Friday, November 22, 2013

Dynamics of U.S. Senate race take shape in Mississippi

by Bobby Harrison
"In recent years, Republicans’ efforts to take over the United States Senate have been thwarted at least in part by the ultra-conservative wing of the party – i.e., the Tea Party.
In Nevada, Delaware, Missouri, Indiana, Alaska, to name a few, the Republicans have lost what at one time were considered likely victories by nominating candidates the general election voters viewed as too conservative, out of the mainstream.
PPP, a national polling firm that is viewed as having allegiances to the Democratic Party, recently polled the 2014 Senate race here in Mississippi.
The poll revealed that in Mississippi – viewed as a safe Republican seat in national and most state elections – at this point in time a Democratic candidate would be competitive with state Sen. Chris McDaniel, R-Ellisville, who is the only candidate yet to announce he is seeking the seat in 2014.
McDaniel, who can be seen statewide in television commercials being paid for by national Tea Party-related political action committees, leads by slight margins two big-name Democrats – former Gov. Ronnie Musgrove and former U.S. Rep. Travis Childers of Booneville. He trails by a slight margin current Attorney General Jim Hood – Mississippi’s only statewide elected Democrat.
In all three instances, the races are statistically dead heats, meaning the results are within the poll’s margin of error.
It would be interesting to see how Northern District Public Service Commissioner Brandon Presley would have fared in the poll.
Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann, a possible candidate for the Senate seat, polls better than McDaniel against the three Democrats – though there is only a one-point difference in a head-to-head with Hood.
PPP polled 502 Mississippi voters, “including an over sample of 422 Republican voters,” making the strong showing of the Democrats mentioned in the poll even more surprising.
Of course, the question is whether six-term incumbent Thad Cochran will run again. The veteran Republican has said he will announce a decision this month.
The poll indicates that Cochran is vulnerable. He leads McDaniel by only 6 percentage points and 55 percent say they would prefer a candidate more conservative.
At this point, the smart money might be on Cochran not running. Normally, if a politician plans to seek re-election, that person does not give any potential challenger an opening by wavering.
If Cochran does run, none of the aforementioned Democrats will enter the race, though, surprisingly, according to the poll, Hood would be competitive against the incumbent.
But still, regardless of the poll, it is difficult for daily observers of the Mississippi political scene to imagine a scenario where a Democrat could defeat Cochran in the general election.
If Cochran does not run, though, look for big-name Republicans and at least one Democrat to enter the race.
The PPP poll shows McDaniel, who has received a great deal of statewide attention since his announcement, with a slight lead in a crowded Republican field, which might include U.S. Reps. Greg Harper and Steven Palazzo, Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves, Auditor Stacey Pickering and Hosemann.
Interestingly, Reeves polls at the bottom of the Republican field with only 3 percent support.
But the interesting proposition for state Democrats, who have been beaten up and are at a low ebb, is whether a candidate could emerge from the Republican primary that even by Mississippi standards might be viewed as too conservative.
That has happened in other states, costing Republicans a chance to garner a Republican Senate majority.
Many might argue that the general electorate is much more conservative in Mississippi, meaning that a candidate who is too conservative, say in Indiana, would not be in Mississippi.
Is that correct?
We might see next November."
Bobby Harrison is the Daily Journal’s Capitol Bureau chief. Contact him at (601) 353-3119 or
Comments: Read more including an excerpt  from  the New York Times on Mississippi Senator Chris Mc Daniel's campaign to unseat incumbent Senator Thad Cochran here:

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What Religious Liberty Is... and Isn't | Rev. Susan Russell

People Are Asking: What Is Religious Liberty That Has Some Folks, Tupeloans Included, All Upset?

The best answer I've come across to the question of Religious Liberty is offered up, rather well I think, by Rev. Susan Russell in her latest article link below:

What Religious Liberty Is... and Isn't | Rev. Susan Russell

Friday, November 1, 2013

Spotlighting The AFA "Dark Side" Of Tupelo MS An Otherwise All American City

Spotlighting A Revised Edition of The 'Dark Side' Of Tupelo, MS.....--Al Bratton, Tupelo, 11-28-13

Open letter to Tupelo Daily Journal Editor, Joe Rutherford:

Citizens of Tupelo and North Mississippi should be made aware of activities of  their Tupelo-based, Tim Wildmon managed, American Family Association.--Al Bratton

"The AFA is a notorious anti-gay hate group.": A link to SPLC outlining AFA's "Hate Group" designation.
"The problem with the claim [from the American Family Association] is that it just isn't true. Charisma News just took the AFA as a legitimate source, which it isn't. Religious fundamentalists believe AFA legitima[cy] simply because it tells them what they want to hear. Truth and accuracy has nothing to do with it."
 "The Religious Right assumes certain things true. Anything substantiating these beliefs is assumed accurate and reported as such -- no matter how flimsy or implausible."...--James Peron
Read the complete link below:
Anatomy of a Smear: The Religious Right vs. the American Psychiatric Association | James Peron

Thursday, October 24, 2013

California Settles 'Dark Money' Case: Source

My comment on Huffington Post that was moderated out:

"Any other American would do time for this scheme. When are the Krotch Brothers going to do their time in the slammer? When is the real justice going to start? It will be left up to the American People. I'm ready to do my part to see these crooks put where they belong like any other crook!"--ABratt

Read the HP article from the link below :             

California Settles 'Dark Money' Case: Source

Monday, October 21, 2013

outlandish: If it wasn’t for gerrymandering and strategic disenfranchising the Democrats

*America is rejecting party politics based on strict religious dogma, politics of exclusion, politics of fabrication of facts and politics driven by who doesn’t deserve to be given a share of the pie which is all modern Republicanism is selling.

outlandish: If it wasn’t for gerrymandering and strategic disenfranchising the Democrats



 noun \ˈnÄ«-(h)É™-ËŒli-zÉ™m, ËˆnÄ“-\
: the belief that a society's political and social institutions are so bad that they should be destroyed

If it wasn’t for gerrymandering and strategic disenfranchising the Democrats would have the house now and the destructive economic vandalism that came from the tea caucus wouldn’t have happened.Democrats in the house vote in 2012 received around 1.5 million more votes yet Republicans lost a few seats but kept the house.Republicans had no honest mandate and the irony is that all the seats they lost in 2012 were held by Tea Party dormice, while in what should have been close races the Tea people spiraled out of contention by being so far over the top and so ignorant of facts that they flamed out and crashed to earth. 

Yet the Tea nihilists(1) who had even less of a mandate caused more economic and political destruction than imaginable. They are nothing but scorched earth destructionists that nearly threw America of a steep, undermined and crumbling cliff over the past month and their only regret is that they didn’t succeed and in the midst of pure unfettered nihilism the old guard Republicans only managed to prove how spineless and ineffectual they are. Republicanism unless it finally tries to enter the post civil rights era is an essay in diminishing returns. 

They’ve lost all of the ethnic voters and it was only 70 years ago that blacks voted in the majority for Republicans but  beat down after beat down, they fled the party of Lincoln as it morphed into first the party of the rebel south and more recently the party of the John Birch conspiracy central, non science believing fundamentalist, literalist bible party. Hispanic are gone after being vilified and the faux post outreach program devised and rolled out soon after the 2012 election proved to be nothing but smoke and mirrors, the mirrors were shattering as Reince Priebus was laying out their new direction. 

Forget about young voters, who are far less complacent about politics than previous generations and are pushing for change that is the antithesis of all things Republican, they [young voters and old voters] want a more diverse, more cultured, more inclusive, far fairer and more egalitarian America, none of which Republicans have to offer. The Generation X and Millennial voters are much further left than their parents and further left than the Democratic Party and I wouldn’t surprise me if the 2 party system morphs into the Democratic Party middle and a workers, social democratic Party on the left but right wing extremism will fade with the end of the me first, last and only generation that is the core of the Republican base.  *America is rejecting party politics based on strict religious dogma, politics of exclusion, politics of fabrication of facts and politics driven by who doesn’t deserve to be given a share of the pie which is all modern Republicanism is selling.

Read the complete article:

Friday, October 18, 2013

Dedicated To AFA Dark Side Tupelo MS: Rick Scarborough, TParty Leader, Suggests Class Action Lawsuit Against Homosexuality

My favorite quote from the Web I dedicate to the American Family Association's "Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS.:--ABratt
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Speak all you want Sir and use whatever tactics you feel are necessary, however, you will never stop the progress of freedom for all in this country. Slowly, little by little we are achieving that grand goal set forth by the Founding Fathers. Bit by bit we are becoming a nation of equality and equal opportunity for all Americans.  
Read the complete story from the link below:

Rick Scarborough, Tea Party Leader, Suggests Class Action Lawsuit Against Homosexuality

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sandy Rios At Values Voter Summit: Matthew Shepard's Murder Was 'A Total Fraud'

Don & Tim Wildmon's American Family Association (and their Darling, Sandy Rios) Maintain A Very "Dark Side" In Tupelo, MS, An Otherwise Decent, All American City.

Sandy Rios At Values Voter Summit: Matthew Shepard's Murder Was 'A Total Fraud'

A few of my favorite comments from the aricle:

"This woman calling herself a Christian is a fraud."

"I'm kind of glad that they openly say these sort of things at their conferences. By openly discussing their hatred and bigotry there is no mistaking by the rest of us what they are and what they represent. Anyone who attends this type of conference is tarred by the same brush."

"These speakers at this value summit are Frauds, these good loving Christians are showing what they really are HATERS"

Friday, October 11, 2013

6 absurd right-wing lies about food stamps -

"Yet Republicans are picking on the poorest citizens, lying and smearing them as lazy druggies and blaming them for the high unemployment by saying that $133 a month is keeping them from bothering to look for a job. Why do we put up with this?"

Read more from the link below:

6 absurd right-wing lies about food stamps -

Sunday, October 6, 2013

House Republicans and the Betrayal of Democracy | Geoffrey R. Stone

... the House Republicans have every right to try to get their preferred policies enacted into law through the democratic process. They have tried to do this politically, electorally and judicially. They have failed at every turn. The have lost every time they have tried to repeal Obamacare through the legislative process. They have lost in the Supreme Court when they challenged the constitutionality of the law. They have failed politically with the electorate when they were soundly defeated in the 2012 election. Indeed, the only reason House Republicans can play this cruel and criminal game at all is because they gerrymandered congressional districts to enable them to control the House even though they were defeated by the Democrats in the national popular vote for Congress.--Geoffrey R. Stone 
Read the complete article below:

House Republicans and the Betrayal of Democracy | Geoffrey R. Stone

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Globalizing Homophobia, Part 1: How The American Right Came to Embrace Russia’s Anti-Gay Crackdown | Right Wing Watch

ABratts Liberal Tupelo MS Blog:

AFA spokesman Bryan Fischer declared that Russian gay "propaganda ban"was exactly the public policy we (the American Family Association Family Values Association) had been advocating"...--aka against the constitutional/human rights of the GLBT American Community. And the Wildmon-Fischer operated AFA decries the fact that SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) has placed them on their list of American hate organizations.-- Right Where They Belong --ABratt

Read the complete post here...  

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Irony Alert: The AFA Is The Epitome Of The 'Ugliness Of Christian Activism' | Right Wing Watch

Furthermore, the AFA has succeeded in obliterating the once outstanding reputation of a once- upon- a-time All American City: Tupelo, MS, my hometown. The organization was finally listed as a Hate Group by the SPLC, and still holds that title today.--ABratt

Read more here...
Irony Alert: The AFA Is The Epitome Of The 'Ugliness Of Christian Activism'

Irony Alert: The AFA Is The Epitome Of The 'Ugliness Of Christian Activism'

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

GOP insider: Religion destroyed my party -

Original Salon Post 8-15-12, Recent Blog Post 9-26-13

The author of this article appears to  equate the words "religious right" and "Tea Party" as synonymous or very nearly so, which, in fact, they are: The "Tupelo MS Tea Party" and the "American Family Association" are very close kin, so much so that I, a resident of Tupelo myself, have decided to include the two together as  being  a part of Tupelo MS's "Dark Side."--ABratt  
The Tea Party, which initially described itself as wholly concerned with debt, deficit, and federal overreach, gradually unmasked itself as being almost as theocratic as the activists from the religious right that Armey had denounced only a few years before. If anything, they were even slightly more disposed than the rest of the Republican Party to inject religious issues into the political realm. According to an academic study of the Tea Party, “[T]hey seek ‘deeply religious’ elected officials, approve of religious leaders’ engaging in politics and want religion brought into political debates.” The Tea Party faithful are not so much libertarian as authoritarian, the furthest thing from a “live free or die”Constitutionalist.

Read More:

GOP insider: Religion destroyed my party -

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Why Obama Can’t Pay a Debt-Ceiling Ransom -- Daily Intelligencer

Will O stand by his word is yet to be determined.
Making a point melodramatically on Sunday, President Obama said, "We will not negotiate over whether or not America should keep its word and meet its obligations."
In reality, Congress and administrations have for decades—under both Republican and Democratic presidents—negotiated over or included spending and budget reforms as a part of debt-ceiling increases.
Read more:
Why Obama Can’t Pay a Debt-Ceiling Ransom -- Daily Intelligencer

Monday, September 23, 2013

Beck: Common Core Is Turning America Into A Police State | Right Wing Watch

I'm aware that the The Tupelo MS Daily Journal has been supportive of Common Core Educational Standards since its inception despite Glenn Beck's Dumb, Right-Wing Rant. But, of Course, the DJ is dedicated to improving education in public schools. Beck, from what I have seen, is totally lacking in the area of Public Education   --ABratt

Check the link below to read more:

Beck: Common Core Is Turning America Into A Police State | Right Wing Watch

Tupelo Mommies Don't Let Your Kiddies Grow Up To Be GOPTPers

Tupelo Mommies don't let your Kiddies grow up to be GOPTPers.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Spotlighting The Dark Side Of Tupelo MS An Otherwise All American City

  • "Mr. Mancno's comment seems to be right out the AFA's own playbook! It just sounds so like it, I'm inclined to believe the AFA wrote it themselves or had someone write it!"--ABratt
    Read more....

    AFA suspends boycott of The Home Depot

    Thursday, August 8, 2013

    Guinness: 'Cultures Where You Have A High View Of Homosexuality Have A Very Low View Of Women' | Right Wing Watch

    Sounds more like this person (Guinness) is alluding to The GOPERS (God's Obnoxious People) who certainly do have a very "Low View Of Women!"--ABratt

    Guinness: 'Cultures Where You Have A High View Of Homosexuality Have A Very Low View Of Women' | Right Wing Watch

    Spotlight On The AFA "Dark Side" Otherwise All American City: A Window Into Bryan Fischer's Worldview

    AFA's Bryan Fischer The Perfect Companion-In-Hate With "Ayatolla" Don Wildmon and his Son, Tim "Mullah" Wildmon Representing The "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS, An Otherwise All American City!-ABratt

    A Window Into Bryan Fischer's Worldview | Right Wing Watch

    The U.S. military has a problem with atheists - The Week

    The "No Atheists In a Fox Hole" mentality is part of this huge problem. It's a problem of religious fanaticism that has invaded the military. It's a slogan the Holier-Than-Thou membership are fond of because it makes them think they are marines that stand taller than the non-religious trooper who may, in truth, be the superior soldier. Crank in the observation that the religious marine is more likely to commit suicide and you have a real dilemma on your hands. Also, remember that Christianity is, in and of itself, a Sea Of Confusion, Put it all together and you have created a pending catastrophe, aka Suicide.--ABratt

    The U.S. military has a problem with atheists - The Week

    Thursday, July 25, 2013

    Eric Holder Wants Texas Voting Law Changes To Be Cleared By U.S.

    Eric Holder Wants Texas Voting Law Changes To Be Cleared By U.S.

    Eric, while you're at it, turn Gov. Perry feet up-head down, shake him real good, and check what falls out of his pockets. It might amaze the world what will come tumbling out!--ABratt

    Monday, July 15, 2013

    Rep. John Fleming: Obama Administration and Gay Rights Advocates Pushing Atheism, Socialism | Right Wing Watch

    To hear these Christian-Right Blowhards blow, you would think that Socialism in America was introduced the day President Obama was sworn into his first presidential term. Consequently, it's not at all difficult to understand why Jesus has apparently backed out on his return to rule the Earth. He just does not like what He sees when He looks down on it. Jesus Christ was also a Liberal. You know, He does not want to see the motions and hear the anti-Liberal rant of pseudo-Christian extremists.--ABratt    

    Rep. John Fleming: Obama Administration and Gay Rights Advocates Pushing Atheism, Socialism | Right Wing Watch

    Sunday, July 14, 2013

    REP. ALAN NUNNELEE: Obamacare concerns are coming true | Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal

    REP. ALAN NUNNELEE: Obamacare concerns are coming true | Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal

    It's evident to me from your post, Rep. Nonnelee, that the only ideas for Health Care For All Americans that you can come up with are combined into your three favorite words: "REPEAL OBAMA CARE." You and your ilk Don Wildmon, Tim Wildmon, Fundie Phil Bryant, your fellow-Republicans scattered around the Mississippi country side, etc. know those words because you are all part of Fundie Christian Politics headquartered on the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS an otherwise All American City.

    What, specifically, is your Health Care Plan, Mr. Nonnelee? Make it public to all your constituents in great detail. Explain how every feature of it will increase jobs, save money, reduce the deficit, well, just tell us how you will eliminate ever feature you are critical of in Obama Care. By the way,Alan, try to take time off from your personal War On Women's Reproductive Rights and get to work on your proposal to repeal and replace Obama Care.--ABratt

    Apes Created Men, Men Created Gods

    Apes Created Men, Men created Gods--ABratt

    "When you picture Neanderthals, you might imagine subhuman brutes grunting -- but new research suggests these ancient hominids might have been more articulatethan previously thought."

    Read more from HP link:

    Neanderthal Language & Speech Shared With Modern Humans A Million Years Ago, Researchers Say

    Saturday, July 13, 2013

    So This Is Christianity?

    So, This Is Christianity?

    Only In The Fundie South Where Ignorance Is Bliss, Intelligence Amiss.

    Point-Counterpoint Tupelo MS .Daily Journal Discussion Team– Ed Holliday, James Hull.

    Ed Holliday, July 13, 2013: 

    James, first let me say that the Shannon board has spoken and if anyone feels that their rights have been violated, then courts are available. [The Town Board of the Town of Shannon MS has, in the last couple of weeks, denied a prospective business owner a permit to manage a Gay Bar inside the Town Limits.]--ABratt
    James, now as to your point that traditional marriage in not threatened by same sex marriage I must say that you are dead wrong.  The entire debate about gay marriage should be about the children – children now and in the future.  Why would we give our children a different definition of marriage? In a country based on Judeo-Christian values, how is gay marriage affecting our children?
    First, we know longstanding institutions such as Catholic adoption services have been shut down in states where gay marriage is now legal because they refuse to place children into homes that contradict their beliefs. 

     Second, in states where gay marriage is legal, children are being taught in kindergarten that they can grow up to marry either a man or a woman. How will this affect the next generation? Preliminary statistics show that over 30 percent of children raised in a home with gay parents end up adopting the gay lifestyle, and, yet, in the general population only 2-3 percent of the population  practice the gay lifestyle.

     Are we experimenting with our children in a “Brave New World?” Will a continuing change in the definition of marriage lead to an imploding civilization such as ancient Greece and Rome?
    If our society says it is right to change the definition of marriage to include gay people, then how can we legally discriminate against the bisexuals? Shouldn’t they be given the right to marry a man and a woman? [LOL] And if it’s about marrying who you love why can’t people marry two or three or four or more different men and women? [LOL AGAIN]  Using these standards, how can we legally stop incestuous marriages? How about transgendered marriage rights?[LOL AGAIN & AGAIN].
    God is not mocked.  America is dying. Judgment comes on both the just and the unjust. The Bible tells us about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They refused to bow down and worship a false god in ancient Babylon. We need such men and women with a backbone today. [False Gods and Satan are both a part of the Fundie lifestyle!]--AB

    Read the complete post here...

    Thursday, July 11, 2013

    Robertson Cites Levitical Death Penalty for Gays, Warns the Land Will 'Vomit You Out'

    My message to all the normal people in the world: Pat Robertson is just an old Christian Fundie "blowhard" who lost his other "hard" years ago and has, until now, not found it He has to keep his following to manage his Christian 700 Club  Show and remain in the Evangelical Spotlight. His occasional rant also helps him to keep his Tax-Subsidized/Exempt status. Now, what is he good for you may ask? My answer is: Absolutely Nothing! 

    And, I say to Pat, "watch out with that Viagra. Some have reported that God increases its potency for his faithful men followers. Then, it's so effective that a hard(erection) may come on and then decide to stay with you a few extended days at a time. This could be extremely embarrassing for you, Pat.  If this happens pray to God in earnest and to your followers for the Viagra effects to diminish , pronto!"--ABratt   

    Read the complete post here...

    So This Is The Party Of Family Values And GOD'S Only People aka The GOP!

    North Carolina Becomes Ground Zero For GOP Cowardice And Contempt...

    Jonathan Weiler:
    For a clear sense of what the Republican Party has in store for the entire country, were it able to get its clutches on all the levers of power, North Carolina is becoming an increasingly illuminating place to look. With the election of the allegedly "moderate" Pat McCrory as governor last November, the Republican takeover of state government was complete. And in six short months, motivated by willful ignorance, spite and contempt, the party has cut a category-five hurricane swathe of destruction through the state, the damage from which could take years to undo. Tar Heel Republicans have, among other things, rejected Medicaid expansion,...

    Read the complete article from HP here...

    Wednesday, July 10, 2013

    Christian Fundamentalists to SCOTUS: We're the Real Victims

    Christian Fundamentalists to SCOTUS: We're the Real Victims | Fred Rich

    Beware fellow-Americans! Several of the Christian Fundamentalist's favorite talking points is that the US was created as a "Christian Nation" by the Founding Fathers. But it could be argued successfully that the opposite of that is true. If that's any consolation to those of us who are watchful of the Fundie Right in any case.  --AB  

    Andy Sanborn, New Hampshire State Senator, Compares Obamacare With San Francisco Plane Crash

    Andy Sanborn, New Hampshire State Senator, Compares Obamacare With San Francisco Plane Crash

    The Republican Party Is Well On Its Way To Extinction.--ABratt

    Monday, July 8, 2013

    Voting Rights Ruling, Threat To MLK's Dream, Poses Backlash Danger For GOP

    Voting Rights Ruling, Threat To MLK's Dream, Poses Backlash Danger For GOP

    "WASHINGTON -- Several Republican-led states have already rushed to capitalize on the Supreme Court's recent rejection of a key part of the Voting Rights Act, but some Democratic and civil rights leaders say the price for threatening Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream could be a nightmare for the GOP."
    Could this be the GOP's Waterloo?--ABratt

    Friday, June 7, 2013

    Mississippi Law Will Require Collection Of Umbilical Blood From Babies Born To Young Mothers

    "JACKSON, Miss., June 7 (Reuters) - Mississippi will require doctors to collect umbilical cord blood from babies born to some young mothers, under a new law intended to identify statutory rapists and reduce the state's rate of teenage pregnancy, the highest in the country."

    Mississippi Law Will Require Collection Of Umbilical Blood From Babies Born To Young Mothers

    Austerity To Cost U.S. Economy 2 Million Jobs By 2019: Study

    "Austerity isn't just hurting the U.S. economy right now -- the damage is going to last for many years."

    Read link below: 

    Austerity To Cost U.S. Economy 2 Million Jobs By 2019: Study

    Biblical Marriage Not Defined Simply As One Man, One Woman: Iowa Religious Scholars' Op-Ed

    "The Bible's definition of marriage can be confusing and contradictory, noted the scholars. They stated in their column that a primary example of this is the religious book's stance on polygamy, a practice that was embraced by prominent biblical figures Abraham and David." 

    Read more from link below:
    Biblical Marriage Not Defined Simply As One Man, One Woman: Iowa Religious Scholars' Op-Ed

    Thursday, June 6, 2013

    Allen West: Obama Giving The 'Finger' To American People By Promoting Susan Rice

    Hey, Allen, look at this, I'm flipping you two fingers as an American Liberal!!
    Allen West: Obama Giving The 'Finger' To American People By Promoting Susan Rice

    Fischer: End Sexual Assault in the Military By Banning Women and Gays | Right Wing Watch

    Fischer: End Sexual Assault in the Military By Banning Women and Gays | 

    "Bryan Fischer has a pretty simple solution for solving the problem of sexual assault in the military: ban women and gays..."

    "Fischer then went on to call for gays to likewise be banned from the military, and did so by misrepresenting an [op-ed link] from the New York Times to claim that 90%..."

    Monday, March 18, 2013

    RNC Growth And Opportunity Project Report: Voters See GOP As 'Scary,' 'Narrow Minded'

    RNC Growth And Opportunity Project Report: Voters See GOP As 'Scary,' 'Narrow Minded'

    "Being the Party of The Religious-Right is not mentioned as a problem area but it is a most severe problem Rethugs have, followed by its embrace of the TeaParty extremists, two real problems they can't shake, nor do they deserve to shake,  so long, good bye, Repubs, and take  Sen. Cruz and Santorum with you!"--ABratt

    Sunday, March 10, 2013

    New Family Structures Study Intended To Sway Supreme Court On Gay Marriage, Documents Show

    New Family Structures Study Intended To Sway Supreme Court On Gay Marriage, Documents Show

    This Biblically defined marriage between one man, one woman is based on an errant book of basically ancient myths from ancient civilizations--a thorn in the side of progress toward a better life for all in the now modern day world. No God would condone what is happening to people today based on religious dogma. Only man is to blame for creating such a monster. --ABratt

    Monday, March 4, 2013

    A Republican Civil War in the Old Dominion?

    A Republican Civil War in the Old Dominion?: Virginia is ground zero in the Republican correction process. Virginia voted Republican in every presidential election from 1968 to 2004. It has now gone twice for Barack Obama.

    Any Christian-Right presence in the State of Virginia governance is a bad-news-bear! Period!!--ABratt

    Sunday, March 3, 2013

    Paul Krugman: Republicans 'Just Won't Take Yes For An Answer'

    Paul Krugman: Republicans 'Just Won't Take Yes For An Answer'

    ABratt's favorite public comment from this article:

    "The GOPers have been stringing Obama along from the beginning, pretending to be dealing in good faith when their strategy all along was to tie him up in endless negotiations whose failure could then be imputed to his inability to lead. To a remarkable degree, however, it hasn't worked and, as doubtful as the future seems, Obama's position is the stronger of the two. To the extent that the economy continues to grow, or even hold its own, he will get the credit for it. To the extent that it slips back into recession the culprits will just as clearly be the Republicans. And with the party in disarray there will be blood in the water."

    Friday, March 1, 2013

    Spotlighting Dark Side Tupelo MS: AFAs Project 2026: Gays, Muslims, Atheists, Humanists Destroying America

    …’the four groups that are actively working to secularize and destroy America: humanists, atheists, militant homosexuals, and Muslims.’–Fischer, McFarland..

    It would have been more accurate if Fischer and McFarland had said the current (4) secular organizations are fighting the christian right-wing extremists to continue to maintain America’s Existing Secular Government  against the current wave of Christian Fundamentalist Theology destruction. –ABratt     
    “American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer spoke yesterday with fellow AFA radio host Alex McFarland about Project 2026, which McFarland explained is a long-term initiative to save America from annihilation at the hands of ‘the four groups that are actively working to secularize and destroy America: humanists; atheists; militant homosexuals; and Muslims.”’

    Friday, February 22, 2013

    Tim Tebow Attacked By American Family Association For Canceling Anti-Gay Church Appearance

    Tim Tebow Attacked By American Family Association For Canceling Anti-Gay Church Appearance

    "The American Family Association (AFA) attacked NFL player Tim Tebow for canceling an appearance at an anti-gay church, claiming that he "caved" to the 'liberal media' and has lost his 'street cred.' Readers, in turn, slammed the conservative group for its response."

    Thursday, February 21, 2013

    NRA President Speaks Out On Gun Control Measures

    NRA President Speaks Out On Gun Control Measures

    "There's a show-down coming between the American Public and the NRA! Win, lose, or draw, the NRA will no longer be the powerful organization that it is today. The NRA president has reminded us all of how powerful they intend to be politically. That comment, folks, was their Waterloo, the Straw that broke their backs! Let it be their final boast, their final breath of political power, and let it be final matching the finality of those 26 victims of the Sandy Hook massacre!"--ABratt  

    Monday, February 18, 2013

    Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal - TIM WILDMON Defining values seen necessary

    "It is a healthy exercise to ask ourselves where we get our moral values that govern our lives. Is it each person for himself, or do we acknowledge a higher power with authority to declare such?"--Tim Wildmon

    Read more:Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal - TIM WILDMON Defining values seen necessary

    Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal - TIM WILDMON Defining values seen necessary

    Friday, February 15, 2013

    Lawrence Krauss, Physicist, Claims Teaching Creationism Is Child Abuse And 'Like The Taliban' (VIDEO)

    Lawrence Krauss, Physicist, Claims Teaching Creationism Is Child Abuse And 'Like The Taliban' (VIDEO)

    "...then it is like the Taliban at some level, which is an extreme form of child abuse,' Krauss said. 'The Taliban doesn’t want girls to be educated or people to be educated because if they do they’ll understand the myths that they are learning are crap.”'--Krauss

    Question to commentor:

    You say science is just a theory. Believing that, how do you plan to convince the world that Creationism is science when right straight off the bat in the first five pages of the Creation Story in Genesis there are two separate and distinct versions of it?

    Do you think that people will want to fly in an a jet airliner crisscrossing the skies at high altitudes and jet-age speeds built on Creationist Science from the two versions of Creation handed down to man by a mythical, personal  God?--ABratt      

    Monday, February 11, 2013

    Friday, February 8, 2013

    Spotlighting The AFA "Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS, An Otherwise All American City

    Spotlighting The AFA "Dark Side" Of Tupelo MS...

    Fischer: Obama Is 'Filled With Arrogance,' Believes That He Knows Better Than God | Right Wing Watch

    Ahlin: Radicals in Legislature push ‘personhood’ bills | INFORUM | Fargo, ND

    Ahlin: Radicals in Legislature push ‘personhood’ bills | INFORUM | Fargo, ND

    The Republican War On Women Marches Right Along In North Dakota!--AB

    "Not one, not two, but three 'personhood' bills have been introduced in the North Dakota Legislature. Actually, altogether there are seven bills that are abortion related. It appears the extreme social conservatives in the Republican Party believe that if they throw enough bad legislation out there, something will pass."

    Wednesday, January 23, 2013

    Rand Paul Says Obama's Inaugural Address Alluded to Hugo Chavez | Right Wing Watch

    Rand Paul Says Obama's Inaugural Address Alluded to Hugo Chavez | Right Wing Watch

    When I read a news post about Rand Paul I'm reminded of how strikingly similar he looks and acts like the people who played in Burt Reynold's classic movie of mountain people in a state where the results of incestuous activity among its same-family members: "Deliverance incest gone wrong..."--ABratt

    Thursday, January 17, 2013

    Republican Gov [Phil Bryant] Calls for Unconstitutional Remedy to Obama's Executive Orders

    Republican Gov Calls for Unconstitutional Remedy to Obama's Executive Orders

    "In a letter dated Jan 16 to his Lt. Governor and State Speaker, the Republican governor [Phil Bryant] requests that they 'immediately pass legislation that would make any 'unconstitutional' order 'infringing on our rights to keep and bear arms' by the President illegal to enforce in Mississippi..."

    Read the complete post here...

    Wednesday, January 16, 2013

    NRA Ad Targeting Obama Family Draws White House Response: 'Repugnant And Cowardly'

    NRA Ad Targeting Obama Family Draws White House Response: 'Repugnant And Cowardly'

    The NRA would be scared out of their pants if something bad happened to Obama's kids related to their despicable rant. They would find out right away how many anti-assault weapons advocates there are in America and how willing they would be take the NRA crowd on and squelch their angry rhetoric forever.The NRA where ignorance is bliss and intelligence AMISS! --ABratt

    Obama Record On Deficit Reduction Solid, Contrary To GOP, [Fundies] Squawking

    By Jason Easley, Jan. 12, 2013, Link re-posted by ABratt's Perspectives Jan. 16, 2013.

    Rachel Maddow:

    "You would never know it from the way the deficit peacocks are crowing against this administration, but the deficit is now more that two hundred billion dollars smaller than it was when President Obama first took office. We are currently witnessing the fastest deficit reduction in this country since the end of World War II...." 

    Read the complete article here...


    "Armed with facts, Rachel Maddow completely obliterated the great Republican lie that President Obama has blown up the deficit."

    Problem is, some Conservative American Talibanists, aka American Family Association's Tim Wildmon, in particular representing the "Dark Side" of Tupelo, MS, continue to lie incessantly about President Obama's handling of the deficit, including other talking points he conjures up in his anti-Obama obsession.

    Here is a recent article Wildmon submitted to the Tupelo, MS Daily Journal where he writes a Sunday editorial page column:   

    I am not so sure that President Obama is not intentionally trying to bankrupt the United States of America. I know I am not supposed to say that out loud, but I am just looking at how the man behaves.

    When a problem like our country’s debt is spiraling out of control – and economists and serious thinkers on both sides of the political spectrum warn against the coming calamity due to the debt – and Obama shows absolutely no interest in trying to cut or even slow down the borrowing and spending, it does make one wonder what his motives are....
    Read the complete post here...

    Monday, January 14, 2013

    Brandon G. Withrow: Why Do Some Theologians Blame The Victim?

    Brandon G. Withrow: Why Do Some Theologians Blame The Victim?

    Christian Fundies Need A Scapegoat, a Tax-exempt Status and an Ignorant Following to Survive!--ABratt

    Income Tax Could Be Eliminated By Many Republican-Controlled States

    Income Tax Could Be Eliminated By Many Republican-Controlled States

    The Red/Republican/Teapotty staters are primarily the ones that are always threatening secession. So, why not just start (NOW) to plan how to redraw the state boundaries and finalize the Liberal States of America and the Conservative States of America. Each division with its own government, its own laws, its own infrastructure, its own legal system, its own religions or no religion, its own military, tax code etc, etc.. To each his/her own. Do it now, peacefully, before we embark on another War Between the States! --ABratt

    Thursday, January 10, 2013

    Buster Wilson: 'There is Nobody Out There that is Any More Hateful' than 'Big Gay' Bloggers | Right Wing Watch

    Buster Wilson: 'There is Nobody Out There that is Any More Hateful' than 'Big Gay' Bloggers | Right Wing Watch

    Wrong Again, Buster. It's most likeky that the modern  word,  "Hate," was coined from the activities of "Big  Homophobia", the American Taliban Right-Wing Activists from the AFA's "Dark Side" of  Tupelo, MS, an otherwise All American Mississippi City.--AB  

    Republican Party Path Back From 2012 Election Requires Shift In Culture, Not Just Tactics

    As long as the GOPERS continue to cater to the demands of the religious right-wing crowd, they will continue on a  downward spiral. And, that will be very difficult to reverse based on how they are structured at this time in history."--ABratt 

    Republican Party Path Back From 2012 Election Requires Shift In Culture, Not Just Tactics

    Bryan Fischer Defends Scott Lively, Supporter Of 'Kill The Gays' Bill

    ABratt's Perspectives: Spotlighting The "Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS.

    ABratt's Comment to about this post:

    "Yes, the AFA and Wildmon clan should also be in the WEIRD NEWS. Homophobic Weirdos representing the 'Dark Side' of Tupelo, MS, an otherwise All American City."    

    Read the complete article/comments here...
    Bryan Fischer Defends Scott Lively, Supporter Of 'Kill The Gays' Bill (VIDEO)

    Saturday, January 5, 2013

    American Family Association Warns Christians Of Bigotry, Family Unit Ruin, A Muslim Preasident

    Introduction to Main Article:

    ABratt's Perspectives: Spotlighting AFA's Don Wildmon, Founder Of The "Dark Side" Of Tupelo, MS, An Otherwise "All American City".

    There are two subjects that Rev. Wildmon included in his warning message to his Wildmonites, his Followers, his Members,  that really caught my undivided attention: "Bigotry" and "Muslim President".(see Main Article below)

    "Bigotry" is a word that Wildmon knows all too well. It is a word that has come to define his own life-style, his life's-work,  his own mind-set, his life's-resume'. And, it's all documented for those who seek to know about the man and his organization, AFA, "American Family Association." Don's Bigotry is manifest in his array of anti-prefixed groups of people across the entire globe: anti-black (President Obama, for example), has been on the Wildmon's well-documented hate-list since the day he announced his first-black, first-term presidential campaign. And, in addition, there is Tim's and Don's and their AFA associates connection with the racist, white-supremacists Council Of Conservative Citizens. Google the subject and see what you can find out about the Wildmon Boys' Agenda and the tax-subsidized AFA they founded to insure that agenda was well established and functioning for eternity if that possibility was in the future.

    Then, there is the most prominent 'anti' the anti-GLBT agenda. This is their greatest 'anti' category. It has, no doubt, been a lucrative campaign through the years. Wildmon's AFA gave $500,000 to help in the anti-gay fight known as Proposition 8 in California. Apparently, Donations from their AFA backers knows no bounds. And, then, there is the tax-exempt advantage to religious groups like the AFA who claim to be performing "God's Will, God's Work."  Which, in my opinion, is HUMBUG at its finest!-- AB


    Main Article:

    "American Family Association Warns Christians Of Bigotry, Family Unit Ruin, a Muslim President."

    By Cavan Sieczkowski, HP, 1-3-2013, Re-posted By ABratt's Perspectives Blog 1-06-2013.

     “What will religion look like in the year 2060?," according to Think Progress. The message was written by Donald Wildmon, the founder and chairman of the AFA.

    ABratt wants to share his favorite Web Comment on  Rev. Don  Wildmon's E-mail Message:

    "Just more hysteria and playing"the persecution card". The

    minute someone puts the brakes on their ability to

    discriminate, no matter how lightly those brakes are applied,

    the Religious Reichers start whining "persecution". They are

    afraid of a world, or at least a United States, in which they

    no longer rule the roost and can no longer walk all over those

    they have been historically been able to. I would welcome an

    America in which their influence is greatly diminished. They'll
    still be able to go to church, read their bible, pray, and do
    everything they do now, except trying to deny others the rights
    they so jealously guard for themselves. Jerks like Wildmon are
    scared to death at the thought that someone might turn around
    and treat them as they have treated others-LGBT, women, black,
    latinos, Native Americans, Muslims, etc. It would serve them
    right if they did, but I hae more faith in America than they
    do. However white dominance is coming to an end in the US and
    people like the AFA will just have to learn to live with it."

    Ioan Lightoller Commented 1 day ago