Sunday, March 10, 2013

New Family Structures Study Intended To Sway Supreme Court On Gay Marriage, Documents Show

New Family Structures Study Intended To Sway Supreme Court On Gay Marriage, Documents Show

This Biblically defined marriage between one man, one woman is based on an errant book of basically ancient myths from ancient civilizations--a thorn in the side of progress toward a better life for all in the now modern day world. No God would condone what is happening to people today based on religious dogma. Only man is to blame for creating such a monster. --ABratt

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Republican Civil War in the Old Dominion?

A Republican Civil War in the Old Dominion?: Virginia is ground zero in the Republican correction process. Virginia voted Republican in every presidential election from 1968 to 2004. It has now gone twice for Barack Obama.

Any Christian-Right presence in the State of Virginia governance is a bad-news-bear! Period!!--ABratt

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Paul Krugman: Republicans 'Just Won't Take Yes For An Answer'

Paul Krugman: Republicans 'Just Won't Take Yes For An Answer'

ABratt's favorite public comment from this article:

"The GOPers have been stringing Obama along from the beginning, pretending to be dealing in good faith when their strategy all along was to tie him up in endless negotiations whose failure could then be imputed to his inability to lead. To a remarkable degree, however, it hasn't worked and, as doubtful as the future seems, Obama's position is the stronger of the two. To the extent that the economy continues to grow, or even hold its own, he will get the credit for it. To the extent that it slips back into recession the culprits will just as clearly be the Republicans. And with the party in disarray there will be blood in the water."

Friday, March 1, 2013

Spotlighting Dark Side Tupelo MS: AFAs Project 2026: Gays, Muslims, Atheists, Humanists Destroying America

…’the four groups that are actively working to secularize and destroy America: humanists, atheists, militant homosexuals, and Muslims.’–Fischer, McFarland..

It would have been more accurate if Fischer and McFarland had said the current (4) secular organizations are fighting the christian right-wing extremists to continue to maintain America’s Existing Secular Government  against the current wave of Christian Fundamentalist Theology destruction. –ABratt     
“American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer spoke yesterday with fellow AFA radio host Alex McFarland about Project 2026, which McFarland explained is a long-term initiative to save America from annihilation at the hands of ‘the four groups that are actively working to secularize and destroy America: humanists; atheists; militant homosexuals; and Muslims.”’

Friday, February 22, 2013

Tim Tebow Attacked By American Family Association For Canceling Anti-Gay Church Appearance

Tim Tebow Attacked By American Family Association For Canceling Anti-Gay Church Appearance

"The American Family Association (AFA) attacked NFL player Tim Tebow for canceling an appearance at an anti-gay church, claiming that he "caved" to the 'liberal media' and has lost his 'street cred.' Readers, in turn, slammed the conservative group for its response."

Thursday, February 21, 2013

NRA President Speaks Out On Gun Control Measures

NRA President Speaks Out On Gun Control Measures

"There's a show-down coming between the American Public and the NRA! Win, lose, or draw, the NRA will no longer be the powerful organization that it is today. The NRA president has reminded us all of how powerful they intend to be politically. That comment, folks, was their Waterloo, the Straw that broke their backs! Let it be their final boast, their final breath of political power, and let it be final matching the finality of those 26 victims of the Sandy Hook massacre!"--ABratt