance, experts say that the group wants to capitalize on the recent border crisis. Saturday's protest was one of several events set to be held this summer.
    The group appears to be losing support, even in its Southern strongholds. According to the Christian Science Monitor, the number of KKK members nationwide has declined to about 6,000. During the civil rights movement in the 1960s, it had nearly 60,000.