Sunday, December 30, 2012

Thanks Rheta G. Johnson For Spotlighting The Pseudo-Religious-Right

Thanks Rheta G. Johnson For Spotlighting The Pseudo-Religious-Right:

"Perhaps those who pretend to get their answers directly from a loving god should be praying for guidance, gun control and their own sick souls." Rheta G. Johnson These pseudo-Christi...

Monday, December 24, 2012

Fischer: God Didn't Stop CT School Shooting Because He's a 'Gentleman' Who Doesn't Go Where He Is Not Wanted | Right Wing Watch

Fischer: God Didn't Stop CT School Shooting Because He's a 'Gentleman' Who Doesn't Go Where He Is Not Wanted | Right Wing Watch

According to the Christian dogma, 'God Exists everywhere at the same time' so that alone renders Fischer's commentary ( He... doesn't go where He is not wanted) false. God, in fact, was there right on the scene when the killing started but He did not intervene which brings to mind another problem with  Fischer's post: God, so I have heard it preached time and time again before I became a 'None,' God is also 'all powerful' and, therefore, could have made His move to subdue and disarm the shooter in a wink of His eye. Aside from all that, however, is the fact that God wasn't there at the school nor was He at Columbine when that ordeal transpired. The list of God's absenteeism in tragedy after tragedy goes on and on...the absence of prayer in schools, or Gay's being granted their human rights, or the Obama Presidency has nothing whatsoever to do with it...-- AB 

Religious Right Reacts to Sandy Hook Shooting by Blaming Lack of Government-Dictated School Prayer | Right Wing Watch

Religious Right Reacts to Sandy Hook Shooting by Blaming Lack of Government-Dictated School Prayer | Right Wing Watch

"If the Christian God is all knowing, present everywhere at the same time, all powerful like Christians claim, then why did God not intervene, since He knew of the shooter's plans ahead of time, He was there when the shooting started, and He is certainly powerful enough to block  the Sandy Hook shooter from carrying out his planned massacre? Why can the abscence of 'government-dictated prayer' at the school be blamed for the deaths of twenty children along with their teachers when God was there all along ?"-- AB 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

TIM WILDMON: Tidings of comfort and joy arrive with the season

TIM WILDMON: Tidings of comfort and joy arrive with the season: Some of the richest lyrics in Christian song are found in the timeless Christmas carols we sing each December.

Here's a man, AFA's Tim Wildmon from the "Dark Side" of Tupelo MS, President of the American Family Association  (AFA) and listed among America's Hate Groups, attempting to present himself as a pious Christian man of God to the readers of the Tupelo MS Daily Journal's Sunday Oped column. --AB 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Franklin Graham on Sandy Hook: 'This is What Happens When a Society Turns Its Back on God' | Right Wing Watch

Franklin Graham on Sandy Hook: 'This is What Happens When a Society Turns Its Back on God' | Right Wing Watch

Yet another comment from the American Taliban's Most High Mullah, Franklin Graham:

Rev. Emily C. Heath: Dealing With Grief: Five Things NOT To Say And Five Things To Say In A Trauma Involving Children

Rev. Emily C. Heath: Dealing With Grief: Five Things NOT To Say And Five Things To Say In A Trauma Involving Children

Rev. Heath let me just say that you missed an opportunity to expose the vile rhetoric coming from America's Right-Wing Political and Pseudo-religious Fundie Organizations: For example the (AFA and their Tim Wildmon, Bryan Fischer,) Sen. Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, James Dobson and others that represent an extreme form of Christianity that most Americans don't adhere to. Their rhetoric in response to the CT shooting will not be forgotten!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

James Dobson: Connecticut Shooting Linked To Gay Marriage

James Dobson: Connecticut Shooting Linked To Gay Marriage

Right-wing christian fundies are speaking out about God's punishments and the to-be- expected deaths of little children and their brave teachers associated with it!!! And, I believe that loud bang I just heard was another group of Real Christians leaving the church in disgust and taking up the Atheist way to a better, more rational life. Now, I can understand why their Holy Bible says Jesus Wept!!--AB

Sunday, November 25, 2012

ABratt's Perspectives:Gov. Phil Bryant On Medicaid Expansion

ABratt's Perspectives:Gov. Phil Bryant On Medicaid Expansion: Mississippi Gov. Phil "Satan Will Win" Bryant is just another in the line of Republican Governor Scott of Florida and other GOPERS who are fighting Obama Care/Medicaid Expansion...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Mississippi's Wicker sees way off 'fiscal cliff'

Mississippi's Wicker sees way off 'fiscal cliff': Sen. Roger Wicker says avoiding the

Sen. Roger "Grocery Tax" Wicker is riding the coat-tails of a majority conservative oriented voting blok which appears to be on the wane in his state. During the Bush Administration, Wicker made a fact-finding trip to Afghanistan as Mississippi's representative in the House to make a report to his conservative constiuency about thestatus of the ongoing U.S military mission there. Wouldn't you know that he came back and reported that the U.S. had been victorious in that war. This was during the BUSH ADMIN years! 

Is it any surprise that Mississippi, my home state, ranks close to, or directly on, the bottom level among all the fifty total states?     

Thursday, November 15, 2012

ABratt's Perspectives: Don Wildmon [Founder Of The "Dark Side" Of Tupelo MS] Says America Chose 'Chaos' By Re-Electing Obama

The Wildmons, Don & Tim , Their AFA And Their American Taliban Associates  Set Out To Wreck Obama's First Presidential Term From Day One-- They're Still At It, Even In The Wake of Obama's Re-Election To A Second Term. More than anything else, the Wildmon's have spent their whole life driven by obsessions  with Racism, Homo- Phobia, Liberal -Phobia, Islam -Phobia and much more that is connected with the concept of "human rights."

Is it any wonder why Wildmon/AFA find themselves on the SPLC's list of hate groups, or that they   are also known as the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS? -- AB 


RWW Story by Brian Tashman, 11-13-12, Re-posted by ABratt, 11-13-12

"Last week, American Family Association founder Don Wildmon appeared on AFA Today with Buster Wilson, where the conservative leader was mourning the re-election of President Obama. He said that the election represented the beginning of the end for Western civilization and that the U.S. will 'end up in chaos' as 'ultimately we’re going to change the Constitution or do away with it.'”

Read the complete article from Right Wing Watch from the link below

Monday, November 12, 2012

ABratt's Perspectives: Spotlighting The Tax-Exempt "Dark Side" of Tupelo MS

ABratt's Perspectives Tax-Exempt “Dark Side” Tupelo MS: “AFA Men Explain How George Clooney Swung Election To Obama”

Tim Wildmon’s AFA/Christian Right Wing American Taliban: An Hilarious GOPER Mockery of GOD ALMIGHTY. – AB
"AFA Men Explain How George Clooney Swung Election To Obama"
By Brian Tashman, RWW, 11-10-12, re-posted by ABratt, 11-11-12

"American Family Association president Tim Wildmon and research director Ed Vitagliano today spoke to WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah about how they are all still astonished that Obama won re-election. Vitagliano apparently did his research into the Obama campaigns strategies, and figured out that “they hooked women to Obama through these Hollywood stars” like George Clooney and Sarah Jessica Parker. Vitagliano said that our “devolved” culture has made women voters simply think, ‘I love George Clooney...'"

click to read the complete article below..

Sunday, November 11, 2012

TIM WILDMON: Election changes U.S

TIM WILDMON: Election changes U.S: "Nov. 6, 2012, will mark the day that America changed from being a center-right country, politically, to being a country sharply divided along conservative and liberal lines with a majority of Ameri...
"Although I am a conservative, I am not decrying every form of government assistance. I do like the idea of a couple of months of unemployment benefits for those who suddenly lose their job, for instance. But our society has changed. Government assistance used to be viewed as a temporary way of helping people in need. There used to be a degree of shame associated with receiving government welfare. Ask anyone over 60 and they will confirm that. But as with having babies out of wedlock, that stigma has long been lost."-- Tim Wildmon VP AFA From the "Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS.

Read more: - TIM WILDMON Election changes U S

Saturday, November 10, 2012

ABratt Perspective: Obama Wins Overwhelming Re-election Despite Wildmon AFA Predictions

ABratt Perspective:ObamaWins Overwhelming Reelection Despite WildmonAFA Predictions

Part One: “Tim Wildmon: History Doesn’t Favor Obama”

Wildmon Part One: “If history is any indicator, Mitt Romney will defeat Barack Obama on Nov. 6. The American people will give a president four years to “get the job done” and if that president is not able to do that – whatever excuses they may give for not accomplishing what they promised when they were elected – they vote to give the next guy a shot. See Jimmy Carter and...”
Click the link below for complete article...


Part Two: “Tim Wildmon: How Can Obama Win?”

Wildmon Part Two: “I was discussing with an informed friend the other day the daily polling we hear about regarding the presidential race between President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney that have shown Obama trending ahead in some of the key battleground states like Virginia, [Romney won] Ohio and even Florida.[Obama won] He said the polls are not worth very much until about two weeks out from the election which is Nov. 6. His point was that the polling services are very competitive and do not want egg on their face election night if, in fact, their numbers turn out to be wrong. So take that into consideration when you hear poll numbers you don't necessarily believe to be true. They may be accurate, but we will not know for certain until late in the evening of Nov. 6.” [And now we know,Timmothy.]

“This brings me to another observation. I find it remarkable that President Obama is in the lead in any poll...”
Read complete article below

“Florida Gov.Rick Scott On Decision Not To Extend Early Voting Hours”[Republican Plot To Suppress Voting Foiled]

AFA President Tim Wildmon must have been shocked that Obama won Florida, a state that Repubs had geared-up for a Romney win.-- AB.

“Former Gov. Charlie Crist, a Republican-turned-independent, accused Scott of ‘voter suppression’ for refusing to extend early voting hours, and said Scott should have extended hours like he did in 2008 when he was governor.”

Read complete article below...

ABratt’s Perspectives: Frank Rich: GOP In Fantasy Land

by Frank Rich, NY Mag.,11-10-12, Re-posted by ABratt

“Mitt Romney is already slithering into the mists of history, or at least La Jolla, gone and soon to be forgotten. A weightless figure unloved and distrusted by even his own supporters, he was always destined, win or lose, to be a transitory front man for a radical-right GOP intent on barreling full-speed down the Randian path laid out by its true 2012 standard-bearer, Paul Ryan. But as was said of another unsuccessful salesman who worked the New England territory, attention must be paid to Mitt as the door slams behind him in the aftermath of Barack Obama’s brilliant victory.”

Friday, November 9, 2012

Ohio 'Heartbeat Bill' Is Revived In State Legislature

Ohio 'Heartbeat Bill' Is Revived In State Legislature

The Gopers are obsessed with controlling women's rights to their own body. The 2012 presidential election hasn't taught the morons one single thing about where they are ultimately headed.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Robert Creamer: 6 Reasons Why the 2012 Election Will Be Considered Historic

Robert Creamer: 6 Reasons Why the 2012 Election Will Be Considered Historic

"Tuesday's election was important for many reasons. Its outcome will certainly benefit millions and millions of people -- both in the United States and around the world. And President Obama's campaign will be remembered as one of the best-run political efforts in the history of American politics."--Robert Creamer

ABratts Perspectives: Obama Wins Four More Years: How Sweeeeeeeet It Is!!!

ABratts Perspectives: Obama Wins Four More Years: How Sweeeeeeeet It Is!!!: Obama Took Gov. Walker's Wisconsin. That tells Americans a lot.  That in itself speaks loud and clear to Karl Rove and the KOOCH Brothers! And I don't want to leave Journal Communi...

Sarah Palin On Obama Victory: 'It's A Perplexing Time For Many Of Us Right Now' (VIDEO)

Sarah Palin On Obama Victory: 'It's A Perplexing Time For Many Of Us Right Now' (VIDEO)

Palin is very much like the chaff that wind bloweth away. NOW, BLOW, WIND, BLOW I SAY AWAY WITH THIS PITIFUL WOMAN!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Climate Change Poll Finds Most Americans Unwilling To Pay Higher Energy Costs

Climate Change Poll Finds Most Americans Unwilling To Pay Higher Energy Costs

My Vision: I hate to be a pessimist but as long as we continue to have political gridlock, christian fanatacism, climate change deniers, and anti-green activists among other things as the norm in America, climate change will never be resolved. It could already be too late. We may just have to accept our ultimate demise as it creeps over us creating all kinds of horrific death and destruction,from widespread famine, civil unrest, immobility, theft, murder, cannibalism, looting and much, much more will be the order of the day for those still hanging on to life by a thin thread.

In the aftermath of our destruction, sometime in later years, alien scientist will, no doubt, visit Earth to study why our civilization collapsed in such a horrible way. They will likely conclude from their investigation that the Earth was bombarded by a meteorite in the earlier pre-historic era when the dinos all seemed to perish mysteriously but in the second, later phase, around the year 2070 +/- Earth was destoyed by pollution of the environment due to human activity resulting in increased carbon dioxide emmissions into the atmosphere from the uncontrolled, continued burning of fossil fuels which was the result of greed, ignorance and power in the hands of the wrong people.

Let's change my vision. Start by re-electing President Obama and a majority Democratic Congress! You'll be glad you did and so will your children!

Mitt Romney Robocall Warns Christians Obama A 'Threat To Our Religious Freedom'

Mitt Romney Robocall Warns Christians Obama A 'Threat To Our Religious Freedom'

Mormon-Christian-Republican-Mittso HOOEY! It all makes me proud to be an American , Liberal Non-Theist, Democrat. OBAMA 2012!--ABratt's Perspectives

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tupelo MS Has A Very Distinct "Dark Side"

ABratt's Perspectives: Spotlighting The "Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS An Otherwise All American City

Beisner: Hurricane Sandy Was Sent By God As A Matter Of Grace...--RWW 10-30-12, Reposted by ABratt 10-30-12

"Today on 'Focal Point,' Bryan Fischer brought on Dr. Cal Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance to discuss the impact of Hurricane Sandy. Beisner, who received his doctorate in Scottish History, is the Religious Right's favorite climate change 'expert' primarily because his entire agenda is rooted in the belief that environmentalism is a religion that is out to destroy Christianity."--RWW

Read the complete article link here>>>>
Beisner: Hurricane Sandy was Sent By God as 'a Matter of Grace' | Right Wing Watch

Mike Huckabee Warns Christians: Obama Vote Will Crumple In Hell's Fire (VIDEO)

Mike Huckabee Warns Christians: Obama Vote Will Crumple In Hell's Fire (VIDEO)

In my estimation, the Mormon Cult Leader Mitt Romney & His Christian Fundie Partner Mike Huckabee are more likely to slide down to Hell than Obama or any of his supporters. Hell's full of Huckabees and Romneys at this moment! --AB   

We Are All from New Orleans Now: Climate Change, Hurricanes and the Fate of America's Coastal Cities | The Nation

We Are All from New Orleans Now: Climate Change, Hurricanes and the Fate of America's Coastal Cities | The Nation

In Hurricane Sandy's Fury, The Fingerprint Of Climate Change

In Hurricane Sandy's Fury, The Fingerprint Of Climate Change

Hurricane Sandy Will Dramatically Change The Thinking Of The American Public On The Subject Of Climate Change. --AB

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ira Chernus: The Curious Case of How Libya Became an Election Issue

Ira Chernus: The Curious Case of How Libya Became an Election Issue

A full investigation of the incident is in progress. Who knows who may be implicated in the final analysis? Bush and Rumsfeld and Cheney all claimed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction ready to fire and conquer the world but it was all a big RETHUGLICAN LIE. Benghazi may well be just another string of RETHUGLICAN Malarkey aimed at discrediting our president. OBAMA 2012!! - Super Storm Sandy Global Warming No Way Just Ask Tim Wildmon - Super Storm Sandy Global Warming No Way Just Ask Tim Wildmon

Monday, October 29, 2012

ABratt's Perspectives: Journal Article Entitled Tea Partiers Gather At Veterans Park

ABratt's Perspectives: Journal Article Entitled Tea Partiers Gather At Veterans Park: TupeloTea Party existence is further proof that in Mississippi Ignorance is Bliss, Intelligence Amiss ! "Tea Partiers Gather At Veterans Park... 10/28/12..." TUPELO – &...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Racial Views: Poll Shows Majority Harbor Prejudice Against Blacks

"for his failure" sounds typical. Obama is Not a Failure! Quite the opposite. He is a great president, better than any Rethug that has ever served in that capacity. Rethink your remark and chastize your own mouth!

A lily white Obama Supporter from Mississippi!

Racial Views: Poll Shows Majority Harbor Prejudice Against Blacks

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Undisclosed Mitt Romney -

The Undisclosed Mitt Romney -

Schlafly: Senate Should Move to Expel Al Franken | Right Wing Watch

The best idea I can think of would be to expel Schlafly and the entire Christian-right Organization from the 50 United States of America--every single one of these pseudo-Christian Talibaners!--AB

Schlafly: Senate Should Move to Expel Al Franken | Right Wing Watch

Fischer: The UN is 'Deliberately Seeding" Muslims Throughout the Southern United States | Right Wing Watch

AFA's anti-Muslim Christian-right Bigot, Bryan  Fischer, from the "Dark Side" of my hometown, Tupelo, MS, represents a greater threat to the well-being of most Americans than does any so-called Muslim terrorist or group of Muslim terrorists.--AB 

Fischer: The UN is 'Deliberately Seeding" Muslims Throughout the Southern United States | Right Wing Watch

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fischer: CNN is 'What the Gay Gestapo Looks Like in Action' | Right Wing Watch

More Bigotry Spews From The "Dark Side" Of Tupelo MS --AB

Fischer: CNN is 'What the Gay Gestapo Looks Like in Action' | Right Wing Watch

Marco Rubio: Lilly Ledbetter Act 'Nothing But An Effort To Help Trial Lawyers' (VIDEO)

Marco Rubio: Lilly Ledbetter Act 'Nothing But An Effort To Help Trial Lawyers' (VIDEO)

Marco Rubio: Lilly Ledbetter Act 'Nothing But An Effort To Help Trial Lawyers' (VIDEO)

Marco Rubio: Lilly Ledbetter Act 'Nothing But An Effort To Help Trial Lawyers' (VIDEO)

RUDIO hasn't got a clue about what he says. He's just sucking-up to Mittso trying to get a nice salaried position in Washington.

ABratts Favorite Comments: Christianity, Fundies, Homophobia...

ABratts Favorite Comments: Christianity, Fundies, Homophobia...:

Reader Comment: 10/13/12, Re-Posted by AB ..

"To the Fundies, hate is far more vital to their survival than faith in Christ or upholding His Gospel. After all, you can't make money from ...

Obama Is Back[He's "Sliding" Right Back Into The Whte House Despite Tim Wildmon's Daily Journal Article]

Obama Is Back[He's "Sliding" Right Back Into The Whte House Despite Tim Wildmon's Daily Journal Article]: Tim Wildmon is working very hard to try to get President Obama defeated in the 2012 election. But, it’s really nothing new. In 2007-2008 Wildmon and Editor Joe Rutherford of the Tupelo Dail...

My Comment On Obama, Romney Presidential Election

My Comment On Obama, Romney Presidential Election: If American Voters buy Mitt Romney's "12M JOBS" rhetoric AND VOTE "ROMNEY-RYAN", they deserve exactly what they're going to get: NATION WIDE CHAOS THAT WILL AFFECT EVERY MAN, WOMAN... - entry My Comment On Obama Romney Presidential Election

ABratt's Comment: - entry My Comment On Obama Romney Presidential Election - Mississippi says no thanks to Medicaid expansion dollars - Mississippi says no thanks to Medicaid expansion dollars

Mississippi's Right-wing Christian Fundie Gov. Phil Bryant Says No To Medicaid Expansion despite the fact that he cuts his own nose off to spite his face and in turn does  basically the same thing to his fellow-Mississippians. --AB - Nunnelee outraises outspends Morris in 1st District race

Very sad that Mississippians vote against their own best interests for a Republican (Allan Nonelee) who does not have a clue as to how to bring Mississippi up from its status as being among the poorest of states. The federal government gives Mississippi back $2 for every $1 it pays in.. The state has a high rate of people without health insurance, but Nonelee wants to repeal Obama Care. Morris has said he supports Obama Care. On that issue alone Mississippians should vote "Morris" 2012 to work toward making the state progressive and self-supporting. --AB - Nunnelee outraises outspends Morris in 1st District race

Todd Akin Likens Claire McCaskill To 'One Of Those Dogs,' Fetching Taxes, Bureaucracy (AUDIO)

T. Akin representing the American Taliban!

Todd Akin Likens Claire McCaskill To 'One Of Those Dogs,' Fetching Taxes, Bureaucracy (AUDIO)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Man accused of luring Southaven mayor from wife

Man accused of luring Southaven mayor from wife:

The former wife of Southaven Mayor Greg Davis is seeking $1 million in an alienation of affection lawsuit against a 26-year-old Starkville, Miss., man.

Mayor Davis was a Repubican candidate for Representative of Mississippi's northern district in 2009-2010. He came out as  Gay about 2 yrs ago and has a number of personal problems plague ever since. His story is further proof that homosexual men have a very strong attraction to each other. And, I believe they are born Gay, not straight like the Radical Christian-righters claim. -- AB   

Spotlighting The Dark Side Of Tupelo MS: AFA's Bryan Fischer

What Would Fischer Do For A Living If He Did Not Have Gays and Muslims to Lie About?--AB

Fischer: CNN is 'What the Gay Gestapo Looks Like in Action' | Right Wing Watch

John Kerry: Darrell Issa's Release Of Raw Libya Cables 'Irresponsible And Inexcusable'

From all I have read and heard, Rep. Issa belongs in the Slammer, not Congress!! --AB

John Kerry: Darrell Issa's Release Of Raw Libya Cables 'Irresponsible And Inexcusable'

Sunday, July 8, 2012

TIM WILDMON: Region’s hot summer isn’t an offshoot of global warming

TIM WILDMON: Region’s hot summer isn’t an offshoot of global warming:

What complete and utter nonsense in this piece by the Christian-Right anti-science, anti-global warming preacher, AFA's Rev.Tim Wildmon, representing the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS:

Wildmon says:

"I am distinguishing here between the traditional conservationists who want to safeguard clean air, clean water and who are against public littering and dumping and those who want to stop oil exploration and production is [in] the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska."

Well, Timothy, I am really confused about your paragraph here because the best I can tell from the Pro-Green Global Warming Activists I read about in Science Journals is that they are comprised of those same "conservationists" you say "want to safeguard clean air, clean water" and "who are against public littering and dumping"

... but who, unlike me, want to continue the "drill baby drill mentality you support (Big Oil) like you said who dumped all that crude into the Gulf waters not too long ago which is still showing its ugly presence today.


"He, [Obama] loathes oil and the oil companies often called 'Big Oil' by the political left. Obama’s 'concern' for people’s safety was a ruse.'"

Well, Timothy, all I can say here is: Just stick around until you, hopefully, become a very ripe old age and you will no doubt regretfully remember that "Obama's ruse" was defined in your own mind. It may not be too late to put the brakes on Climate Change if we start this very minute, but if we continue to wait this catastrophe will be unstoppable.

Timothy, I dedicate the following quote to you:

"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings" – Victor Stenger