Showing posts with label Preident Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preident Obama. Show all posts

Monday, July 15, 2013

Rep. John Fleming: Obama Administration and Gay Rights Advocates Pushing Atheism, Socialism | Right Wing Watch

To hear these Christian-Right Blowhards blow, you would think that Socialism in America was introduced the day President Obama was sworn into his first presidential term. Consequently, it's not at all difficult to understand why Jesus has apparently backed out on his return to rule the Earth. He just does not like what He sees when He looks down on it. Jesus Christ was also a Liberal. You know, He does not want to see the motions and hear the anti-Liberal rant of pseudo-Christian extremists.--ABratt    

Rep. John Fleming: Obama Administration and Gay Rights Advocates Pushing Atheism, Socialism | Right Wing Watch

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Paul Krugman: Republicans 'Just Won't Take Yes For An Answer'

Paul Krugman: Republicans 'Just Won't Take Yes For An Answer'

ABratt's favorite public comment from this article:

"The GOPers have been stringing Obama along from the beginning, pretending to be dealing in good faith when their strategy all along was to tie him up in endless negotiations whose failure could then be imputed to his inability to lead. To a remarkable degree, however, it hasn't worked and, as doubtful as the future seems, Obama's position is the stronger of the two. To the extent that the economy continues to grow, or even hold its own, he will get the credit for it. To the extent that it slips back into recession the culprits will just as clearly be the Republicans. And with the party in disarray there will be blood in the water."